Wtf is happening to America?

Wtf is happening to America?
Why are so many people suddenly ok with being casually racist now?

Attached: 5CE22A5A-430D-4162-874C-65B7A5B95A9F.jpg (750x562, 86K)

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If you call a child a fuck up enough he will become one.

You call white people Nazi enough and.....

I guess this guy decided if he's going to constantly be treated like he's a racist, he might as well just get his money's worth and be one.

Black people have been racist since forever.

More blacks = more racism

It was actually a woman

ever since it became casually ok to hate white people

Because when we tried being nice, every brown skin person teamed up on social media and destroyed 60 years of social equality advocacy in less than 4. Brown people did this to themselves and the jew want to be part of team brown people so fuck the kikes as well as every variant of nigger.

Attached: 1566587941498.jpg (665x662, 75K)

because people have had enough

Attached: niggerdeficit.png (756x768, 131K)

The Kike Media is bringing up an easy target to try to push "tolerance." Normal people are casually racist if you watch their behavior around niggers. They tremble in fear at the presence of even 1 nigger male. Then, these same white idiots say that only white people are racist. Racism is bad and some white community they don't live in deserves to be forced to integrate or killed off.

It's time for forced disintegration. The Jews and Leftists had their fun with diversity at a distance long enough. Turnabout is fair play.