All of these stories and msm articles are bullshit. They are literally referring to starvation as "vegan". Yeah the parents are vegan, and they are not feeding their kids animal products, but these parents in particular are fucking psychotic.
There are plenty of vegan parents feeding their children PROPER vegan diets who live perfectly healthy lives.
Shills are gonna keep shilling. Yes goys, keep eating meat. Especially you fucking burgers.
Anti-vegan kike shills in full force
Humans are built to be herbivores
Fuck you and your cucumbers
Jews don't eat meat because (((they))) know better. But they push meat, bacon, fast food, and burgers on goyim because, again, (((they))) know what it does. That's how I know who these shills are.
huh. A true vegan thread. Smells just like sage in here
(((Pure coincidence))), huh, Schlomo?
eat meat
I bet you also believe in the 6 gorillion. Nice meme flag. Look at how (((they))) have shaped american culture. Much like every other aspect of society.
>OP is a LITERAL basedboy
Nah, the best way to keep whitey at bay is to convince them eating meat is good for them. Remember those Got milk? ads?
Yes goy, do what the media tells you to.
Yo Moshe here never runs out of meat to eat.
It's their last ditch effort, they're ramping up the bread and circuses. Think of how they appeal to the lowest common denominator in sports fans, like tailgating, bar rooms filled with alcohol, burgers and pizzas. It's obvious as evidenced on the electric jew. Watch tv for a few hours and keep track of the shit they cram down our throats. Literally the shit they want us to eat.
I'm vegan, of course, but not because of muh animals have feelings. I have leather interior in my truck, enjoy goose down pillows and sheepskin rugs. But i'm not ingesting bullshit that limits my human potential.
Shills are gonna slide this thread like a mother fucker.
I won't stop you. This country needs a population trimming. I don't mind losing the most ignorant first.
>dogs stomach acid pH 1-2
>humans: stomach acid pH 1.5-3.5
source: 2 seconds in google is all it takes
also humans have no significant caecum, herbivore trait.
>inb4 so you must be a kike
good luck with your thread anyways
>using google
Whew lad, you must be new here. I'm talking about levels of concentration, much like the camps your kind should be put in to.
Nothing immoral or bad about eating meat. It's sustainable, healthy and tastes amazing. There's a reason why people have been cooking and eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years. It's good for you. Without eating meat, your ancestors would never have produced you. The animals we keep are lucky compared to wild animals and get to live comfortable, warm and secure lives with companionship and healthcare. Everyone should eat meat with a thoroughly good conscience.
Vegans on the other hand is a deranged anti-nature cult. Their diet is heavily processed industrial food. With supplements produced in labs and everything having to be shipped across the globe. The globalist cuck diet. Not only that, but it's not even healthy. No, no one cares about whatever retarded biased study you pull out of your ass. Everyone have met vegans by now. You're all scrawny, effeminate, weak brainlets who doesn't impress anyone. Every one of you "know" some vegan who is strong or smart, but no such vegan has ever been observed in the wild.
Now, here's what you should do as a vegan. Stop giving a fuck about your inconsistent babby tier philosophy. Animals and humans are not equal. We live in nature not in a Disney movie. Then you go eat some dairy and some liver. Then all your little aches and pains and weird health issues will clear up in a couple of days.
>Anti-vegan shills
There's about 20 threads a day shilling your poofter cult on here. Just fuck off.
>Yes goy, do what the media tells you to.
The media that is constantly promoting your cucked vegan lifestyle?
the fucker wont respond u now
Humans are omnivores, you dumb, illiterate fuck.
>Humanity and the closest primate relatives of humanity - chimpanzees, both have digestive tracts that are much more similar to carnivores than herbivores.
Our omnivorus nature has always been skewed heavily towards meat consumption.
Chimpanzees are primarily meat eating omnivores.
>Animals and humans are not equal. We live in nature not in a Disney movie
This and the fact that the human digestive tract looks and functions absolutely nothing like that of dedicated herbivores
>All the media this past week saying we need to ban beef for the Amazon
>b-b-but the jews want you eating meat
So fucking retarded, veganism is going to limit your human potential, Plant proteins arent complete amino profiles
>Jews being interested in money
They go where it's at, veganism is trendy, so they also push it. Are you surprised?
Look at that face of health
>There are plenty of vegan parents feeding their children PROPER vegan diets who live perfectly healthy lives.
Ha you edited your image to cut off the last line that proves human stomach acid is for meat, faggot.
>dogs are herbivores
Stopped reading right there. What a retard. Humans are persistence hunters. We're actually built for a lot of the same things canines are. Because we've hunted the same way for hundreds of thousands of years. Get outta here, kike. Nobody is buying your cancer-causing veggie sandwiches from burgerking or mountain of supplements that allow somebody to almost function properly if they pay you enough.
Also: "everything is an herbivore or a carnivore hurrrrr"
Humans are omnivores. You list traits that are ALMOST exclusive to known animals in either the mostly herbivore/mostly carnivore categories (no animal is truly a pure carnivore or herbivore) and then cherry pick just things that describe humans, ignore full-blown carnivores that meet some of those requirements you arbitrarily chose, then pretend omnivores aren't a thing. A human can't live on nothing but meat and can't live on nothing but plants. That simple.
Based kraut
>jews don't eat meat
Imagine trying to sell that lie.
uh, humans do have fangs and claws
and humans are omnivore, its 5 grade science knowledge
what kind of shapeshifting idiot are (you)?
user don't you know? Humans can't eat meat. Like it just rots inside your body. Forget that we metabolize it efficiently and have to take a mountain of pills to be almost healthy without meat in our diet. Humans have been processing mountains of plant matter into pills from the dawn of time. At some point a confused human ate a deer or something and realized they could skip the traditional syringe of vitamins in the ass/fistful of supplements and actually be healthier and it's all a whacky misunderstanding or some shit. Now honor your ancestors and choke down a fistful of pills with a tall glass of xenoestrogen-rich processed shit, eating meat is unnatural and unhealthy.