Most of you are not redpilled

Most of you are not redpilled.
You are just reverse feminist "racial" nationalists junkie losers.
You want the exact same system but without nignogs and feminists.
>You want to do drugs
>You want the same plastic manchild shit
>You want advertisers to run rampant
>You don't care about micro-plastic and waste
>You are against marriage and loyalty
>You want to screw whores and sluts

You are weak.

Attached: memematerial.png (682x441, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>You want to do drugs
nope drugs are degenerate
>You want the same plastic manchild shit
Nobody should want that garbage
>You want advertisers to run rampant
nope fuck them
>You don't care about micro-plastic and waste
not to the extent environmentalists reee about it
>You are against marriage and loyalty
only for gays
>You want to screw whores and sluts
only because all women are whores and sluts. I'd rather they weren't

Stop sliding the Gaza bombing threads.

>1 post by this id

>only because all women are whores and sluts. I'd rather they weren't
Omg retard, cucks just have to stop being their walking dildo giving them everything they want for their bad behavior.

I want to see roasties homeless.

Why do you put the words in mummy's mouth? I care about marriage (real marriage, the kind until death. divorceable marriage is not the real kind) and I care about pollution (mostly from cosmestics and dyes, woman polluting so they can live a lie) and I care about not screwing sluts (because they don't have the capacity to understand the relationship)

Heil Hitler, drugs are for degenerates, microplastics are in my opinion the biggest environmental concern after the consequences of radioactive nuclear waste, I am not against marriage or having a family since I aspire to marry and have kids myself and couldn't care less about whores

>You want to do drugs
Never once in my life
>You want the same plastic manchild shit
haven't owned any toys/plastic nonsense since I was like 13
>You want advertisers to run rampant
haven't had a computer without adblock since i learned about it, don't watch TV because ads give me headaches
>You don't care about micro-plastic and waste
Eh, keeping stuff clean is good. Better off if we can just ship all our garbage to china and let them drown in it
>You are against marriage and loyalty
>You want to screw whores and sluts

got any other stupid bullshit you wanna say?

Do you seriously case about Gaza?

>>You want to do drugs
I smoke weed about once a year, it's nice to do with friends.
>>You want the same plastic manchild shit
>>You want advertisers to run rampant
Not really.
>>You don't care about micro-plastic and waste
Sort of care.
>>You are against marriage and loyalty
Nah families are the building block of civiliazation and loyalty is great.
>>You want to screw whores and sluts
I'm a virgin, never even kissed a girl.