Which country has the hottest chicks

Post photos of your countries hottest women. No Indians tho, ugly bastards . Pic of random mixed race women not related

Attached: 1945E6B7-990B-4AEC-8770-08DF45CB2AB8.jpg (500x700, 38K)

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>OP is a phoneposter
>Posting nigger whore
KYS nigger

Attached: 1559936632070.jpg (1080x1440, 451K)

couldnt find any from my country desu

Hot women are usually really stupid. I want a girl who can make me laugh.

Attached: pretty much no difference.png (269x188, 6K)

Attached: 1553966222762.jpg (1107x1600, 465K)

OPs picture looks like it was taken from an escort website, I can tell.

I don't Know about hottest women but British Women are Ugliest Hags on the Planet Earth up there with the British Blokes.

Attached: Pajeeta.jpg (602x903, 103K)


Japanese women are physically incapable of being sexy. That may be good looking, cute, pretty etc. But they are never sexy

This is the average american woman.

Attached: Spamela Hamderson.png (508x594, 147K)