Why Do White Women Think Interracial Sex Pisses White Guys Off?

Like there are people out there who literally enjoy eating scat and drinking piss.
Im not ANGRY at them for liking it.
Im just going to date some fucking chick who use to be into eating and other dudes shit.
Same way with interracial
To me its on the same level as bestiality.
If you fuck a goat
Im not going to be angry at you for fucking a goat
im not going to be jealous of the goats dick
Im just not going to find someone sexually attractive who fucks goats.
There is litterally nothing to be jealous of.
You are fucking nasty.

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A Frenchman mating with a Spaniard woman is interracial. An amerimutt mating with a nigger is interspecies breeding.

Im not mad or jealous, the nigger will just beat their ass and leave them with their abomination baby


Trips of truth but you have some funny typos lol.

Yes, the worst is when they know you dislike it then they do it on purpose as some kind of revenge porn type bullshit.

No I don't hate women for being coal burners et cetera. I just know how nigs are and how they do women and raw dog almost every time that I would never touch a girl that has. Also knowing now that women somehow save a little living DNA from every guy they fuck, it makes it double gross.

It also may be because if you do the same to a girl it literally can devastate some. They will fucking get super insecure and rage out like a psycho or get depressed like a suicidal goth chick.

For someone not angry, whitey, you seem awful concerned. Is it because you have tiny dick and can't please your woman?

They do it for attention

Because it's true!

It doesn’t make me jealous, but it does piss me off when white women take a shit in the gene pool.

>Why Do White Women Think Interracial Sex Pisses White Guys Off?
Because it does,the reaction that whitebois have to every BLACKED thread speaks volumes about their anger and rage

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Litterally said in OP
Im not fucking jealous of the goat lol.