It's over. Europe is lost.
It's Over, the Jew has won
sega memeflaggot
memeflag nigger
>posting copy (((memeflag))) post
>double kikery
But listen up, Moshe. It's far, far from over. (pic related). You kikes know that as soon as the goyball starts rolling, there's no way for you to stop it. There's a huge goyvalanche coming. No one can save you.
You will do nothing but perish. Our African/Islamic/Aztec legions are in place. Billions strong.
You can't stop it. Enjoy the final moments.
Sega? SEGA???
I love it. The chutzpah is getting the best of you. Your biggest virtue is also your worst enemy. This is why you've failed 109 times, and it's exactly why you'll fail this time too. And you know what else? The entire West will go full 1488 on you when they smell the coffee. This time, there will be no one to save you. The chinks don't care, and the Russians don't care. Neither do any other shitskin nations. You are fucked.
ai's gonna unemploy everyone, and so people will be unhappy
if hey have any brains, they'll note that it's kikes in charge of all the ai
then something might actually happen, who knows
Fuck off
Your pic is fake btw
>In 1978, a pamphlet entitled The Hidden Tyranny included an interview conducted by Walter White with Rosenthal that claimed Jewish Americans had implemented a Protocols of the Elders of Zion style plan to take over the world. The pamphlet was republished in the 1990s and distributed in Idaho by the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, funded by wealthy entrepreneurs Vincent Bertollini and Carl E. Story.
> Tom Metzger reported in the White Aryan Resistance website "that interview never took place
It's over. Nothing will happen. European native will be outvoted within 15 years.
It's over.
It's far from over. Jews haven't had their surprise yet. Ignore op anons, keep the faith
One black death type plague can change all that
2% drop per year. Even in the UK where they leave the africanized EU their youth will be majority invader by 2030
Give up
>Give up
>Europe is lost
How does it feel knowing you'll share a massgrave with shitskins, Moshe?
>Whites will wake up! ANY DAY NOW!
I wish I still believed that
This is not the way it ends. The heroes are not all dead. The next time will be the last time.
This. Pathetic cattle.
Defeatism never got anyone anywhere except the grave user.
we fight
>tfw eventually Chinese liberation army boots will walk upon our shores to liberate us.
>And they will truly be liberators.
Europa is lost when the last Aryan man dies in defence of his Volk you nigger!
Seems like it. But giving up isn't an option, then you might aswell literally lay down and die. The only option is to try and fight back in whatever way you can
We just need a new Hitler
World IQ over the last few decades has actually increased has it not? I agree with you overall just curious if that stat is actually supported by anything.
Praise Jesus
You have already perished. Our slaves already outvote you.
demoralization slide thread detected!!!!!!111
memeflag shill detected!!!!111
>demoralization thread
Fuck off nigger fucker.
The Jews? Okay.. blame all the problems on the Jews cuz of your retarded conspiracy theories you fucking fascist pig. Nationalism is still rising, I hate having you sad ass cucks that think the world is over cuz of a small mass immigration problem and our government is full of rich fags that just want to rule the world for profit
If the diaspora flees to the made-up-country, it merely becomes earth's concentration camp.
>post yfw they autoshoah
Low energy demoralization attempt. It is the only thing the jew has against us. If whites were high morale, we would steamroll the jewish order in less time than you think
fuck jew dude
All memeflags are confirmed kikes.
Jews are white.
2 l8 4 that now m8
how does one solve this
increased from about 1910-1980 and has gone back down since
it's people like you we will come for first
and yes, where i live i have a list of +300 names, vzw's and adresses
several of my friends are doing the same.
we will come for you first
also: one man posting army lol
how obvious
>oy vey goyim, just give up
that is literally our national antheme
aslong one of us is still alive we'll give you a massive headache >:3
>implying the shitskin hordes don't hate you and have nearly as much tolerance for you as we do
keep digging your own grave
It's not over until the fight is conceded.
It's not over until all thought of resistance is gone.
It's not over until every white man has retired his voice and forgotten his pride.
It's not over until every white woman has made herself barren and forsaken her future.
It's not over until every white child has been silenced, never to speak again.
It's not over until we are but a distant memory, ghosts decorating the walls of our enemies and haunting their folk tales.
It's not over until there is not one who would stand up for themselves, take arms for no virtue but themselves and shed their innocence for that of their families.
It's not over until I say it is over.
It's not over until you say it is over.
It's not over.
Thx fren made my day we have to fight these monsterois orcs better today then tommorow.
Half your youth are invaders.
It's over.