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I love this meme because it perfectly showcases how low IQ rightists are. The entire meme revolves around just saying she said shit she never has.

That's the meme. That's the whole meme. That's it.

America is one continent. Eurasia is the other. Africa is hell,not even part of Earth dimension, and Australia is a myth.

The fucked up part is that if you repeat shit she actually said most people agree with it

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It is the maximum level of thought that they are capable of.

So why not meme those things instead of stuff that looks like a 3rd grader made it?

Damned rightists. How could they laugh at memes based on things a politician they dont like never said

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How is this bad? Rightists are literal nutcases.

>Uh actually, having access to healthcare is bad and setting the planet on fire so billionaires can make even more money is good and you're a cuck if you disagree

Are you under the impression someone likes hillary clinton? Or that conservatives are not by definition liberals?

Where has she been lately Mr Commieman? She has been rather quiet. Are you guys somehow responsible or did Nancy stick a wet sock in her mouth?

You will be shot cunt.

What makes you people think she isn't smart?

the amount of rightists triggered at a freshman Congress member is top kek fucking cowards

I mean you see it, or at least I do, in boomer tier memes like the OP all the time. Instead of actually arguing against her/the left they just dismiss any disagreement, call her dumb, and argue with the straw man they made up instead. I’m not going to lie, that IS easier

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>Medicare for all
Completely untenable in the US in 2019. Taxes would have to be increased to obscene levels to even begin to cover this. In example, in 2017, the US government spent roughly $4 trillion. Of that four trillion, social security and medicaid represented roughly half of that, and Medicaid and CHIP only provide assistance to about 65 million people.
>Housing as a human right
See above. Completely unachievable without a radical tax reform.
>Federal jobs guarantee
Service guarantees citizenship.
>Assault weapons ban
Proven to be wholly ineffective when we last did it federally, and completely unconstitutional.
>Abolish ICE
I have no idea how you'd even begin to justify this.
>Solidarity with Puerto Rico
I guess? Sure.
>Climate change
Unironically with you on this, still don't think the federal government would lift a fucking finger to help with it.
>Clean campaign finance
Honestly don't even know what this means, if you could explain this to me, that'd be great.
>Higher education for all
Education represents roughly 3% of our spending every year. Somewhere around $13,000 per student in 2015 for a total of somewhere around $600 billion dollars a year. Of this, around 80% is spent on paying staff. So what you essentially mean is laying off teachers, or paying them less.
>Womens rights, LGBTQIA, support seniors
Day of the fucking pillow when. I shouldn't even have to explain why this is retarded.
>Restore glass steagall
Unironically support this, but given the other fucking retardation I cannot possibly support this candidate doing so.

Somehow we can afford billionaires never paying taxes though.

>Taxes would have to be increased to obscene levels to even begin to cover this.
Efficiency can be gained through massive overhauls?

nice cope fags

Except at least Bernie has explained in detail how we not only should, but very easily could.
Meanwhile the right is obsessed with... going to war in space I guess

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>Boomer meme
Please kys

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Yeah but, aren't those vowels?

Are you retarded?

They pay more taxes than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single year. At a certain point, you have to realize that they have to be given certain benefits to even stay in the country - which we're having an enormous problem with already, and is something that Trump said that he intended to fix and, so far, has done jack shit about. Offshore accounts, money leaving the country, etc etc.
The fact of the fucking matter, though, is that someone will have to foot the bill. We cannot possibly expect other, more fortunate people. to foot the entire bill for us, and so, we have to expect to do a little fucking work. I, for one, wouldn't stand paying 50% (or greater, desu) taxes, and I'm sure you'd be pretty pissed as fuck too, because you'd be waiting around your entire lifetime to get a system where you'd benefit at all from it.
You've got the understanding of a fucking child about all of this, and if you genuinely believe that this woman can achieve any of this in (((current year))), and indeed in 4 years with a senate and house that seems to absolutely refuse to play ball with any president and literally just does their own thing, you are literally delusional. The fact that you would accept giving up your firearms for a chance - not even an assurance, a CHANCE - at free healthcare says all that it needs to about you, honestly.

The right never worries about the budget when it comes to fucking retarded shit. Only when it helps people and makes sense. Then they're fucking furious.

Boomer memes are the fucking worst.

boomer humor. dont forget that democrats are the real racists.

well let's simplify the friggin tax code. Too bad this is a republic of the lawyers, by the lawyers, and for the lawyers.

>They pay more taxes than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single year.
Because they HAVE more than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single DAY, because they were either born into it, designed a system that allowed them to get that rich, or maybe, just maybe, invented something incredible and actually deserve SOME (but certainly not all) of that money.

What the fuck could a person ever need a billion dollars for?

Why don't you guys try posting during peak hours?

>most people agree that we should spark a civil war by confiscating guns
>most people agree that there should be an open border with no immigration services
>couple that with universal healthcare and services, so tax payers are the ones footing bill for the entirety of South America
>most people agree
You are so low IQ I am surprised you are able to turn on the computer. Hmm, maybe you are just a phone poster.

