Great Awakening

Is it just me, or does it feel like everyone irl is getting redpilled right now and the house of cards of leftist propaganda is crashing down? I'm talking to my old friends and neighbors, and they all seem to be gaining the courage to step up and call BS, fears of career destruction or societal derision be damned.

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My therapist even mentioned how he thought diversity probably isnt a good thing and he's as beta as you can imagine, a posterboy for liberal ideas.

It's too slow. The Normie Sheep are always 5-10 years behind, and by that time the migrant kids will be fighting age, and our own faggified for gay aristocrats.

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Military deportations.

Yeah our social media mind control scheme Is working fine in white youth, goy

Lol. Who do think the generals will be? A bunch of Millennials homos, and that's the deal. THEY get a fresh supply of boipuss, and in EXCHANGE, oppress and beat down the people. That's the only currency fags understand.

Daily reminder the left has been a propped up chew toy since Reagan.

The real left is returning and it is going to btfo the commies and godfags in one swoop that makes the heavens tremble.

Wait, so the real left isn't the commies? I thought they were the literal embodiment of leftism

>yeah this LGBT shit is going too far but I'm still okay with sodomy

What is it going to take for you niggers to realize that normies DO NOT CARE and are NOT going to do anything