No asteroids, nowhere

raters everywhere.

Now even a google search about asteroids shows no asteroids.

Where are they?

Usually an asteroid would hit us in an angle and not come straight down as the craters show.

Could it be waterdrops all along?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for real answers.

>imagine being this stupid

This feels like a shitty slide thread but people find asteroids all the fucking time what are you on about?

what happens in nepal

Gas yourself. Or give me your home address and I’ll gas you. I carry a portable gassing unit for on site gassings

those are nukes from mars back then

Shills everywhere.
Don't fall for them.
Everything is 'crazy' until proven.

Weapon marks left by ancient humans.

There is at least something - a crater.
There are not any major "craters", corpses after the holohoax, and the jewish population increased worldwide while it "happened".

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This place is getting more retarded by the second. Are we being flooded with ChiCom shitposters? Take a look at the catalogue, half the posts are barely legible, and even the simple ones have spelling mistakes and weird grammar.

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The asteroidcaust didn't happen

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yeah were?
and noone takes a picture of an asteroid?

what tha fucks happens at paypal?

you not gonna do shit you bitch

Well, this looks like a nice clean thread empty of all shills, time to start dropping massive red pills.

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Mined out already. Space rocks are ussually more than just "rock". Metals. Rare ores. The arrows from JoJo. Rare shit.

The craters have been there for millions of years in some cases, different weather patterns have changed their shape. Also why do you type like that? Just make a paragraph

Yhe thunderbolt rules all.

Google plasma cosmoligy

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nigger logic

I'm trying faggot

There are still teeth being found from WWI every spring, but no reported findings from the 6 million. Why? It didn't happen. There weren't even 3,5 million jews in Europe in 1939 - and 1,5 were still alive and happy in Europe after. Jews just report all the millions of jews who moved away from their homecountries without coming back as casulties. Even if they just moved from Poland to USA, or Germany to France, or France to Portugal, or Norway to Sweden, or Netherlands to South Africa, or Hungary to Russia.

The jews got "exterminated" but somehow got their own nation afterwards and increased the jew population in USA, Russia, Canada, etc etc by millions. Not so with the Germanics from the eastern regions, they are actually gone.

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>Hur durr I don't understand that an anasteroid is called a meterorite once it hits earth so my Google search pulled up nothing.

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i can only see gatekeepers comment how OP is stupid, but i am generally intrigued where is the rock? can somone actually explain it to me with REAL evidence and not some Anti-vax mom science tier answer. Thanks :)

If you a rock hits sand, you cant see the crater unless you remove the rock.

And rocks are here for billions of years, how can asteroids vaporize that quick?

So ia ssume this craters are made by waterdrops thatswhy we cant find anything asteroid like anywhere, cause it doesnt exist.

Asteroids dont fucking exist, or there would be at least 1 image of 1 on the internet.

I know if i see an asteroid i take a piccture, now i assume im the only person on this plane tthat does that, however i was just unlucky to find 1, yeah right.


regular stuffs as in your country but of lower quality

Wrong reply sorry fren

Search meteorite you retard.

and make your own holohaox thread

we talking asteroids over here and we trying to find out where tha fuck are they.

Cause they aint on google and they are not inside the crater they caused

So where tha fuck are tehy?

Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.


Electric universe theories explain shit like that beautifully. This is what made me believe of their truth.

Mainstream cosmological models are just useless for predicting, which is their only job. It's just a different form of pilpul now.

What if those craters were caused by comets and they vaporized on impact?

Unlike you, basement dwelling ass-fingering malingerer, I've been to Barringer's crater. Unsurprisingly, the meteor itself exploded on impact. A very large fragment is housed on site at the museum. Numerous other fragments have been recovered, and it's thought a very large number are still buried in the (I think) southern wall of the crater.