You want to pay to feed niggers and keep the alive endless. You and Bernie should have a log impale you in one of that kikes 12 cars.

You mean the rich, you lying dumb piece of shit. Dude, nobody believes rightists lies anymore. You have no veil anymore, but you still act like the Chinese government. "Welp, I lied, they have to believe me." No, we don't. No rightists has ever argued in good faith. All you do is say the sounds you think will get what you want.

>1 post by this ID
>55 mins ago

>Austriae est imperare orbi universo
Now that's based

> To pay for it, Bernie Sanders proposes Taxing Corporate Offshore Income which is estimated to generate $100 billion per year.
Your corporations move their HQs to other countries. With the emergence of China as a world power, they lose exactly nothing while you lose everything. Beretta did exactly this in MD when MD taxed the fuck out of them with the 2013 AWB.
>Senator Sanders proposes a Wall Street Speculation Tax which is estimated to generate about $300 billion per year.
A tax on fucking wall street trading. Are you fucking serious? Do you know how utterly damaging to the economy and private industry that would be? You might as well lead CEOs out and shoot them for all the good that would do.
>To pay for it, Sanders proposes to “Remove payroll tax cap for earnings above $250,000” which would is estimated to generate the $1.2 trillion over 10 years.
See above. If you're earning over $250,000 a year, why the absolute fuck would you stay in a shithole of a country that wants to tax the piss out of you? You'd move out ASAP to literally anywhere else.
>To pay for this, Senator Sanders proposes closing the carried interest loophole, which is estimated to generate $15.6 billion over 10 years.
This is unironically good.
>To pay for this, it is proposed to have an additional 0.2% Payroll Tax, which is estimated to generate $319 billion over 10 years.
So just more income tax. Brilliant. Great. Worked out great for small businesses, always. Totally doesn't just benefit enormous corporations, who by this point will have all fucking left.
It goes on like this, and is indicative of the type of person Bernie really is. Tax the rich, eat the poor, and on and on. Nothing in here really benefits anyone, and if it DOES benefit them, it'll later come back to bite them in the ass when they're successful. I'm amazed you actually eat this shit up, this is some blatant neocon shit.

>Because they HAVE more than either you or me, combined, for our entire lifetimes, in a single DAY, because they were either born into it, designed a system that allowed them to get that rich, or maybe, just maybe, invented something incredible and actually deserve SOME (but certainly not all) of that money.
Yeah I'm done with this, you're either a drooling retard or just a horrible, jealous, shitty fucking person.
>Just give up your guns lol and in like 50 years we might be able to have free healthcare dude
>Tax the shit out of the rich they don't NEED that cash lol

we have public healthcare for a fraction of your price, I wonder why

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>You might as well lead CEOs out and shoot them for all the good that would do.
Wait, that was an option?
As far as the rich leaving if we tax them goes though, it appears to be an empty threat the right has been making for decades. Other countries have tried it. They don’t leave.

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I wouldn’t call her retarded but she definitely has a double digit iq

Fuck Puerto Rico, fuck gun control, fuck seniors, fuck the LGBTQA+ (but not really or you'll get AIDS), and fuck AOC

brown girl HOT

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>pay crazy tax for it
>VAT tax
>tax my nuts off daddy government
>still pay for it
its european style tipping kek

As opposed to brain geniuses like trump and biden, who totally aren’t sundowning dymentia riddled boomers? Didn’t trump declare himself the king of the jews earlier this week? I mean nobody on the right seriously supports this guy anymore, right?

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>United States is about 28 times bigger than Germany.
>Germany covers an area of approximately 137,847 square miles, while the United States is approximately 3,791,400 square miles. In terms of area, the closest states in the US are Montana, which is slightly bigger than Germany, and New Mexico, which is a bit smaller.
>Meanwhile, the population of Germany is ~80.6 million people (246.0 million more people live in United States).
>Dude just upscale the system lol
Breathtaking. Like pottery.
Your own article admits wholly that this is because the people in question are betting that those taxes will drop, and are making an informed choice before heavily lobbying for said changes. Not to mention that they're granted clear opportunities to eschew those charges in exchange for purchasing certain benefits for the state in question. In the BernieFuture, this would never change, and other countries would offer clear benefits to both income AND spending.


I don’t support anyone who supports Israel, I just vote for whoever the leftists hate the most.

Filtering your dumb nigger ass

The continents:

She not even hot. IDGI

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>this is because the people in question are betting that those taxes will drop, and are making an informed choice before heavily lobbying for said changes.
That’s bizarre, because I can’t find anything resembling that in the article. Would you care to point it out?

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Did you see her with the penguin? So cute!

You mean quotas for who should die, which will eventually only affect white people?

>You mean quotas for who should die, which will eventually only affect white people?
The healthcare system in Norway disagrees with you

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>not aware of the blatant projection
How's your daily Dumpltf spam going?

Amen. Only good taste chads can notice it.