If you can't solve this, you are subhuman. Well, Jow Forums?

If you can't solve this, you are subhuman. Well, Jow Forums?

Attached: 17205535_8d51a34f014a6a66569926784fd3a933_wm.jpg (856x734, 36K)

Nice try Rabbi, it’s 6 million

3 equations 4 unknowns, nice one faggot.

Attached: 1507513940269.png (1597x1600, 532K)

literally impossible


t. niggers with low IQ

>4 variables
>3 determined equations
gtfo faggot

don't (you) me you nigger. I'm asking this brainlet how it's "impossible" when it clearly is possible.

4 equations with 5 unknowns, cannot be solved.
