Who else can't wait for an economic crash?

Personally I can't wait! Makes me actually like trump more knowing that the commie ching chongs are gonna have there markets tanked and there country destroyed plus with the recession hitting us here too you'll see butt hurt rich class tards and college leveled wage cucks crying at the sight of there parents company's,desk jobs and tech firms shuting down because of there shit stain boomers stucks plummeting.

So please Trump keep it up with the "chosen one" and pulling out of the Chinese market talk because while the sjw lefty fags,shills,kikes, technocrats and glowniggers are yapping and shilling there "miga and drumf" talk. society's gonna fall apart around them and only those who have prepared will get through it and for me, I'll be sitting in my room drinking my coke and eating my tendies I while shitpost on Jow Forums.

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you're not prepared, you fat NEET

Oh I'm definitely prepared. Got my beef jerky,soda and my mommy who works at the local theater and orders me my tummy wummys.

But honestly are you prepared user?

Isn't it funny? Established elites might survive an economic crash if they had some semblance of trust and credibility. What is congress approval ratings? Like 5 percent? Lol

They can't crash the economy because they would lose all control, on the other hand they backed themselves into a corner with all the corruption, now it is inevitable.

Sounds like history repeating itself.

i was talking about a world wide economic crash yesterday whit some people
i too cant wait for it, but it also worrys me how when i told people to buy food they told me that it doents matter anymore

>I'll be sitting in my room drinking my coke and eating my tendies
whos going to be paying for that you iq nigger


Post pinkie wojaks plx thx

Here user.

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If its similar to the 2008 crash it'l be funny. but I think its going to be much, much worse.

Problem is, When the economy tanks those with much property, so the already rich, will suffer the least. They still have many monetary and nonmonetary reserves. Poorfags on the other hand will be fucked.

oooo that's a good one

Who do ya think dumb dumb.

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Considering how much money I made on Select Comforts stock when it was 21 cents in 08 for no reason because “Americans won’t but a new mattress every 5 years now that there is a recession” I can’t wait for the next crash. I own apartment buildings now and need an excuse to up rent even higher.


your mom will be unemployed and benefits will be slashed.

a good proportion of current NEETs will end up homeless if a real deep recession hits.

can't wait.

I can't wait for everything to crash to be honest.

Nothing a few bombs can't solve.

Show real flag Nazi larp

can't wait. wanna see this economy crash with no survivors. then civil war.

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I don't want it to happen because I am way dependent of the system, when it comes to food, electricity, comfort, work, transport, entertainment, etc

Your reason why I praying this crash happens

keep an eye on NEXT biometrics. big potential tech play. a fund with new managers is unloading their position keeping the share price low. the CFO just bought some more shares.