Can someone explain the chemtrail conspiracy to me? i dont get it...

can someone explain the chemtrail conspiracy to me? i dont get it. private companies and/or the US government are spraying dangerous chemicals to the sky in order to give people cancer? it doesnt make any sense

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The answer to your question is Jews

As always!

its hard to detect sarcasm on the internet :(

Testing rain seeding and pressure front dissipation and creation by introducing aerosols of various compositions to differing altitudes. Illness/Cancers would be collateral damage, not an objective.

BigPharma gives people cancer so they can get billions from selling treatments. Very little money in a cure.

Actually it's just called cloud seeding.

do the people responsible for this live in underground bunkers since surely they dont want cancer? shouldnt important people like your president be aware of this and not want to go outside because of it?

this story has a lot of holes

They are hiding the return of their secret "Messiah."

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