Prostitution is degenerate, but less degenerate than porn or just dealing with the thots next door. Discuss...
Please note: Prostitution is for horny men only. These women are whores not actors, paying them to be your friend wont get you very far.
Put the $50 in her hand and say "finish me off please".
>sodomy is less degenerate than sodomy
have children
What is wrong with porn?
>simple assault is not less violent than murder
Fucking retard
You learn to get sexual pleasure by staring at a screen.
Every where you have prostitutes it's a shithole
Have children sodomite.
It’s legal here and it should be outlawed just as porn needs to be outlawed. You cannot justify this stuff with freedom. Prostitution destroys cities and whole societies.
I am convinced German society would be better without prostitution and pornography everywhere. Also, female dresses should go above the knees at all time.
It's all degenerate.
So? Porn originates from ancient times.
It was never so available, so abundant and so close to reality. What you’ve had for porn even a century ago were aome crude drawings and maybe a shitty novel. Now you have instant access to full HD videos with tons and tons of different people that cater to all sorts of fetishes, focus on stuff you’re unlikely to experience in real life and give unrealistic standards about how people have sex.
Bingo. I hooker is at least a real person. Maybe training wheels for an incel.
I agree. Prostitution should be legal.
It is better men who lack self control visit a prostitute than defile women who otherwise could make happy wives and mothers. All men should vigorously protect their daughters and murder any man who tried to have sex with them before marriage. If you let your daughter have premarital sex, you should get the bullet too.
Women are damaged irreparably by premarital sex. They cannot form strong emotional attachments to future men.
If you want to have sex, go to a women society has set aside for that position. They are already damaged and it is their own choice.
What is happening now is that all women are being turned into prostitutes by lascivious men.
You're right.
How is Prostitution less degenerate than Porn?
Porn doesn‘t have the Risk of STDs and its free so you don‘t actively finance the lifestyle of the whores.
Porn > Prostitution > Tinder hookup culture
Prostitution does not destroy anything, it exists as long as cities exist. Even with outright bans it was and is still available in some form or other through loopholes or downright bribery of police/guards. You’ll always have sexually frustrated men with money, and you’ll always have wretched women no good for anything else. Why not solve both problems?
>What is happening now is that all women are being turned into prostitutes by lascivious men.
I agree. Go to Skipthegames, Adultlook, Eros, EroticMonkey or Cityxguide and you’ll be amazed at the number of women selling their pussy.
Just bumping.
t. Hookerfucker
Good point. If sexually frustrated men hire prostitutes, at least they are dealing with a real person and might actually interact with real humans. Porn doesn't provide that. Thots are crazy and carry real world consequences.
>at least they are dealing with a real person
How is that a good thing? Having any kind of contact with degenerates won‘t do any good.
Although you should have a bottle of 90%+ rubbing alcohol with you to bathe with afterwards. So I’ve heard.
At the same time divorce needs to banned and extramarital sex outlawed.
No no no
You put the money in her hand AFTER she has done the job not before.
I'm walking proof of this. I was a frustrated, angry incel throughout all of college. Went to Europe a few times for work after graduation, banged a few hookers, and mellowed out. Slowly became less autistic, and while I'm a far cry from a normie, I'm nowhere near as much of a sperg as I used to be.
No, always pay up front. Especially if it's an actual brothel. Also, never pick up streetwalkers, they're nasty and far more likely to be diseased and have no qualms about ripping you off.
Anything and everything about prostitution screams DEGENERACY, unlike thots, so you come ready.
I think seeing a real whore is a better use of money than a cam whore. It's a much better experience. Though uts trickier to set up visit with a real whore. But after trying real whores. It's likely a person may never go back to cam whores.
I live in a rural area where the pool of pussy is limited, well known and over-utilized. So, during dry spells, post divorce, I have sought, found and paid for sexual services. Every time I've done that I felt reinvigorated and my confidence boosted. No shame, no guilt. Prostitution has its place.
Less degenerate than porn but far more degenerate than dealing with actual females.
It's illegal here, but even if it were legal I wouldn't know how to interact with a hooker. What do I say?
>Fellate me, baby!
Here's my money, now fuck me?
