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What does Jow Forums think of Serbia?
Connor Sullivan
David Green
they are the reason why the white race is failing
butterfly effect
Aiden Torres
based and redpilled balkanigs
Benjamin Williams
It's a slide thread. Sage and hide.
Adrian Davis
Suck Turk cock you filthy faggot. Die slow for bumping a slide.
sage or die
Lincoln Davis
Always shitting up threads about Yugoslavia, always angry.
Colton Morris
just like croats so meh
Ian Collins
Radovan was based. He studied as an MD in Denmark in the 70s.
Kayden Baker
What they did in Kosovo was horrible, those babies they put to freeze on the nursery floor, the squalor in the ghettos and work camps...and they all just sat there and watched when their president called in the military to kill people just for their religion.
Jason Phillips
t. gypsie