How do yellow boys keep from killing themselves?
Race-mixing is bad
hapa master race!
asian men have the highest suicide rates on the planet tho.
good, I want a hapa wife to make white children with
brown skinned asians are such creaturas
>blue eyes
Yeah, those will go away in a couple of months.
>Tfw blue eyed white men are breeding all of the Asian waitus while the men literally kill themselves
God it's glorious. Makes my dick rock hard
generalization bro , you know how big asia is .
at least name a country that are killing themselves bc of woman going after white cock.
Asians are retarded. Don't believe the memes.
Disgusting. Asians are for handjobs and takeout, not spawning with.
>u mad yerrow boy?
damn that nigger ugly
Cumming in yellow slit probably is irresistible
pretty sure most babies are born with blue eyes that change color to either green or brown.
This deception is what keeps the yellow fever going.
dont feed these threads they are turning the asian man against the white man
Thats why I call the collection "yellow fever suicide watch"
Too much of a pussy to fight brothers alone
Why do people think this looks good? This looks fucking comically bad.
Real problem here are women and their free choice of sexual partners. Of course men kill themselves when they see women of their own race with other races because their dating pool becomes limited. Allowing womens rights and votes is like shooting yourself in the leg, because they lack group thinking needed for functioning civilization.
Babies always have blue eyes. It's unlikely they'll keep them.
Something like 2-3 million asian men commit suicide each year because of white men fucking their woman.
>Babies always have blue eyes
not true for little shitskins.
not true of brown and black people, cope more.
>Race-mixing is bad
says the original hapa
Almost like they are ready and willing to fully assimilate.
Fuck niggers and spics.
it is. I am a product of self hatred. A white father and black mother. I have to ways in me at war. I use to hate blacks, but I hated whites too.
Then i studied and realized the white man is the devil. I then made sense of me, my mother and my demonic pale faced father.
Accept your own and be yourself. My family has produced nothing but mixed crackers. The black is almost gone. My uncles love the cave woman.
And an Amerimutt is born
>hear about this "America" country
>meet these white people who openly accept you into their own lands
>had to leave previous country because of shit people
>want better life for your children
What's very telling is asian dads, and this isn't the first time I heard this, saying white guys will treat their daughters better than asians. This is something I have ran into in life, not on twitter.