What should the age of consent be?

Alright faggots, I am genuinely curious what the consensus is on here on what the age of consent is. There are a lot of puritanical people on here, yet a fair share of diddlers here as well.

So for that, I made a Straw Poll and am opening this thread up for discussion based off the results.

What should the age be and why do you feel the way you do? Please expand on your argument.

Strawpoll Link Here: strawpoll.me/18535439

Attached: teen.jpg (680x1024, 362K)

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Hello, glownigger.

If they're old enough to crawl, they're old enough to get on all fours.

I think it’s a balance of sexual development and brain development. I honestly think it should be a high age in today’s society to protect women from themselves. in a more structured society, I believe that the AOC should be after puberty.

If he age is on the clock, she's old enough for the cock.


Her age

What consent? Muhammad says you marry her at 6, then do thighing, and rape her at 9.

Attached: holyfuck.jpg (368x435, 58K)

