Pitbulls are great dogs. Loyal, friendly, protective...

Pitbulls are great dogs. Loyal, friendly, protective. People only hate on them because they are trying to be discretely racist against black people.

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only submissive fags cant train a pittbull

gotta get my pits in here to lol, they love these threads

I’m more of a cat person

can I have them? my pits are hungry

Put a child on the plate next time

It's funny because my dog snapped at my wife because my wife, who considers herself a dog expert and does stupid things to my dog you shouldn't do, did something stupid.

Attached: Pitbulls eat owner.jpg (817x1507, 362K)

Pitbulls are not dogs, they are niggers.

Attached: jewdog.jpg (1024x917, 236K)


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