Why are blacks fighting over Popeye's Sandwich?

What the fuck is going on with this shit? Why are blacks becoming vile animals over the Popeye's Chicken Sandwich?







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this is the future, don't worry user you had no choice. the world is on a crash course and the brakes were sold years ago.

Aaand just found another video, this is fucking crazy


These sandwiches are sold out and now I fucking want one, is it that good?

times wuz, during Jim Crow, Niggers had to wait at back door, pay first, and behave.

because popeyes is amazin'

>working a fast food job in the hood

holy shit that's dangerous. i'd rather be in afghanistan.

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soon to be fighting over the insect sandwich

I went to Popeyes all out

I can't believe even Popeyes has paid shills posting to the politics board of an amine website that's a white supremacist breeding ground. You all really covered your bases huh? Bojangles is the superior choice anyways

>why are niggers acting like animals

Is the chicken "fried"?
Just saying...

Why do all niggers sound the same and why cant they just go to another store?
Why do they always destroy everything?

As a whitey I have to say that mothafuckin sandwich is top notch. Is it "beat the piss out of the drive thru lady" good? Almost. I could see someone with poor self control committing a felony assault for sure.

She takes her bra off as if she was a man taking off his shirt to fight. Women these days are so unfeminine it's sickening.

Is this the new "kill a man over shoes" type shit. Basketball americans need to stop

Because their black. I wonder if Popeyes has watermelon flavor soda too

Ahh, and these are the people who will inherit our nukes.

Don't worry about it goy, diversity is your strength - but not Israel 's.

Literal apes

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Oh look, more pro (((Popeyes))) marketing

Buy Chick Fil A

Niggers and fired chicken go together like niggers and crime

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1. dindu nuffin
2. status (yo dawg you get that new hot fire sandwich my nigga?)
3. tasty
4. location of fried chicken franchise
5. OP literally sucks cock.

Er yeah. "women" if thats what you want to call them

>these people are your equals.
>niggers fighting over chicken.
but yet i'm the racist when i point this shit out.

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>watermelon flavor soda
purple drank

bix nood


I would almost get into a fight for the sandwich

That made me laugh, sadly.

>Ahh, and these are the people who will inherit our nukes.
Comforting thought, no?

This is disturbing af. These people are breaking down over a chicken sandwich so could you imagine the state of things in these neighborhoods when shtf.

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Here's more youtube.com/watch?v=jxpeezNQ0tI

Best OC in a while

If it was an Amazon of Viking shieldmaiden fighting barechested you'd all be drooling

Yeah... and what happens when the soda fountain runs out of watermelon soda? The surrounding neighborhood turns into a riot zone? Businesses looted, cars torched, armed Koreans on rooftops? Pandemonium... Best to skip that idea altogether.

Bojangles is some redneck-nigger shit

Planet of the Apes seems a lot more likely

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The funnest ones are when the niggers kill their own family members over chicken or weed.

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An Amazonian of Viking shield maiden would had ripped her opponent head off and feast on the skull, THAT i would pay thousands to watch,

Amerilards spotted

> Popeyes
> Bojangles
When I want some deep fried Nigger bird I go to Churches. Get on my level.

lol imagine one week into welfare and food stamps shutting off. pure fucking chaos


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Popeyes is for niggers, Chick fil A is the white man's choice.


i'm heading to a Popeye soon...

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Play all the videos posted by OP at the same time.

what the fuck is with this popeyes chicken sandwich meme?

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I just tried to drive to Popeye's and the line is fucking line with tons of blacks yelling and upset.

Fuck that shit. There's a Chick-Fil-A but..FUCK it's Sunday, nevermind.

Any of you guys ever have to take a business trip with normie coworkers from a super white area of the country into a place in a majority black part of a different big city? Shit is super funny seeing their reaction to blacks en masse for the first time. These people really have no clue.

never happens at Chick-fil-A

Because they’re free right now or something like that

My takeaway from this story is how tf do parents this day and age support 8 kids?

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putting chicken between two pieces of bread is the biggest technological leap niggers have made in centuries.

I tried one. Tasty.


Because Israel is bombing Lebanon and they needed a distraction.


>he never heard any of the stories from katrina


Blacks don't de-escalate arguments. It's called a nigga moment.


>how tf do parents this day and age support 8 kids?
our tax dollars

>the north was wrong.

This is your fault goyim! You din't provide enought chiggun!

KFC false flag


This is nothing. I was looking forward to Tutsi/Hutu tier body counts, Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

popeyes knew what it was doing. purposely send out a very low supply and watch the carnage. now the mythical and rare popeyes chicken sandwich will dominate for the next month

“PAY UP WHYT BOI!!!” Is the answer you’re looking for.


popeyes is for niggers

This is kinda true, but why? Why do these circumcised idiots think they need a distraction? They lost the PR battle over a decade ago so why use the same jewish tricks?

>Why are blacks becoming vile animals over the Popeye's Chicken Sandwich?

Just found another video, holly shit what is wrong with these monkeys?


It’s fucking bizarre to see all of these Doctors, Lawyers and Computer Wizards fight over fast food.

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Popeyes could serve chicken that could instantly make you cum and I would still not eat there. Dealing with the feral nigger employees is not worth it


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Their behavior makes more sense when you view them as animals acting like people vs people acting like animals

Gives me an idea for a new foolproof whiteness test
>if there is a Popeyes in your city you are not white

These are the same liberals with the white savior complex and white guilt ones that talk about all the SJW shit and BLM, but then get a first taste experience of being around them is a whole different story. Believe me, as a military child the shit is really ugly when they all congregate like fucking baboons.

>tons of blacks

What...what are "blacks"?

cue the jew producing the amerimutt meme

>putting chicken between two pieces of bread is the biggest technological leap niggers have made in centuries.

Got news for you: whitey did it first.

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desu watermelon soda sounds great, idk why it isnt a big thing

Viral marketing, just like this thread.

Remember kids, report/sage/hide.

We need to make a free chicken sandwich for blacks coupon like starbucks

America in 21st century

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Its the new McRib.

So is this a new sandwich? I swear I had this shit last year and it wasnt anything special.

Who the fuck unironically talks like this?

"Black people...."
[lip pursing intensifies]

Is there a list of times this has happened?
The last I remember is the rick and morty meme sauce.

As with everything else.

Popeyes attracts niggers while chick fil-a attracts white people

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>Niggers in the 21st century
Fixed that for you ivan

The chicken sandwich obviously contains socio economic conditions to make those black people
act that way

Paid actors to drive more buzz about the sandwich. If it must be that good to fight for then I have to buy it!!

Don't fall for the marketing.

Popeye's puts crack in the chicken