>only wins against manlets >loses to a 40 year old manlet >loses to a Russian wrestler >his whiskey sucks >throws chairs at busses >throws punches at old men >starts fights with referees >makes excuses for every loss.
Is there a worse human being in the sports industry?
>>only wins against manlets >>loses to a 40 year old manlet >>loses to a Russian wrestler >>his whiskey sucks >>throws chairs at busses >>throws punches at old men >>starts fights with referees >>makes excuses for every loss.
Hes Irish.
Colton Fisher
Punching the old guy in the pub did serious damage to him.
Michael Walker
A rod is awful but this potato nigger is worse
Ryan Gray
So? Thats what he does for a living? I am a baker, if his life depended on making a strudel, he d be turned to mush
Easton Smith
but connor is a manlet who weighs 70 kilos, he can only kill other manlets
Charles Gomez
'He's a wonderful person': Boxing legend Mike Tyson backs Conor McGregor after viral assault video. "He's a wonderful person," Tyson said of McGregor's apology. "He's a really kind man and he's gonna get good karma for that. I believe that." rt.com/sport/467154-mike-tyson-conor-mcgregor-support/
Everyone else that behaves the same way yet doesn't own up to it? Only a white man would admit it and attempt to make amends.
Jason Green
Based strudel maker
Thomas Howard
He is mentally ill
Matthew Green
So are churkas now Russian, peace flag Russian propaganda employee?
Kayden Torres
I bet you lard asses have never thrown a punch in your lives
Mason Roberts
He's already been exposed several times, but people loved him because he was light-skinned so that made him "white" even though he doesn't act white at all.