
Since the dawn of humanity, every significant and major achievement, invention, revelation, and discovery has been attributed to specific names - individual people. Legends are created when individuals benefit humanity with their life's work and are honored and appreciated by posterity as a result. All theories of life and historic ideas are all tied to the men whose brains thought them up in the first place. Thus, the individual graces the masses with his talents, not the other way around. Most great ideas and suggestions have been protested and reviled by simplistic minds who cant think straight or comprehend the positive prospects of something new and revolutionary. The masses are sheep, and they demand a real leader, whether they admit it or not. Democracy is a sham. Dictatorship is the solution. The masses are far greater threat than any one man can be. The rule of numerous idiots is a greater risk than one individual who has been endowed with the gift of leadership. Every catastrophe has been the result of a mutual effort of unqualified idiots. The role of leadership being reserved for those who have what it takes to bear the responsibly on his shoulders exclusively, is enough of a deterrent to repel all parliamentarian scoundrels who would have otherwise ran for office in a democratic system of government.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The prospect of accountability is a turn off for political vandals who only intend to lie, cheat and fleece a nation and then after his term is over, make off like a highway robber fading out of the public's consciousness since they have a short memory. And the process repeats. The common man is promised castles in the sky during elections and after the 'peoples choice' has yet again made complete victims out of an entire nation after having won and served his term, the indignation of the masses leads them to vote for the former's political opposite, and like a pendulum this democratic process rapes everyone to the left, and then to the right, but even these opposing sides of the spectrum are a mere cover for a small camp of people turning the citizens against each other through divisive rhetoric and propaganda. When a democracy ruins the nation, it wasn't the system of governance that allowed it to happen, but other causes. When a dictatorship is overthrown by a coup funded by 'democratic' states, it is an overdue retaliatory response to an 'oppressive' regime and proof of the superiority of democracy - even though these 'democratic' states are simply neo-dictatorships run by a clique of Jews and blackmailed predators. Indeed a dictatorship is transparent and forthright. Democracies however, enable criminals to entrench and anchor themselves so deeply in the political circles that calling pest control isn't enough anymore. You have to burn the entire house down and start anew. Democracy does not serve the common man, but special interest groups with endless capital.

>nice copypasta.
Think about it logically, would you rather live in a society with limited government that guarantees certain freedoms and rights with politicians that can be voted out of power or live in a absolute dictatorship where the state can do whatever it wants to you and your property?
I would rather be ruled by incompetent wet fools like Justin Trudeau than competent, authoritarian and efficient Xi Jing Ping of China.
You also mention corruption, yeah liberal democracies are corrupt. But nothing like autocratic Russia where corruption is the norm and the economy is set up to serve a handful of gangsters who bought up former government owned industry after the fall of the soviet union.
Liberal Democracy is shit but its the best of the all the shit systems

>Since the dawn of humanity, every significant and major achievement, invention, revelation, and discovery has been attributed to specific names - individual people. Legends are created when individuals benefit humanity with their life's work and are honored and appreciated by posterity as a result.

Also your shitty copypasta fails to realise that the best innovations and best inventions happen in liberal capitalist countries. Autocratic china may be good at stealing intellectual property and copying shit. But they will never rival the innovation and dynamism of Silicon Valley and other areas which are hubs for American innovation spurred on by competition.

Democracy doesn't exist. Its a dictatorship with a mask on. "Muh freedoms"

What you mean a bunch of pre-selected marionettes that are placed before you, giving you a false sense of freedom, making you feel empowered like you actually are contributing towards anything? Trudeau is a perfect example of why democracy must be eliminated. Think about it logically? I have seen the consequences of this system with my own eyes.

*Inserts Churchill quote*

Churchill is another reason why Democracy is a joke. His father was a Rothschild puppet just like him. Go and worship your mulatto prince

Lmao, you literally don't even understand the premise of what I am saying.

>Democracy doesn't exist. Its a dictatorship with a mask on. "Muh freedoms".
Bull fucking shit.
Look what is happening in Hong Kong right now. These people know full well what is at stake if China absorbs them, full fucking tyranny. As I said before no system is perfect but the state can't kick down my door and beat me up because I was campaigning against Boris Johnson, That happens in China and Russia, two authoritarian countries.

Funny is it?
Why don't you pack your bags and move to China, Venezuela, Cuba or Russia?
If the West's system of governance is so shit fucking MOVE.
It's weird though, why do people from these countries flee on mass to live in the west if its so shit here and so great there??????

