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what's the third? robot?



There are three gender. Male female and hermaphrodite. Are you fucking stupid? At least he didnt say theres a million.

Joe's as Catholic as this crooked bitch is, and that's just for show, if their areas suddenly went 51% Baptist you better believe the LORD ALMIGHTY would speak to them real quick and they'd convert

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He tweaked a preteen girls nipples on camera and will never be president.

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hermaphrodite isn't a gender brainlet

Yes it is. Its a combination of both. Stupid

Joe Biden's three genders:

1. men
2. women
3. young pussy/cock

So he pissed off people who think there are 2 genders as well as those who believe there are infinite genders. What a champ.


What the fuck. Was this a gaffe? A progressive statement?

Hes talking about gender in the original( real) sense. Languagelets with 2 genders(french) btfo.

hermaphrodites aren't real.

intersex is a genetic deformity like down syndrome, except its complete infertility.

the third gender is dog.

>I don't even know what the fuck to answer here...



no, intentional pandering. Video in link below


That's a deformed mixture of the 2 genders, it's not a separate gender

He's trying to be woke but not TOO woke so he can get the moderate vote. The man is a genius.

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Only 3?
Campaign over

Egg, flour, and a mixture of egg and flour
How many ingredients are in my shitty cake?

He's too old to understand the insanity of how the word gender has been redefined so I think he meant there are three sexes including intersex.

cool refreshing Diet Woke

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>imagine being a catholic democrat

Lol what the fuck is this guy on? 3 genders!?!?!?

There's dozens more than that! stupid bigot.

Catholics consider "underage boy" to be it's own gender

Is pedo a gender now?

Much This. Honey, we're in 2019 now. Biden needs to get with the program and stop being ignorant!

well, it ain't gay if it's not your gender



Biden in a nutshell:

Intersex isn't a gender.
Protip: there are only sexes; there are no genders.

>diet woke

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>Diet Woke
This needs to be a thing

god i hope so

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no hermaphrodites have eggs and produce sperm , so its not a combination of both.. they have one gender

And only one Way.

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Faggot OP and Biden both don't understand the diff between Gender and Sex.

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he meant 3 thousand.. FOX news cut out the last part because theyre bigots

>hermaphrodites have eggs and produce sperm
hermaphrodites aren't real.

Is that you Sammy boi.

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Top lel

>its not a combination of both
It's not a separate thing, it's a birth defect. You have two options, and their development got fucked up and their stuck in this weird purgatory where they show characteristics of both options. It's not it's own sex, it's not its own sex, it's not its own gender. It's like saying people with Down Syndrome are a different species.

Aren't they basically mules that cant reproduce? If you're camy even br considered a member of any species, you cant be a seperate sex. You might not even count as a person; you're closer to a rock at that point.

Asking for a friend though right?


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But it says Bi right there in his name

Joe is an empty vessel. He'll do what he can to get power and make a buck. Also, most Catholics are nominal and no better than Jews,

No, it is a separate gender. There is a whole gamut of conditions that prohibit placement into either category, and thus a third category is needed for all the boths and neithers.
Remember that there are many hermaphroditic animals, and that the male gender itself was originally a 'deformity' of the second X chromosome.
Any mutation of sex chromosomes could have proved or may prove to be more successful than XY, making XY the 'deformed mixture' between this hypothetical new dimorphic paradigm; it's completely arbitrary and subject to change given a long enough timeframe.
You're just a dogmatic, myopic retard.


He quite literally has dementia. He just reads and says whatever is put in front of him. I'm not even sure he knows he is running for president somedays.

>this is the best the Democrats have to offer.

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Why only 3 categories then? Shouldn't we have separate categories for all the various abnormalities since many of them have their own problems related to their specific "sex"?

Yes, it is. We're using the words interchangeably, as they're meant to be used.
Sometimes, not always.
There's no doubt variation and mutation yet to either occur or be documented, some of which that could prove beneficial to the organism.

>we are all female in the womb
This is feminist bullshit. Are there Y chromosomes genes on a woman's X chromosome? No, because they are Destinct chromosomes.
Men and women appear similar in the womb but the female form is not the default.

>displaying poorly developed sex characteristics of both genders that serve no procreation purpose
>a separate gender

It's literally just a mutated male, XXY. It is not a third sex, they are just feminine, infertile men. They're sterile.