This. Also severly punish adultery. Perhaps even assign the death penalty. That way the faithful partner can keep his vows without having to live with the cheater.
>Prostitution is degenerate, but less degenerate than porn or just dealing with the thots next door. Discuss...
Both are degenerate and both are destructive.
Both should be outlawed in any sane and moral nation.
Not at all. Prostitutes benefit society. Glorification of it does not
>You learn to get sexual pleasure by staring at a screen.
You shouldn't be having sex out of wedlock.
>Bingo. I hooker is at least a real person. Maybe training wheels for an incel.
In a moral, sane society there wouldn't be incels.
prostitution is the oldest and most traditional career for a woman there is
literally the first job women got was whoring themselves out for shelter food etc
today it's the same for money
feels good man
Nah. There always be incels. They won't be as antisocial and counter productive maybe in a better world
>Nah. There always be incels. They won't be as antisocial and counter productive maybe in a better world
And in a moral and sane society they'd be few in number and in the shadows. Where they should be.
You don't end degeneracy by legalizing and normalizing it.
"incels" or "betas" could prove themselves through several jobs or talent or whatever through the centuries
this is the age of stagnation where nothing matters so naturally we have this 1:10 top guy:women ratio
There are and were incels in any society. Maybe not as much as it is now, but there’re always parents who couldn’t arrange a marriage, or men without families who could not find a mate. Lots of men went to army where prostitutes are likely all they had.
Bro you seem to have bought the leftist koolaid about evil incels. It's a modern cringe slang term to say virgin and unattractive. But anyone can be that theoretically. Even moderately successful men can be ugly enough to be incels well into their 30s
>There are and were incels in any society. Maybe not as much as it is now, but there’re always parents who couldn’t arrange a marriage, or men without families who could not find a mate. Lots of men went to army where prostitutes are likely all they had.
Incels don't need sex. They want sex. Because they think having sex is the basis for their existence. They're like niggers in that regard.
They believe that bullshit because this society doesn't actually care about people.
>Bro you seem to have bought the leftist koolaid about evil incels.
When someone claims to be an incel they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their inability to have sex.
>Even moderately successful men can be ugly enough to be incels well into their 30s
And like all degenerates, the only thing that matters to people is having sex.
Because this is a degenerate and immoral civilization.
It's degenerate and immoral because those people are easier to control.
It's more degenerate than both retard.
In either case there will be women who are forced into it, but with prostitutes you help spread diseases and are a willing participant in the cases of a woman being trafficked/threatened.
Also women need to be banned from voting or working without their husbands approval.
Of course unmarried women are not allowed to work in any case.
Similar experience here but it conflicts with my religious beliefs so I haven't done it in a long time. Having said that i have lost my will and watched (the ddmonic jewish) porn instead. So maybe the appropriate thing to do really is visiting a prostitute if you lack the self control. I dont know tye anser yet
Meaningless word salad. You think men wanting to put their penis in a wet hole is a new development or something
Illegal prostitution only makes sense in a society with massive taboos on sexual activity outside of marriage.
>Meaningless word salad.
Not an argument.
>You think men wanting to put their penis in a wet hole is a new development or something
You want men to be physical beings that only care about getting laid.
Incels want a *willing woman* to have sex with them, not sex itself.
in a true free market people should be able to use their bodies however they want.
I have more respect for prostitutes than the average modern woman as they don't pretend their saints. There's no false pretense of them being a princess.
Why do you put up a pointless false dichotomy? Do you deny that having access to women is a strong incentive for men to participate in society
Every interaction is false and manufactured in my life going back to HS? really? what do you expect me to do? So than you fucking grandstand while using illegal surveillance in the drywall.
you are fucking scum.
>Incels want a *willing woman* to have sex with them, not sex itself.
Yes, they want sex. They don't want a relationship. They don't want a family. They don't want someone to love. They don't want someone to love them. They don't want to have a stable society for their people.
Incels are MUH DIKKIN niggers.
This is what happens when women are left to their own devices.
>Do you deny that having access to women is a strong incentive for men to participate in society
"access to women" = meaningless sex.
