Other urls found in this thread:
more proof of BASED STEFAN
Turdan Turdyneux has been coming to Jow Forums for close to a decade and he still held out against the kike question for this long. He doesn't deserve our praise he deserves ridicule.
kys achmed
I wanna see "The Truth about the Holohoax"
What did Molyneux mean by this?
All memes aside. How is he getting away with this?
He's reaching levels of wokeness that should not even possible.
Pic related is what Molymeme was saying a few months ago...
A few more weeks and he's invited to talk with Strike and Mike, a few more months and he's ready to start the Third Reich 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Because he's quoting netanyahu
Qanon - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Stefan Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist
Jesse Lee Peterson - Zionist
Brenton Tarrant - Zionist
Nigel Farage - Zionist
Ezra Levant - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
James o Keefe - Zionist
He's so fucking based. It's incredible to see this. He's redpilling fucking tens of thousands of people. This is literally perfect. THANK YOU, STEFAN!
Bullshit. Yes, most of them are Zionists, but there are obvious non-Zionists on that list:
Stefan Molyneux - Wut?
JF - Naming the Jews occasionally
Kevin MacDonald - Wut?
David Duke - Wut?
Jared Taylor - a bit kosher (just a boomer), but definitely not a Zionist
Patrick Little - Wut?
Brenton Tarrant
Doesn't surprise me to see this stupid list from a (((memeflag))). You do nothing but muddy the waters. But your time is running out, and you know it. Things are accelerating. There's no way for you to stop the goyvalanche now.
HOLY SHIT. this is how it happens. I remember the ideological progression that I went through during my red-pill experience and trip down the rabbit hole of Jewish supremacy. He is not on the path to enlightenment on the JQ. There is no escape. The destination is always the same. All we need is time and patience now. BASED
I can't disagree with him
good God Molymeme has broken the conditioning
This would be amazing
Jesus the kikes must be bleeding from their assholes after that one
what have you guys done? first Owen Benjamin and now Molymeme? What made the red pill so much more effective so quickly?
Let me guess... Hadrian and Trajan was also Zionist, right?
Idk, but there's a reason why 3/4 of this board is shilling now.
Absolute madlad. It would be sweet if he linked up with Pat Little and/or Pastor Anderson.
Most likely a combination of factors, the insanity of the left and its being pusged most fervently and headed mostly by jews certainly increases its effectiveness by a huge margin.
>(white supremacist ideology) Hatred of (non-Jewish) whites by Jews.
owen was the niggest suprise. Last I saw him was on crowder going "ha ya man aren't these far leftists insane!?"
Then months later I see he's livestreaming on his own channel and think cool, I'll catch up with funny guy owen "ITS THE JEWS MAN IDK WHY EVERYONE CANT SEE IT! ITS OBVIOUS!"
lol the change was so sudden and he'd fallen so hard it was amazing lol
we showed the world who the strong horse was. RIP 8 chan, may it rise again.
>Reason and evidence ultimately lead to right wing views
wew lads
>What did Molyneux mean by this?
R u daft? Feminism is a part of cultural marxism, cultural marxism is jewish just like economic marxism.
Based. I used to doubt this man but he's brought his A game lately
They become more blatant as it all comes crashing down around the.
He posts this in every thread so that people would take the bait and bump the thread by responding to him
Spiderman - Zionist
H.P. Lovecraft - Zionist
Mike from My Pillow - Zionist
Me - Zionist
You - Zionist
Your mom - Zionist
Adolf Hitler - Zionist
Daft Punk - Zionist
Hassan Rouhani - Zionist
The Hezbollah - Zionist
Hamas - Zionist
Michael Jackson - Zionist
Plato - Zionist
>1) Stefan Molyneux
>2) ???
>3) ???
>4) ???
>5) ???
>6) Nicholas Fuentes
>7) ???
>8) ???
>9) ???
>10) ???
Absolutely based.
kys achmed
are you jewish
he'll be banned before the 2020 american presidential election
Hes the most famous Canadian guy that hasn't moved to the US.
You can't ban him until hes done making up for Beiber.
What is that text from?
He wants to be banned. Think about it.
His ban would cause a huge pr problem
Reaching this stage is a long time coming for every intelligent person.
Stefan has proven his commitment to the rabbit hole of truth.
He's on level 19.
If he survives, he's about to get to level 20 and see it's only just begun.
He knows how not to get banned. Same with Ramzpaul. The key is to be a sober empiricist.
It's fake, see
youre not so bright
That's one reason Christianity will again be the saving grace. Religious protections.
found the lowest iq user
You finally broke him Jow Forums, I hope you're happy now...
