What did Melania mean by this?

What did Melania mean by this?

Attached: melania trudeau trump.jpg (720x979, 76K)

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is that barron?

Attached: trumpstein10.png (543x573, 204K)

every woman loves trudeau

Attached: everybody-loves-canada-pm-justin-trudeau-58a5b027006b3__700.jpg (700x1354, 180K)

Trudeau is such a massive queer i doubt anyone feels threatened by him

We know where his true love lies

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1440x1060, 207K)

lmao trumps face

Thats how women look at their girlfriends

Lmao u.s president is a cuck like a true whitey the cuck calls for them

God I wish that were me