I am starting to have the sneaking suspicion you are a woman
There’s nothing wrong with people having sex and only the most retared deviations of christianity like puritanism say otherwise. Most religions however prohibit extramarital sex, but don’t limit anything happening between a husband and his wife (or wives)
What is meaningless and meaningful sex? Do you get to decide it?
>Fucking retard
You don't have an external reference without me. No duality. that it would just be. That doesn't sound very machiavellian desu?
Look man, the greek is right. I'm not going to improve society if there is nothing in it for me, no future. If a man has no chance at a wife and kids, what is there to make him want to improve things?
I don't know. The actual act of physical and intimate intercourse creates a widely different result in regard to neuro chemicals released versus masturbation. You can't get that same natural boost fapping. And without it the soul starts to rot. The malevolence increases. It effects you moods, interactions, decisions - all for the worse.
Did captain autismo leave you and your beef flapps behind or what is going on?
You say
>hey there
>are you associated with any law enforcement?
>I'd like to hang out for 1 hour
>k, be there in x minutes
Then you have sex and say bye. Nsa
Prostitution should be legalized.
Is it degenerate? Maybe, but there is not much you can do about it. It's called oldest profession in a world for a reason
There’s a minority of men who either can keep their urges under control or don’t even have them that high, but it’s wrong to try and extrapolate their style of life on all men. Sane older societies knew this and didn’t try to make all men into monks unlike this retard
>>are you associated with any law enforcement?
Wouldn't they just say no, even if there were?
>When someone claims to be an incel they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their inability to have sex.
When someone claims to be White/Black/Asian, they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their race.
When someone claims to be Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Hindu/Sikh, Buddhist, they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their religion.
When someone claims to be an atheist, they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their lack of belief in gods.
When someone claims to be an straight/gay/bi, they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their sexual orientation.
When someone claims to be Democrat/Republican/Libertarian, they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their political affiliation.
When someone claims to be a socialist/capitalist, they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their preferred economic system.
When someone claims to be cis/trans they are saying the only label for their life that matters is their gender identity
Do you see how your logic could be applied to virtually any identity label? It’s totally possible for someone to identify as an incel without it being all of what they are or the only/most important thing that matters in their life.
I think you're right. A lot of men need some sort of outlet.
shut up shut up
Its better than masterbaiting tho.
>Ban things I don’t like
You deserve your slavery
You know the rules
Post em
Magnus Hirschfield fucked Germany up...
>Yes, they want sex. They don't want a relationship. They don't want a family. They don't want someone to love. They don't want someone to love them. They don't want to have a stable society for their people.
You clearly haven’t talked to many incels, then. The incel label is like atheist. A lot of people think atheist means you’re a fat douchebag who hates religion, like TheAmazingAtheist. Likewise, a lot of people think that incel means you’re like Elliot Rodger, or the guys who post on incel forums. When in reality, an atheist is simply someone who doesn’t believe in gods and an incel is simply someone who wants sex/relationships, but for one reason or another, can’t find a mate. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yes, there are incels who want casual sex, but there are many more who want long term relationships, marriage, kids, etc. They want to be wanted/loved like anyone else, but can’t find anyone interested in them, often for reasons beyond their control.
The “sexual revolution” eliminated barriers to degeneracy, and subsequently allowed women to unleash their ridiculous standards unbridled, which led to the extreme, brutal, apelike sexual hierarchy we see today. The incel epidemic is growing fast, and many men who would otherwise not be incel in a moral society with enforced monogamy are now forever alone. Marriage doesn’t matter anymore and women don’t need to depend on a husband financially anymore (they have the government now). All that matters is looks, money (for luxury not so much necessities) and status.
Incels didn’t create an unstable society. An unstable society created incels. Incels (or even PUAs) may realize that casual sex is degenerate, but don’t think it’s worth it to improve a selfish, hedonistic society that doesn’t give a shit about them anyway, so they just say fuck it and get what they can get. Society would decline even if they tried in vain to do their part to try to stop it.
Nothing wrong with prostitution.
It should at least be decriminalized.
Probably legalized and regulated.
Just say “heloo there miss, here’s 50 rupees now pls give milk suck”
Is it criminalized for whores in the US? In Russia it’s a misdemeanor to engage in prostitution, completely legal to solicit the services of a prostitute, and only pimping is a felony.