You knew all that though. You're just posting a retarded slide thread.

asteroid meteorite same shit - no image of it
kys faggot

asteroid meteoroids and all of that doesnt exist, probably cause spacce doesnt exist

and all of these craters are hit in a 90° angle, however if they would hit earth they would have an angel of less than 90°, that shit would look more like it hits us sideways but these raters are in a 90° angle

so it looks to me, water is dripping down, thatswhy we dont fnd anything, cause water vaporizes but a vaporizing or burning rock, tha fuck out of here

>Op thinks asteroids hit the earth and just stick in the fucking ground.

They hit with the force of thousands of tons of TNT they blow into the air as dust and rocks and land all around.

what if they were made out of water?
water vaporizes but vaporizing rocks?

yeah, i know why you think that cause you on ccrack nigger and you think cause you think you an burna rock in your pipe that shit also burns real roks, hehe

bullshit, you just an asteroid shill

where are the images?

shorter, more on-point video

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-25 Impact Craters vs Electrical Discharge Craters Space News - YouTube.jpg (1220x674, 360K)

Sigh you could have been more subtle with your trolling but you went full retard.

I foudn ths just now on wikipedia

Scientists refer to the crater as Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer, who was first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite impact.[4] The crater is privately owned by the Barringer family through their Barringer Crater Company, which proclaims it to be the "best preserved meteorite crater on Earth"

they suggested it was a crater of a meteorite, and now they market it as metoerite crater but they still didnt find the meteorite

What a bunch of uneducated hogwash... I refuse the notion that people are actually stupid enough to believe in this.

Don’t fall for the shills that ask where the asteroids are?

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>but they still didnt find the meteorite

did they find all of the dirt that was originally in the hole?

SO this is what we have

- not 1 real image of earth
- not 1 real image of and asteroid, meteroite
- not 1 real image of a satelite

and NASA deleted all of theri moonlanding data.

But you beleive we live on a spinning ball that flys through vacum?

what tha fuk, dude

space is fake as fuck
and the ISS is not a spaceship its a fucking submarine hence teh water in the helmets of the astronauts.

So i assume we are floating in something and we have a dome and the dome is leaking sometimes and big waterdrops from outerspace are hitting us sometimes which vaporize after hitting our surfae.

And its not parts of the asteroids that fly around when we are hit, its simply rock amterial that is flying around because of the impact the waterdrop has

The asteroid shatters. That's why there are tons of iron ore near craters, you moron.

>refuse to leave the bubble of dogma, even if supported by Nobel prize laureates
I understand how you make Greenlanders so miserable now

user, it’s possible the asteroid buried under the dirt

I wish I was as high as this guy is right now.

If i can read that, so can a bot.

How does the government faking shit prove the earth is not a spinning ball in a vacuum?

He is uneducated and doesnt know about Foucault among other things.

what does /asteroid/ make of this?
I found it in pakistan. Its like a giant asteroid crater but missing sides.
30.484869, 67.671221

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It's an giant turd impact

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Ladies and gentlemen, burgerposting.

and noone digs it out breaks it up and sells it as necklace or jewellery?

dude ust wrap your mind around it, there are no asteroids, thawhs we see no images or anything of an asteroid or metorite or any of that, none

Edge is collapsed from weathering

All you have to do is have no life, be pissed off at everything, and then twist that into since governments have lied about shit before, everyone is lying about everything to protect a giant conspiracy, that only you can see, is the reason your life sucks. It’s not that hard really.

What the fuck are you still doing on this site?
It's been years and years.

look at it on google earth

and the asteroid was like fuck it i vaporize?

who the fuck wants to know?

and its not been years and years

these supposedly asteroids hit us almost every year, but you cant even get a hold off an asteroid that hit us in 2018

They do mine those areas though. Another user even mentioned iron ore. The asteroid isn’t the radius of the crater, it’s smaller but the impact blast out all the dirt. Like a cannonball in the pool. I’m on your side, I’ve never seen an asteroid either and don’t trust anything they say. If it’s not asteroids, you need to think of a reason for craters.

People fly supposedly to the moon mars and where not to get those space rocks, but none of these NASA people just goes to a crater and digs up an asteroid rock?

why spend 29.99 on a shovel in homedepot when you acn spend 300 trillion to send a rover on jupiter for the same rock.

