Seriously Jow Forums

How do you go from THIS...

Attached: Aryan_propaganda.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

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To this.

Attached: nigge.webm (1280x720, 2.2M)

This is unironically really fucking sad. Being white simply not "cool" anymore

I can answer this. Once you have experienced black cock there is no going back. zero chance. I reluctantly accept black cock into my vagina when I was drunk one night and holy fuck I felt like I saw God. Taylor probably had some insane sex with black guys and that likely changed her. I get it.

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Trying to stay relevant

did he ever tell her why the ketchup blushed?
kinda wanna know desu

only one man get to she the "girls" and i am not showing them here. But they are pretty health and full if i do say so.

>But they are pretty health and full if i do say so.
I doubt it

soft and big nipples.. you'll get some someday i am sure unless you really are a hopeless incel.