You're scared of getting fucked by authoritative power? You're getting fucked by power either way, except that the way our system of power is set up is sly and fractured, though equally as invasive into the private sphere. And, at least in comparison to traditional European societies of the past, a hundred times more toxic. You've been filled into believing in the fantasy of a civil mob. You've replaced wise rulers with megacorporations and Jewish money. They control the public opinion... we all know this, it's not as if they hide it. It's not as if the statistics don't prove this.

And if you think Russia is autocratic, you're an even bigger fool. The Kremlin is still tethered by the guise of democracy, meaning that Putin wouldn't dare express his will to power in the same way that an all-powerful monarch or dictator would. He still works within the established framework of the West, lest he anger the wrong people.

Isn't full tyranny what they experienced when the Democratic Brits came in and trashed China for the Jew Sassoon? Hong Kongers are pathetic cry babies who don't know whats good for them. The UK just finished putting Tommy Robinson in jail for saying mean things. And you think you are free? The '5 eyes' spy on their citizens more than China ever could. The only difference between a democratic state and an overt dictatorship is the dictatorship is honest. The democracy lies and gives its people a false sense of security while they are ruthlessly plundered and plunged into wars that serve none of their interests. "Bull fucking shit" isn't a response to anything. All I see are democratic states waging wars and inflicting terror. You're all tools for Israel. And you my Anglo pal, are a giant faggot.

LOL you are such a coward. Why would you run away from your problems?

Putin is also a Jewish tool just like Trump. It really isn't liberated from the cabal at all. Its dominated by it, just like the United States

The West has had many systems of government, and for most of our history, autocratic governments.

And the West is our homeland, our soil. Why should any of us run just because we recognize our governments as pozzed?

Putin hides behind the veneer of democratic procedure to claim legitimacy but the man is an autocratic gangster who steals from his own people. Imagine in the United States you needed permission from the government to protest or could get arrested for making an anti Trump comment. That's called authoritarianism, not to mention the repeated deaths and imprisonment of influential opposition figures.
There is nothing civil about an all powerful state and an all powerful leader. If you don't trust the mob to make decisions.
Why trust an all powerful leader?
That's like being devoured by a lion because you are afraid of being devoured by foxes

>Putin hides behind the veneer of democratic procedure to claim legitimacy but the man is an autocratic gangster who steals from his own people.

Isn't this what my post is about? Oh but it only happens in Russia!

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>Jewish tool
Are all Jews the same?
Do they all think the same and have a hive mind?
Therefore by that logic all whites must think the same?
Huh something doesn't add up.........


>Muh Chinese spying!

Meanwhile you get jailed for saying mean things to your non-white and LGBTQ++ overlords and you've lost all sense of self-defense.

China arrests their citizens for wrongthink JUST like our governments. But you know what? Despite how second-rate their government is, at least they censor speech that they deem will lead to cultural instability. We seem like jokes in comparison.

The only thing that is pozzed is your mind. Democracy, the Rule of Law and LIBERTY are European traditions adopted by England and championed in the United States. Dating back to ancient times to Athens.
Fuck being ruled by gangsters and fuck you

Your analogies are so low IQ. No where else in life do you see a 'democratic' process. Neither growing up with your parents, in school, in the military, or at work. Positions should be entrusted to those that are gifted in those fields. Liberal democracy is a Jewish ploy so they can control each of our countries through proxy, while never actually being held accountable for anything. The media, capitalists, think-tanks and political lobby's control the so-called democratic process for special interests. I am actually astounded by how stupid you actually are. Democracies do not experience theft and robbery? Oh boy. I am just going to stop replying to you after having read that. Arguing with an absolute airhead is always fruitless. Enjoy your democracy while it lasts, faggot.

You're already run by an entire clique of gangsters with big noses that pulls the strings of your democratically elected leaders.

>Meanwhile you get jailed for saying mean things to your non-white and LGBTQ++ overlords and you've lost all sense of self-defense.
You must of accidentally replied to your colleague sitting next you in the propaganda room.
People get arrested in the UK for inciting violence against people and hatred not for citing political views that go against the government or society's norms.

How does America have any rule of law after the Patriot Act was passed that gives the government unrestricted authority to arrest and indefinetly detain anyone suspected of 'terrorism' without any trial? Citizens able to be legally thrown in Guantanamo. In the UK, you have police officers arresting people for writing 'offensive' things on the internet and avoid actually prosecuting real criminals that they are letting in by the dozens to demonstrate how the English are 'tolerant' and totally not 'racist'. Fuck you disgust me.