Slowly,I began to hate them
I told him not to come here...
I really want a nice copy of that book unedited
איכא דמתני לה להא דרב הונא אהא דתני רב יוסף (שמות כב, כד) אם כסף תלוה את עמי את העני עמך עמי ונכרי עמי קודם עני ועשיר עני קודם ענייך ועניי עירך ענייך קודמין עניי עירך ועניי עיר אחרת עניי עירך קודמין
There are those who teach that which Rav Huna said in connection with that which Rav Yosef taught: The verse states: “If you lend money to any of My people, even to the poor person who is with you” (Exodus 22:24). The term “My people” teaches that if one of My people, i.e., a Jew, and a gentile both come to borrow money from you, My people take precedence. The term “the poor person” teaches that if a poor person and a rich person come to borrow money, the poor person takes precedence. And from the term: “Who is with you,” it is derived: If your poor person, meaning one of your relatives, and one of the poor of your city come to borrow money, your poor person takes precedence. If it is between one of the poor of your city and one of the poor of another city, the one of the poor of your city takes precedence.
ומצאתה דאתא לידיה משמע - ואפילו הכי אחיך ולא עובד כוכבים ולא תימא כי מיעט רחמנא עובד כוכבים היכא דלא אתאי לידיה דישראל לא מיחייב למטרח עלה ולאהדורה אבל אתא לידיה מיחייב להחזירה דאבידתו אסורה:
Find it indicates it come into ones hands.... And even with this, we are refering to a Jew and not an idolater. So that you should not say " When did the Torah exclude Goyim from having their lost items returned to them? When that they are not in the hands of a Jew that is when you don't have to struggle to return the lost object. But when the lost item comes into ones hands your obligated to return it and his lost object is forbidden for you to keep".
ולא והתניא היה רבי מאיר אומר מנין שאפילו עובד כוכבים ועוסק בתורה שהוא ככהן גדול תלמוד לומר (ויקרא יח, ה) אשר יעשה אותם האדם וחי בהם כהנים לוים וישראלים לא נאמר אלא האדם הא למדת שאפילו עובד כוכבים ועוסק בתורה הרי הוא ככהן גדול
The Gemara asks: And are they not rewarded for fulfilling those mitzvot? But isn’t it taught in a baraita that Rabbi Meir would say: From where is it derived that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? The verse states: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a person do, and shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). It is not stated: Priests, Levites, and Israelites, but rather the general term “person.” From here you learn that even a gentile who engages in the study of Torah is like a High Priest. This demonstrates that gentiles are rewarded for fulfilling mitzvot, despite the fact that they are not commanded to do so.
wtf I hate Zionism now, memeflag!
I must admit, I never thought i would see the day that one of them would actually have the balls to call out the jews. Still waiting for PJW to do the same but he's probably too scared
אלא לומר לך שאין מקבלין עליהם שכר כמצווה ועושה אלא כמי שאינו מצווה ועושה דאמר ר' חנינא גדול המצווה ועושה יותר משאינו מצווה ועושה
Rather, the verse serves to tell you that they do not receive as great a reward for their fulfillment as one who is commanded and performs a mitzva. Rather, they receive a lesser reward, like that of one who is not commanded and still performs a mitzva. As Rabbi Ḥanina says: Greater is one who is commanded to do a mitzva and performs it than one who is not commanded and performs it.
ואמר ר' יוחנן עובד כוכבים שעוסק בתורה חייב מיתה שנאמר (דברים לג, ד) תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה לנו מורשה ולא להם
And Rabbi Yoḥanan says: A gentile who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty; as it is stated: “Moses commanded us a law [torah], an inheritance of the congregation of Jacob” (Deuteronomy 33:4), indicating that it is an inheritance for us, and not for them.
>walking down the street with normalfag friends
>ignore some off-hand anti-white comment one of them makes
>*blocks your path*
>"What did you just say, you statist?"
>"Do you support the use of force against me?"
What do?
וליחשבה גבי שבע מצות מ"ד מורשה מיגזל קא גזיל לה מאן דאמר מאורסה דינו כנערה המאורסה דבסקילה
The Gemara challenges: But if so, let the tanna count this prohibition among the seven Noahide mitzvot. The Gemara explains: According to the one who says that the verse is referring to the Torah as an inheritance, this prohibition is included in the prohibition of robbery, as a gentile who studies Torah robs the Jewish people of it. According to the one who says that the verse is referring to the Torah as betrothed, as the spelling of the Hebrew word for betrothed [me’orasa], is similar to that of the word for inheritance [morasha], the punishment of a gentile who studies Torah is like that of one who engages in intercourse with a betrothed young woman, which is execution by stoning.
