I heard Jow Forums wanted to deport this

>we are only seeking a better opportunity in life.
How come your own country is such shit though?
Shouldn't you fix that first before you zerg rush America for gibs?

>oil companies that pollute rivers and seas
you're mentally retarded, what the fuck, my sides, oil companies aren't the primary corporate polluters, or even close. did you see the sad image on the gogglebox and it made you feel bad? life and perspective mediated by images on the TEEVEE! YOU ARE A NIGGER! YOUR LACK OF RADICAL INSTINCTS LEAD YOU TO ATTACK CHRISTIANS AND NOT THE TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY ITSELF. YOU CASUAL NIGGER.

Attached: DxHpaYUVYAAFsVa.jpg (960x1380, 203K)

america can't deport this they literally own it.

Most mexicans are short and ugly, man. Dark eyes like coal and low IQ's. You're not good genetic stock.

I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to make a logical argument for why I don't want you ethnically replacing us.

This is completely aside from debate about illegal immigration. There should be no argument about how that is completely unacceptable.

Jews piggy back off of the white man and always prop up their own tribe. They also have no scruples and will stab the goyim in the back. They do look out for each other though, I will give them that much.

Mexico gave up land that is now US land because of relentless and savage Native Indian attacks. So that land was useless for Mexico.

From Wikipedia:

The Comanche fought a number of conflicts against Spanish and later Mexican and American armies. These were both expeditionary, as with the raids into Mexico, and defensive in nature. The Comanche were noted for being fierce warriors who fought vigorously to defend their homeland of Comancheria. However, the massive population of the settlers from the east and the diseases they brought with them led to mounting pressure and subsequent decline of the Comanche power and the cessation of their major presence in the southern Great Plains.

They traded with the Spanish, French, Americans and neighboring Native American peoples; and (most famously) they waged war on and raided European settlements as well as other Native Americans. They took captives from weaker tribes during warfare, using them as slaves or selling them to the Spanish and later Mexican settlers. They also took thousands of captives from the Spanish, Mexican, and American settlers and incorporated them into Comanche society.

Attached: DNC staffer killed.jpg (986x555, 76K)

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard

Attached: Willie Israel.png (656x590, 516K)

the US paid Mexico for all the land/ reparations paid

now get the fuck out

Brown Skinned Native Americans MAY HAVE created:
1.) Maybe Basketball (or a form of it)
2.) Maybe the Incan and Aztec Temples / Pyramids (but there is evidence now that White Europeans travelled through Asia and into the Americas around 10,000 B.C.)
I really don't think these savages are worthy of creating anything really except Human Sacrifice and Death.
oh well, I tried to be nice.
fuck it

dios mio