>We're using the words interchangeably, as they're meant to be used.
Except that was never how gender was meant to be used. That's an invention of a psychopath named Money who drove twins to suicide by trying to prove that 'gender' was a social construct. Stop playing their bullshit game.

There are 30330 genders ~ Joe Biden

Lol I love how "theres 3 genders" is by far the worst answer you could give to that question

>doesn't know what "interchangeably" means

>just three genders

Wow, what a fucking fascist.

Just three?

What a bigot!

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Yet another proof catholicism is heresy. Take the orthodox pill, America

I can agree with that. Gender is non-essential, in that is a contingent aggregate. Soul is without gender. God is without gender. Neutral is an authentic sexual category in the spiritual sense.

No, as in, the Y chromosome is a mutation of the X, and thus XX is the precedent.
>that serve no procreation purpose
You don't know this for certain, not all variation is known or documented, further mutations are possible.
Males are just mutated females, a third thing is possible, people with Klinefelter syndrome are slightly closer to females than most males and so exist somewhere within the spectrum between the two (albeit more towards male) they are inter (between) sexes. It's just helpful to lump them together into their own separate category to highlight this difference.
The two words are interchangeable, they mean the same thing. Deal with it.

shit I need a shit of this

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>The two words are interchangeable, they mean the same thing. Deal with it.
No, they do NOT mean the same thing! The whole reason for inventing the new use of 'gender' was to create a new fictional social constructivist concept. Stop using it

Don't you fucking tell me what to do, you fucking candle-sniffer.
I'll keep using it in its original capacity (referring to biological sex) to subvert the subversion, you see how never using the word at all works out for you, how's that?


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You COULD if you wanted I suppose, but I wouldn't say you should until they prove to be beneficial enough to incur significant hereditation through progenation.
Could be a chromosomal island of stability out there, could be something completely novel; XV, XA, >Y, given millions of fucking years and/or a room full of monkeys with CRISPR typewriters, who the fuck really knows?
They're only an abnormality until they're successful, then it's evolution, but until then, just lump them together.

If you stop using it in the original meaning then you're just giving them the word to redefine it as they want.

Fucking this.

Only 3? Looks like he's not winning dem nomination

Senile dementia 101

Classic. “How about a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?”

wat wtf

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Two Plus Two equals Four

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You clearly don't even know the original meaning. Gender was never used to refer to a person


Joe Biden is a retard. Once you go past 2 genders you are not conforming to biological reality, regardless of how many genders one claims there are.

Not him, but I want to throw it in my red pills folder. I try to accumulate as much evidence of leftist insanity as possible.

>confusing sex and gender
>this deep into the marxist mental blender

Why are all Catholics pedos??
what happened to the Templars and stuff like that...
It's like they aren't even religious anymore it's just a big cult
I say this as a catholic i don't even go to church anymore

1. Male
2. Female
3. Faggot

Yeah don't worry (as in do definitely) once they figure out who can say what and why Biden will be headed to prison along with everyone who ever said they were going to shoot Trump or Sanders (sarcastically or not) because your social betters can't find any flaws in themselves when they are incapable of reason logic or of having good taste.

What's Biden saying?
well.. he should be saying anything he wants to
and if its serious or kind or true or fiction then soon we might appreciate that.

God bless you for these keks

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second. cute cat

Confusing them? They're two words that refer to the same concept; they're interchangeable in this context.
The 'Marxist mental blender' would have me use 'sex' to refer to biological sex, and 'gender' to refer to the socially constructed roles surrounding biological sex.
As I don't agree with 'gender theory' (on the principle of non-falsifiability), or the concept of gender being distinct from sex as posited by the aforementioned 'gender theory', I use the two interchangeably as is my right.

He is an ultra boomer who has no idea what the fuck any of this means and is just trying to give the mainstream talking point he half-misheard somewhere years ago.


The rate of abuse in all other churches is actually much higher. Schoolteachers abuse children more than priests do. Same goes for FAMILY members. The difference is that the Catholic Church tried to keep it hush hush. Some of the highest people in the church are gays who love young boys. Meanwhile the journalist who broke this story was a Catholic hating kike.

>The rate of abuse in all other churches is actually much higher.
Cite this, I'm not going to take the word of a leaf.