Stefan has transcended from mediocre to absolute legend.
What a guy.
תנו רבנן אין מוכרין להן תריסין וי"א מוכרין להן תריסין מ"ט אילימא משום דמגנו עלייהו אי הכי אפילו חיטי ושערי נמי לא אמר רב
§ The Sages taught: One may not sell shields [terisin] to gentiles, despite the fact that they are used for protection, not to attack others. And some say: One may sell shields to them. The Gemara asks: What is the reason behind the opinion that prohibits selling shields to gentiles? If we say it is because they protect them in wartime, if so, then even wheat and barley should not be sold to them. Rav said:
אי אפשר ה"נ
If it were possible to avoid selling produce to gentiles without internet curring their animosity, indeed it would be prohibited to sell them. Since limiting sales to gentiles to such an extent would cause great harm, it is only prohibited to sell them shields.
איכא דאמרי תריסין היינו טעמא דלא דכי שלים זינייהו קטלי בגוייהו ויש אומרים מוכרים להם תריסין דכי שלים זינייהו מערק ערקי אמר רב נחמן אמר רבה בר אבוה הלכה כיש אומרים
There are those who say: With regard to shields, this is the reason that one is not allowed to sell them to gentiles: As when their use of their weapon is finished in battle, they kill with these shields. And accordingly, the reason that some say in the baraita that one may sell shields to them is because they maintain that this is not a concern, as when their weapon is finished they flee, rather than use their shield as a weapon. Rav Naḥman says that Rabba bar Avuh says: The halakha is in accordance with the opinion cited as: Some say.
Finally he gets red pilled.
Is this guy still meming his NAP? That shit only works with IQ 100+ people who are willing to play by the same rules you do. What a dolt.
>Turdan Turdyneux has been coming to Jow Forums for close to a decade and he still held out against the kike question for this long. He doesn't deserve our praise he deserves ridicule.
This. He used to spam his videos on /new/ years ago as well.
You - Zionist
Some of these are just ridiculous.
In what way is David Duke a zionist? Almost everything he's ever said proves you wrong. Pure nonsense.
Sam Harris? He said zionists should be dragged out of the settlements by their beards, and he said the jews brought the holocaust on themselves. I don't think he's a zionist. He's many things, but he's not a zionist.
Molymeme sides with the palestinians. Not a zionist.
You need to sort your list out, mate.
It's a troll, dummy..
Is he fucking kidding us?
>defending yourself against demographic replacement is a violation of the non aggression principle goy!
Still cucked.
>Ann Coulter - Zionist
Seriously ?
Shit... I took the bait...
Divide and conquer jew shill detected. What next? Going to say he isn't white enough?
Meme flag hiding a divide and conquer jew shill. Tell us who is and isn't white enough now uncle Moshe!
>TFW you've broken your conditioning
it's hard to do, suddenly realising it's all one big fat kike lie
Goodbye career. Lol.
The change took a year tbf, It was all thanks to viewers on his earliest streams giving him redpill recommendations. There were Jow Forumsacks in his early chats
This. He looked shaky, but reason took him where it takes anyone who dares follow.
NAP goes against affirmative action and allows for voluntary self segregation on whatever grounds you choose to
Yes, unfortunately. I don't think he'll ever let that one go.
lel holy shit, only a matter of time before these hatefacts get him (((shut down)))
NAP also allows you to sell kids heroin and starve your children to death because children are considered property.
lel even here he refuses to really condemn white nationalism, he just says it bad if it's forced upon you, which could be applied to any ideology.
Notice how he added the caveat of “forced” to white nationalism. Molyneux wants into the ethnostate.
No it doesn’t, you fucking retard.
The tide of antisemitism arrives.
wtf? how did pol play a part in this?
So noticing that something is odd is now "antisemitism"
He's had NAME THE JEW replies / redpills to his tweets for ages
Trump saying "America first" probably made a big impact in the grand scheme of things, because people wondered: if we haven't been putting our own nation first, then who HAVE we been putting first all this time? Then all these people in the media, all from the same ethnicity, say that putting your own nation first is anti-Semitic, and they see who our policies have benefited all this time and it all clicks.
Stefan really is based & redpilled
I too believe its a violation of the non-aggression principle
hans, I...
imagine if Jow Forums redpills the glow in the dark gang on the jews