But why do (((they))) hate him? And why does Jow Forums still support him?
He Makes Israel Great
Lefty Jew protests are an illusion of spite. Righty Jews influence Jow Forums.
All Hail President Kikesucker!
Remember to vote for Donnie in 2020 so he can start that war against Iran and finish off Syria, Goyim!
most american jews dont care about Israel. though that isnt to say athiest liberal jews arnt a problem however
Jow Forums tards listen to ben shipiro and think jews like him are the majority
>so he can start that war against Iran and finish off Syria
any day now says the nervous lefty
Because we can see through your shilling campaign, and desperation to control the narrative.
Sage nigger
>jews receive free gibs
>jews complain and demand more
>mutt is surprised
You entire country is an error
Go suck off some LEGAL H1B curry nigger and die of aids
Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem only pissed off the muslims and changed nothing for Israel.
Trump signing a piece of paper for Golan when israel has been in control of Golan for decades only served to piss of the muslims.
ISIS is wiped out.
Assad is alive.
Syria's army is bigger than before the civil war.
USA and Russia working together.
Two state solution is dead which means that all the liberal jews in the USA can no longer support Israel in any way.
Trump is only pro Israel because he says nice things and participates in ceremonies. His actual foreign policy is bad for israel.
Trump being so pro Israel is driving a wedge between the establishment dems and progressives.
Trump beign so pro israel allowed Ilhan Omar to become a star.
Trump is destroying Israel by overfeeding the parasite.
a show for the caved head bashed brain retarded masses