USA & Israel: The Greatest Alliance in History

When did Jow Forums realize that Israel is /ourally/? Israeli far right and American far right are natural allies.

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Israeli anons, deep down don't you despise American Jews?

I just realized this quite recently... And I think it's very questionable...

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Israel is a bunch of manipulative kikes who have control over our country. Their interest is to warmonger and illegally sieze land. They are a terrible ally.

I fucking hate American Jews so much you have no idea.
First they give all Jews a bad name they are greedy piece of shit that want to screw over Americans citizens for thier own agenda.
Second they attack us on media for being racists even though they know absolutely nothing about what goes on in jew land we just want to keep to our selfs for fuck sakes they don't care about us it's all about getting their way in and we hate it so much.
If Americans Jews get purged good keep the money and the resources disgusting animals desu.

Visit israel tho we have much to see.

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Hate these guys to orthodox fags do nothing and get free money they don't work and don't do anything to society but "pray" I'm a religious person to but actions do more then words and even the bible agrees.

USS Liberty

>they know absolutely nothing about what goes on in jew land
it seems like they go on one birthright trip and all of the sudden they're an expert on Israel's affairs.

important reminder for newfriends to never fall for the two headed jew

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Fuck jews. I want my own white nationalism without funding their disgusting degenerate jewish nationalism

Israel's only ally is Israel, dumbass...That word truly isnt in their vocabulary

sweden can take africa desu

we'll convert africa into a quarantine zone for manlets and blacks

You are truly our greatest ally!

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how does it make you feel that when america becomes unlivable they will flee to your country in the millions?

American Jews for the most part are cowards for not moving to Israel.
did you anons serve in the military?


The Races in the Jewish side must be Gased. Only non Jewist Side can Live.

clearly this was for our secret space program/DUMBs

>the absolute state of maga

it's funny when Jow Forums takes the position that they're pro-moslems because Hitler was pro-Islam. total cringe and bluepilled. all moslems get the rope

>pic related

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This is why the United States is fucked in case anyone was wondering. Stupid fuckers

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Damn... You need to be an extra special type of retard to still bring that shit up.
It was OBVIOUSLY a mistake, israel has payed billions in reparations for that mistake. Ofc nothing will bring back the inoccent lives lost... But if you think it was a purposeful attack on big daddy America you are clearly too stupid to be on the internet.

And dying for Israel.

We don't have to clear our throat by saying we dislike leftist jews, it's like confirming with white american Jow Forumsacks that they despise swedish liberals. they have nothing to do with each other, it's a non-question.