Should we take the prisonpill?:

Been watching this guy lately. Seems the white ethnostate begins with jail. Get locked up stick to your people and they will help you improve. Make connections and push weight once you get out and become powerful white man. That's how I interpret it anyway

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Other urls found in this thread:

glow harder, jewnigger

you're doing gods work user

At 6:25 Wes admits to being Jewish and tells a skinhead he's down to die for his fellow Jews. What would he do if Varg called him out for being Jewish?

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Praying this doesn't become pasta.

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This worthless subhuman is a disgrace to Jow Forums. Old Jow Forums would have nothing to do with this roided faggot.

I thought jews didn't accept christ

All body builders have a mental illness. It's called being gay. Rich pineta was the biggest fag. Wes isn't too far away. This is as jacked as anyone needs to be. Anything above this totally fucking mentally ill/gay.

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That's the ultimate trick. Silly sand religion nigger.

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>This is as jacked as anyone needs to be.
Lel this isn't something you can accomplish natty.

I'm a neurologist and I learned a lot of things that I use in my practice from watching Wes' vids. Going in for an AB tat on my chest next week. The prison pill is the best pill.


>Lel this isn't something you can accomplish natty.

Not if you're a leaf.


Go away faggot no one cares.

And then varg coward in fear lmao.

Btw no he didnt.

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Fuck off prison bitch kike stop promoting this roided up wigger mongrel faggot.

You really are a fucking nigger,

i suppose you guys like to get fucked in the ass...
o sorry i meant gays

Lol, are they banning people for saying 'based' now?

I dont believe you

You're super high right now aren't you?

>being a felon is a good thing
This thread was created by a jew.

Jesus wasn't white. Christianity destroyed much of white civilization. Christianity was always fail-safe for when the goyim wake up. Watch how quick they flock to it over the next 10 years as the sheep wake up. Get your head out of the sand user.

Its easier to get big when you are free. Are you retarded?
Fighters are larpy faggots. I'm sure its fun and all, but no one really cares if you can kill a man with your bare hands or whatever. You would just end up in Jail. Have you ever been in a real life fight that couldn't have been avoided? Probably not. Can your kung fu save you in a gun fight? Probably not.

I'd rather just focus on my health and get bigger than learn a bunch of ninja moves I will never use.
It is lol

Yeah lets all go to prison

He doesn't say he's Jewish and no Jew would have Jesus tattooed on him you fucking idiot.

You're literally using a picture of a roid monkey cage fighter. Bravo..

Everyone has respect for this guy, and he is so completely up front about how he was full white power every single day, and I see tons of black dudes in the comments giving him props. He is too alpha. He could walk up to just about any woman, look her in the eyes and say "supreme white power" and they would fuck him right then and there. Wes Watson life.

yeah its actually good to be enslaved, it will make u strenk, it'll turn the skinnyest nerd into reichfuhrer SS

How does he get so ripped in jail? He's definitely on something anabolic and even then he'd still need a massive amount of calories to sustain without totally deflating once he cycled off.

>herp derp he works out full time
I'm in the gym 20 hours a week and trust me hitting the weights by itself doesn't do this to you.

He did not "admit to being a Jew". He defending Jesus Christ. Based.

watched a few minutes of his vids. strikes me as a whigger

Just join a biker gang or some shit, same fucking shit as a prison gang but not in prison.

This post is painfully stupid.

Don't go to jail.

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Well considering hate speech will likely be law soon in this shadow of a country... I'll see you there.

i agree op. anybody claiming to be king of jews or have tats of said king of jews on ur back is probably mental and should be in the penal system. afterall thats what its there for amirite. PAPERS!!!!


He never calls out the obvious problems with American prisons, that races aren't systematically segregated.

Right now they are draconian zoos. People always say Russian prisons are tough, and granted I don't know first hand but they certainly are more spartan, but at least everyone is either white or mongolid for the most part.

eat your bacon muzzie

Jewish dyel meme. I hate this shit.

I can't stand watching those veins

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That's not what he said you fucktard.


This is one of the funnier trolls

>everyone has respect for this guy

No, not everyone does. Dont speak for everyone.

Prison is a terrible place to be. Too many niggers and spics, and no one wants to fucked in their butt by one of those creatures. Food is terrible, guards are corrupt, you have a chance of getting veat up or killed, you're in a cage, and your prospects of getting a job when you get out are low because felon.


Chances are this guys fucked another man in the ass. If thats who you aspire to be, thats fine. Just stop shilling this criminal here.

Any idea why this guy is so retarded? He seems very confused.

>Going in for an AB tat on my chest next week

You're probably joking but you should never pose as a member of a criminal organisation, firstly, cops and prosecutors are going to come after you twice as hard and secondly, said criminal organisation is going to have you pay for your transgression one way or the other and you will never get into their ranks.

The fuck are you talking about nigger?

>Prison is a terrible place to be.
Sister did a nationwide study on prison rape. Turns out prison rape is made up, pretty much only consensual faggotry in prison. Prison is nothing like TV/movies make it look. A lot of sitting around and reading books or watching TV.

He constantly contradicts himself and his views. He needs to jerk off a few times, take some shrooms, and do some deep introspection.

Dilate tranny. Wes gives solid advice and Every man on Jow Forums need to watch his content.
>roided up faggot
This is how I can tell you're a bitch and have never had a hard day in your whole faggot life.

The whole purpose of his videos is to keep you OUT of prison, not glorify it. Wes inspired me to lift and do burpies everyday. Not fantasize about going to jail with tons of other men and niggers.

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Yeah im a nuclear physicist and Wes demonstrated special relativity in a way I hadn't experienced since Leipzig. Going to sell rock on the corner this weekend see what happens.

>Prison is a terrible place to be.

Well, in Yorp it's not that bad, still, it's not a place you want to be.

If I went to prison I'd want to go to Otisville...