The innovations of silicon valley are possible because the US military gave them microchips, cellphones and lasers lol

>Your analogies are so low IQ
>You're already run by an entire clique of gangsters with big noses.

What a juvenile comment and you say I am low IQ?
Do you honestly believe all Jews have a hive mind?
Do you honestly believe that because you happened to be born of a jewish mother you must be born with a certain political opinion and be 'in' on a conspiracy?
If that applies to Jews, why doesn't that apply to whites?
Do all whites think the same and have the same agenda?
Are we not individuals with differing life experiences and education and free to think how we please?

>Saying this is an abomination is inciting violence

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Greece's lifespan waned quickly— though providing a strong influence, still relevant for only a short time. Europeans have ALWAYS been most successful under proper leadership; from the time Germanics followed their tribal leaders, to the height of Rome and on all the way through European colonization. This includes YOU, Brit. You have known the crown longer than you have every known the ballot. And since the ballot, what have you gotten? A failed empire and foreign invasion. No longer does Britannia rule.

There is no question why the West is in the worst state it's ever been— a state of mass corruption, degeneracy, and ethnic replacement... this is the fault of Democracy.

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>tribal leaders,
Tribalism leads to millions of deaths and destruction.
Ethnic replacement is a bullshit myth. Whites may have lower birthrates compared to some minorities but their populations are still increasing and have never been larger in human history. White people are still increasing not declining the key is the word birthRATES.

For the lemmings in this thread or lurking. Pic related, and dumb downed for you.

White genocide is going to happen. we have 10-15 years left before its unfixable. All democratic options have not worked, it is off the table. We are being genocided. there will be no future for white children, or whites. "Right" parties are just slow genocide, left parties are fast genocide. White people are not wanted. Its obvious.

The only response is defensive action and violence against the establishments in the western world, being governments, and corporations that funds our invaders and censorship, and drugs our population on degeneracy and consumerism. People are too weak, comfortable and are not willing to sacrifice their lively hoods are aren't willing to step out of line of their jobs, families, homes. They would rather live out a comfortable life for themselves selfishly instead of giving up everything for a better future.

Sitting around and pretending they will allow some sort of collapse or waiting for some sort of collapse is not a solution either.

Start networking with like minded friends, and white people. Pool in your wealth. form communities, form ideas how to fight back. The power grid is a easy source to shut down and disrupt, same for cell towers. Make radio jammers. Do research, pay attention to your nations politics, wait for elites and world leaders to be gathered all in one point for high profile shootings and assassination.

There is no other options left. its fight or die. 10-15 years and we are too small of a population to fight back. They will also by then have AI,drone armys,and artificial wombs for mindless cultureless clones as boots on the ground.

There has to be action taken soon. There is no optics. whites are the parasites, and whites must be killed with the brown replacement program. this is the blackpill, the truth.

Soon, there will be no future for white children. We have act now. Network network network, plan, and strike. Good luck guys.

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Ethnic replacement is a bullshit myth. Whites may have lower birthrates compared to some minorities but their populations are still increasing and have never been larger in human history. White people are still increasing not declining the key is the word birthRATES.

There is a concerted effort to sow division and hatred in the West by the evil forces throughout the world.
LIBERAL DEMOCRACY WILL WIN and the decrepit autocratic regimes of the east will fall and liberty will triumph.

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The last days of a white world

As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white. Fuelled by immigration at its highest rate since the start of the last century, and higher fertility rates, the Asian and Latino populations of California have risen by almost a third since 1990. At the same time, with limited immigration and low birth rates, the population of non-hispanic whites has fallen by 3 per cent. By 2040, hispanics are expected to be the overall majority in the state.

Where California goes, the rest of America is predicted to follow. At present 72 per cent of the US population is non-hispanic whites; the US Census Bureau predicts they will become a minority between 2055 and 2060.

The global centre of gravity is changing. In 1900 Europe had a quarter of the world's population, and three times that of Africa; by 2050 Europe is predicted to have just 7 per cent of the world population, and a third that of Africa.

One demographer, who didn't want to be named for fear of being called racist, said: 'It's a matter of pure arithmetic that, if nothing else happens, non-Euro peans will become a majority and whites a minority in the UK. That would probably be the first time an indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority in its historic homeland.'

