The US military is an unstoppable juggernaut. They have 10 naval carrier groups all over the world. I think second place has two. They have the ability to exercise their power anywhere in the world at any time. The largest air force in the world is the US air force and the second largest is the US navy. They are the most powerful military force to ever exist on the earth. 600+ billion dollars a year. Its fucking insane.
The US military is an unstoppable juggernaut. They have 10 naval carrier groups all over the world...
oh ya? whats 10 boats gonna do against 1 million chinese fishing vessels?
How high are you bro
Sail by them very fast and capsize all 1 million
Ignore them?
Yet we consistently lose wars to gooks and cave people
Launch planes to spray chemtrails, leaf.
Because we're consistently held back by our politicians. We could have nuked Russia, and China before they got powerful, while they were still weak. We could have done a land invasion of Northern Vietnam, but the politicians were more worried about their political careers. Sure, had we invaded, it would have been the Korean War 2.0 with the Chinese, but now we'll never know for sure. And the cave niggers? That's an easy one. It's because our politicians think it's better to win hearts and minds instead of blowing their minds away.
no its not its a rotted infested judaic faggot heel of retards and schizo mossad led scum with zero credibility, they all must be physically exterminated
former 0311 here
fuck them
Don't arms races lead to more war?