>American Catholics keep getting exposed as homosexuals and/or paedos
>Mexican Catholics are catholic in name only and worship the skeleton of a dead woman
How do we make Catholicism great again?
>American Catholics keep getting exposed as homosexuals and/or paedos
>Mexican Catholics are catholic in name only and worship the skeleton of a dead woman
How do we make Catholicism great again?
A second reformation
lolololol At least he was gay.
The catholic church was corrupt from the very beginning, has nothing to do with what's said in the Bible, in fact most of their doctrines are contrary to scripture. This also applies to the Orthodox Church.
>Opinion discarded
protestant reformation was an attempt to fix the corruption of the catholic church by "rebranding" themselves as another denomination. Biblical Christianity has always been a secular thing, since long before protestants were a thing
All the degenerate shit that comes out of christianity are the most part from catholics and im not a bible thumper in the slightest. seriously as you said they believe in offshoots of their religion whether its bowing down to skeletons, "miracles" like tears coming out of statues, ghosts, stupid woo woo shit whihc the bible itself i believe tells them not to partake in and yet they do exactly that. its satanic by their own religious texts and yet you see many catholics believing in it. no wonder they have had problems all throughout history.
Catholic Church must fall.
Their riches have tainted them
>Mexican Catholics are catholic in name only and worship the skeleton of a dead woman
You're referring to Santa Muerte, right?
Can anyone actually explain what this is?
Is it satanic or just edgy