In Britain, that is almost certain to happen in London, and in the relatively near future. 'At the moment ethnic minorities are about 40 per cent in London. The demographics show that white people in London will become a minority by 2010,' said Jasper. 'We could have a majority black Britain by the turn of the century.'

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of the Foreign Policy Centre, who arrived in London from Uganda in 1972, said such fears are basically racist: 'Only white people worry about this.

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White birth rates are on the downward spiral, and they are weaponizing the globohomo homosexual and migrant agenda, directing browns at western countries, and succesfully broke up the family unit for whites. women work untill thier 40 childless, men turning gay, kids turning trannies.. How come israel, afica, and develop middle eastern nations arn't taking in refugees, why does it gotta be western whites? Its very obvious.

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She added: 'There is a white panic every time one part of their world seems to be passing over to anyone else. But it's foolish to panic about it. So what if we do become a majority? What difference does it make?'
India’s clampdown on Kashmir continues. Here’s what you need to know.
"Some analysts say this opens the door to Hindu settlers who could dramatically alter the demographics of the region and worsen sectarian tensions."

Kashmir's streets silent as people's despair and rage grow
"For many, India’s decision is a breach of trust and an attack on Kashmir’s identity."

India Revokes Kashmir’s Special Status, Raising Fears of Unrest
Human rights activists said that the moves to change Kashmir’s status were only the first steps in a broader plan to erode Kashmir’s core rights and seed the area with non-Kashmiris, altering the demographics and eventually destroying its character. Previous laws barred outsiders from owning property.

Won't allow any changes in J-K's demography: Farooq
"National Conference (NC) president Farooq Abdullah on Sunday said the party would not allow any changes in the demography of Jammu and Kashmir and any attempt to dilute the "unique identity" of the state would be resisted."

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>Ethnic replacement is a myth
New to this board, huh?

You have to be wilfully ignorant to say this. The US alone went from near 90% white to this by 2050... all in the spam of less than a century.

The ENTIRE WORLD was nearly 50% white/European by 1900 and is now 10~15% white and declining (and the influx of non-white immigrants sure doesn't help this).

The white population is slowly falling; below replacement rates and our benevelont overlords have seen to it that millions of immigrants come to fill the gap (because for some reason overpopulation in the West is a necessity).

What do you mean?

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no, they programmed us to break up the white family unit before the immigration. its all part of the 10 step plan.

again, pic related. if you take the time to search online, you'll know its all part of the globohomo agenda.

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A bit dense, huh?
Cringy reading your reply, you obviously don't know how do read a graph.
White population is increasing along with minorities. The only difference is minorities are rising quicker much quicker. This is explained with increase aid to Africa and incrasingly rich Asia. Their populations have increased exponentially but white populations are bigger than ever before in human history
To say that whites are declining is just wrong and bullshit. This is why your views will never be mainstream its pure ignorance and disinformation

>no, they programmed us to break up the white family unit before the immigration. its all part of the 10 step plan.
More Bullshit about that JOOOOS
I've replied to this guff already

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Finally you have accepted defeat, I will be sure to give a peasant such as yourself good terms.
Good Night !

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Democracy is a tool used by a foreign nation to seize control of a nation without Democracy like America, or for example what is happening in China where the group demanding democracy there is the same foreign nation who took over America.

The same group which makes every American slave away to earn the 100 million a day that they send to their foreign rulers home country and their people are even in your government and their not even American.

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How about you actually look at the image, look at the credentials, and verify its source you lemming. You're a comfortable wage slave to the system, and you're doing everything in your power to defend your precious iphone, homosexual nature, and other meaningless degenerate pleasures. Judging from your posts, i don't think you're a shill, just a very programmed individual. If you really do believe in what you are saying, that I highly suggest leaving Jow Forums forever, and stay blue pilled, stick with social media and re ddit. Quit arguing lines they programmed you to say. Every single person in this thread made rebuttal, and the only thing you're spewing back is non-critical thinking.

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You're a dipshit. It's a combination of mass immigration and white birthrates that are below replacement. That has not in any way detracted from the points I've stated.

White birthrates are not increasing in any country, they're all below replacement. Whatsmore, in the US Arabs are usually counted as white, and many Hispanics identify as such or are identified as such, so there is a further flaw in categorization.

Based Leaf.

Only Jews say Joos. You are a Jew. Yes Jews have a hive mind. It's called the Talmud and they are all working together to genocide whites and bring down white civilization worldwide.