I know he’s a Q shill and I hate something about him that i can’t put my finger on. But i can’t lie I watch every single one of his videos. He doesn’t get over the top, he’s not really political, he simply researches. Jordan Sather, if you’re out there, you seem like a genuine fucking guy. I’m probably the only zoomer in your boomer senpai base.
Jordan Sather MEGAthread
Other urls found in this thread:
sather is based
why shill ur trash here u faggot lipped bitch
Dont. not the right way to gather the information you're interested in.
pic related. and you know it.
Possibly the gayest thing I’ve ever read on here.
I too am a homosexual OP
why am i glowing? i’m from fucking indiana and i’m 20. you people are truly schizophrenic. wanna know who glows? people that suppress research. fuck yo, kike rat.
i’m not fucking gay asshole
sather is a fucking G and a beast
>Jordan Sather, if you’re out there, you seem like a genuine fucking guy
Sure buddy, you'll come creeping out the closet one day, your just not ready yet.
kek, this is why like the sather fan base. redpilled and comfortable in their own skin. the new Jow Forums.
did you graduate high school in 68?
wow what a cute twink, u think he'd like a 69 with a thicc boi?
this. sage and reported
can a mod ban this faggot thanks
why do you feel the need to slide every thread? you’re the real cia glow nigger. fuck you forreal. sather rules.
why? it’s bettee than your bbc threads, asian threads, owen benjamin, molyneaux and jimmy dore cock sucking threads. bite me coon.
Yeah he really looked based on comedy central
you glow like a pregnant woman except for cocks, face it, you're a homosexual.
hey it's okay, at least your not attracted to niggers, you got that going for ya, here's a free bump on your thread homobro.
he exposed jefferies.
>dry ego filled voice
you really think that’s comedy?
>replies to himself
sage in all fields
fair enough user. i just want conversation, my real life is all blabble from my friends talking about rap and when i come here it’s all babble about black cock. i want to see you guys do research and help along the way.
i did that unironically because i checkmated his dumbass
that was pretty cringe, I know it was edited but damn some of the shit they were saying was retarded
Im not sure if you're aware but we got spammed by q posts for like a year until it was memed out of existence, the migapedes learned to not talk about that shit anymore now they just focus on calling everyone shareblue & trannies.
my boomer mother was obsessed with Q for a while until the reality of trump kiking the goyim & cucking on everything except shit that helped niggers & israel got so difficult to ignore & so out of wack with the q posts that she finally conceded that it was a government psyop.
it's a distraction, if someone isn't naming the jew they're either retarded or being intentionally misleading ala alex jones.
although I do believe we're fucked & there's no hope at all for us so I won't judge you for popping blue Q pills, the end result is the same anyway.
please kill yourself and your shit channel you fucking faggot. sage
>if someone isn't naming the jew
Try a few cowardly C_rAnians and a Chinese spectator, sweetie~
Pic related are all a bunch of loveable dorks who are just stumbling around in the dark trying to figure it out. They are pretty harmless. As such, I suspect at least one of these three will one day get too close to some truth somewhere and end up necktied. It's sad, actually.
OP is Jordan Sather...he's a fucking fame fag.. If it weren't for the chans, fool would have only 3K followers.
He more rode Q's coattails, like a lot of these Qtubers, but hey, the market was there. People wanted their Qtube. That being said, Jordan Sather is a bonafide star, so get used to his deep blue eyes, you'll be seeing a lot more of them in the next 30 years.
The bald mexican guy in the video is an actual famefag. I don't believe Sather's ever come on here namefagging. The other guy, you've probably seen, Anjel Gay or something like that, posting links to his youtube channel and shit lately. I suspect he'll probably drop by this thread actually.
Say what you want about Sather, at least he's genuine. You ever ask who the fuck those other experts were? Anjel J is pretty gay though.
>q is actually real & related to Trump
yes I said that & he's still kiking the goyim & pushing things that hurt white people so... you get back to me when you can actually read what I said & somehow make a defense of trump letting the third world flood into the country.
ill set my clock to never because you're clearly retarded & illiterate.
also you really are radiating homosexuality, I wasn't kidding when I said that, gushing over a twink & promoting a jewish "dont do anything goyim, president kushner is gonna arrest his fellow jews don't you worry!" is just icing on the cake, I regret bumping your faggot thread sage
what a fucking piece of shit faggot, having to shill his own thread here. Replying to your own posts doesn't bump shit you fucking retard. Sage and cringe
>I regret bumping your faggot thread
Haha, ouch.
boomer tier memes, pandering to Q crowds, twink
how much do boomers pay you to suck their shriveled smegma covered cocks you faggot
do the world a favor and kill yourself asap. sage and reported for extremely poor quality
you don't know what you're talking about or you're shilling for Sather. In the early days of Q, he was constantly posting his video's on 4 chan, even talked about the abuse he got from anons on CBTS. He's became a fame fag and anyone who follows him is low IQ
If that's true, then that's pretty homo.
I’m a millennial fan. Jordan’s cool.
Da fuq is this
That's a really good point. I heard that discussed on Hrafnvolk Network.