The white border is brown hair.
black hair White skin is not white. Do you agree?
The white border is brown hair
Camden Mitchell
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James White
Looks like she cheats on her husband with Black Kings
Dominic Morgan
Brown hair is literal mutt tier. Black hair is a prize
Zachary Gutierrez
nope, the most aesthetic whites are the black and blues
Juan Cruz
Black hair and light skin is sexy as fuck
Logan Wilson
>black hair White skin is not white. Do you agree?
I agree it's always a kike meme flag posting white division threads and trying to nitpick the little things. Your constant divide and conquer tactic is getting damn old.
Angel Hall
If Superman isn't white then I don't want to be white.
Oliver Diaz
Eat shit.
Adrian Brown
The final red pill is that no one is white
Charles Mitchell