And these asteroids might even be more exciting than a plane tthat stays on spot, those asteroids travelled through the whole universe, you never know what residues of whaterver you find on there, but nah thats to boring. kek

Can’t. Post a screencap

i assume its waterdrops, iron needs like 1300 degrees to melt hene vaporize, where on the surfae of our planet is that kind of temperature that makes an asteroid vaporize, let alone in a million of years, that shit got to vaporize that quik when it hits earth, i dont buy it.

Why can a rocket land after coming back from spae, that shit got to turn out in flames just driving by our planet.

Roks are way more heat resistent than any material used on a spaeship

Maybe it’s a rupture from underneath like a volcano

Really makes you think

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Jesus christ, you sound retarded

>think of a reason for craters.
Large scale electric discharges

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not all holes are made of asteroids retard. yamal sinkholes are because of earth gas

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>u dum
You ARE retarded on the other hand

>1300 degrees to melt hene vaporize
Maybe they really are old volcanoes then.
>Why can a rocket land after coming back from spae, that shit got to turn out in flames just driving by our planet
I think there’s a lot of bullshit coming from nasa and such. The atmospheric burn on reentry is suspect af. And let’s be real no rocket has made it to space yet.

When a meteorite hits earth, it creates a huge fucking explosion, so they don't create a trail and there's not gonna be a meteorite sitting in the middle of the crater, because it will have been blown into a thousand small pieces at impact, you dumbass nigger

even on this image the crater looks like something has hit this surface from a 90° angle

if an asteroid hits us, the rater would be more sideways.

This image an most other raters look like somthing just dropped down in a 90° angle

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however this crater looks kinda like something blew up underneath than dropping down

and noone has ever found those pieces and made an image of it?


rain does its work too

are you fucking retard
2013 meteorite in russia and thats one of the piece recovered

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Hold on now faggot, this guy has a nice explanation of gas making a sinkhole and now you’re doing a 180 to something falling out of the sky now?

I can only hang with you if don’t act like a self-indulgent faggot.

OP has a point. Where is the asteroid that created the crater? If the crater itself still exists millions of years later, wouldn't the meteor as well?

You're not even trying, are you?

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probably the same bullshit as this alleged moonroks

and look up the date feb 15 2013= 66

what a coincidence

and in billions of years, all they ome up with is this shitty rock?

and how you know what that is, are you a rock specialist?

there is a 9km crater in baltic sea and it threw big rocks on our islands

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but you dont know where these rocks come from?

if you on an island, they probabyl came up from the water surrounding that island

Come on that was a military shenanigans with flares and sonic booms and then they show us some fake rock. Psyop 100%

The MOON is the mystery. Pock marked with thousands of craters all( most) are direct straight hits, no angular impacts, plus the big mystery..... HOW do you get straight impacts on the moon that is tidal locked and facing Earth? Were they curve/swerve asteroids that went around the Earth the hit the moon straight on? Shouldnt be any straight on asteroid strikes on the face of the moon because the Earth is sheilding it.

Must be for falling this troll, nobody's this dumb

Yes i do, it came from the meteorite. Whole island is scattered with these meteoride rocks. Its 500m year old crater in baltic sea

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Moon got hit not too long ago blast was just enough to be seen with the naked eye

I tried watching Electric Universe - firts videos are compelling but it turns out later that they believe that Humans were created by God on the Moon Ganymede that orbited Jupiter when it was a star and then humans traveled to Earth via million kilometer webs of water that connected Ganymede and Earth and that Earth is actually planet from another star system just like the Sun and that humans were stolen from Mother Ganymede... its like scientology all over again. And they claim it based on the circles drawn in the caves. Its so retarded you want to hurt yourself

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damn, thats a good one.

So these craters on the earth most have ome from the earth? but there isn tmuch of a danger between earth and moon or they couldnt have anded on teh moon.

Damn maybe soemthing is flying between moon and earth and is shooting up stuff

thats a great point dude

What does the mass spec say tho. Pretty sure it's all just iron but you get weird ions sometimes.

Why are Danes so asshurt?

That is pretty strange