so what is this all about?
I recently noticed a trend in many hollywood movies that has some sort of canibal plot - for example Neon Demon (2016), Kingsman (from 2017) or Suspiria (2018).
Is this Overton's Window moving again?
so what is this all about?
I recently noticed a trend in many hollywood movies that has some sort of canibal plot - for example Neon Demon (2016), Kingsman (from 2017) or Suspiria (2018).
Is this Overton's Window moving again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ninth circle.
They're trying to normalize this shit before the pizzaparty goes public
Hatred of God. Literally everything being pushed is the opposite of what God ordained.
Ironically I saw some ad on youtube for a video about the practice of it it earlier today.
I immediately thought it was degenerate and scrolled past it obviously.
I never have cookies saved so I always get the stock videos non based on history which are currently viral.
A taboo/cultural ban of cannibalism is one of the pillar of human civilaization, another one being a taboo/ban of incest.
you WILL eat it
Make america africa
>what is all this about
what happens when the church loses control
No, what's going on is that YOU are trying to divide and conquer America and make America China again, where workers are exploited with overwork, slave wages and no benefits or even rights
>Normalizing pedophilia
>Normalizing cannibalism
I wonder why....
>trying to desensitize outrage against cannibalization
>trying to normalize cannibalization
>knowing they rape toddlers to death and eat them
Nope. You racists are destroying America and handing it over to pic related
I'd sooner eat a bug than eat a human, and I'm never going to eat a bug.
It's not normal, it causes degenerative brain conditions that ruin entire populations
This is the kinda of shit you say, when you work in a pointless "profession" in a field of retards to try to get noticed.
Glowniggers: the moment you fuckers publicly cover for a child raping cannibal is the moment I go after the ones you aren’t covering for. Put it in my file, I don’t care, defending Weimar is treason against the soul
>Overton's Window
Just like my favorite black man ad explaining why white people need to perish!!
Get an education, loser.
Skippy, I will eat U.
From a health point of view there's too much uncertainty regarding prion diseases and other diseases as well
Can someone post that article about podesta that we found during pizzagate?
I forget where it was published but a journalist went to his office and he had a painting on his wall depicting cannibalism. There was a guy on a table being carved up and another guy hokding cutlery and a plate. The journalist asked Podesta about this and he said something like "It's better to be the guy with the plate than the guy on the table "
Why are we just talking about this, shit, these people are fucking sick they need to be dropped on the most remote fuckery up island somewhere so they can fast on each other.
>covering for child raping cannibals
Doesn't exist. You're being duped to prevent you from doing something about the real problems. You're being played and falling right for it.
This ain't real, right? Its just a photoshop of some shit. Right?
Its all in the presentation.
Alex jones there are cannibal vampires among us he gets laughed at and called crazy.
Vice, huffington post or buzzfeed posts an article about drinking blood or eating human flesh and it's amazingly good and fashionable.
No, it's not real. Do reverse image search.
>psychologists say
You guys know psychologists are not allowed to prescribe medicine right? Who cares what they think
I've put link on the bottom of my post.
go fuck yourself, faggot
Are you retarded?
There is a link in the OP.
It's real.
Eat man-meat, bigot.
And once again nobody asks the important questions about quality of meat. Human isn't just human, some are subhuman and fat.
Lmao at this uninformed retard thinking ritualistic killing isn’t an occurrence in every civilization
I heard from certain sources that baby meat tastes like chicken.
Tiny Podesta couldn't eat a whole human, maybe he eats only feet, but his brother is different story.
What should we be doing?
Every cannibal will tell you that humans taste like pigs. If it really tastes like chicken, then it is off my menu.
there was also movie called Snowpiercer from 2013 and they ate babies in it just because of high quality of the meat
Not all at once, they keep them in their fridge.
Surely a cohincidence what happens in that movie.
I wonder if Jeffrey Epstein ate his own face after plastic surgery.
>delicious nigger
>$40 / pound
>thighs, shoulders, breasts, and heads
seek treatment you sicko
Has anyone else noticed all the posts trying to desensitize and proliferate the concept of cannibalism.
Or maybe they're there so a media organization can point to it?
Mmmm, tastes like goat.
Watch David Icke talking about this
I also heard theory that REPTILLIANS is in fact codeword for Ashkhenazi Jews
As someone who has identified as an atheist for ~12 years, I have no choice left but to believe that Satan and demons actually exist and are here on Earth.
Nothing else can fully explain the nosedive the West has taken into degeneracy and evil in such a short period of time.
muh china right goy?
Pedophilia and cannibalism acceptance are the next step after gay and trans movements. Constant need to escalate
somebody can post this frazzledrip thing?
>eat babies goy, eat bugs goy... Go ahead, I ate earlier. Enjoy.
So hungry.
No, that's BS.
What's not BS however is...
Say hello to polynesian “refugees”. :)
I know this one - it was recorded and leaked by Kappy, right?
Read Adorno
Ever notice how people slide into every manner of fallacy when they abandon God? This article alone has two plain-as-day fallacies: the naturalistic fallacy, and the is/ought fallacy. First, the article suggests that because something occurs in nature, it is inherently good or beneficial in some capacity. Plenty of harmful and detrimental behaviors occur in other animals which we ought not emulate. And then the article suggests that because cannibalism sometimes occurs, it should always occur, and we should accept it. Both fallacies seem to arise from scientific materialism - "the universe is everything, and there is nothing beyond the material, therefore everything that occurs in the material is as it ought to be, and there are no higher principles by which we ought to live." But this idea contradicts human experience.
I've noticed this pattern in other areas, too. When it comes to A.I., atheists seem completely unable to distinguish between substance and accident, essence and image. Basic knowledge gets lost when God is abandoned. Ignorance is elevated. The ignorant become the gatekeepers of knowledge.
We live in dark times.
I'm telling you faggots to take your honkpill
>goylent green
Third time today for this thread. Why do jannies let this shit stay? Really makes you wonder.
Wtf is this?!
No. this is them prepping the citizen population for onions green. The best thing is that when the Great Happening comes we won't have a problem with butchering and eating humans.
they are planning for the 10+ billion people that are going to need to be fed by the end of the century, in a world where (((they))) have used "carbon tax" to take away most people's ability to provide for themselves or have any agency, the plan is for the lowest (and darkest) 9 billion to basically eat each other, and insects and vegetables, the top 1 billion (think 1st world now but with lots of "diversity") to be tax paying slaves to the JWO and eat lots of veggies and some insect protein with the weekly "treat" of some real meat to look forward to, while the 10/20 million or so on top (including all of them) live in high tech interconnected paradise and eat like kings (you know, like Americans of the 1990s) and rule over all the serfs (goyim).
Well said, I've been noticing this too. I've always thought 2012 for some reason accelerated all degeneracy. And things have just been getting crazier and crazier ever since. Something has to give at some point I hope, but I fear our societies will die with a whimper instead of a bang.
That movie is redpilled as fuck, they actually use the trope of cannibalism as a way to show the degenerate and evil mindset of the elites user.
They like the way cannibals look at them when they're hungry.
this is where elites are spending free time before raping and consuming meat of children.
You can't have a trial if you will eat the proof, right?
oh come on, but if we then start to eat the jews after we put them in the oven it's all "muh holocaust" all over again..
holy shit
it's real
since they cannot stop what is coming they're trying to normalize canniBAALism like pedophilia
it's a good sign
>so what is this all about?
china's future