Is there actually hope for whites not becoming a minority or are we all well and truly fucked?
Is there actually hope for whites not becoming a minority or are we all well and truly fucked?
We've always been the minority, and have always surpassed the majority.
Take heart brother.
whites are already the minority on the global stage.
we are about to hit tribe-like numbers before the end of the century.
We are fucked. We will be killed. Eventually whites will be antagonized and agitated so badly that they will start collectivising in violent resistance, and that will be the 'justification' to genocide them entirely.
That's the 'lamb' that christianity symbolizes. Whites are the sacrifice that will bring about the new world order (complete jewish/jesuitic despotism)
we're fucked
And boylovers are fucking degenerates
But that would just turn whites into martyrs. Figures like Isaac Newton would become even more legendary.
damn shotas always stealing those golden brown 22-32 y/o north mexican petite breeders
half the french boys up here look like this until they're 26-28+, the other half look MR.
Will it be better to wait for the mass resistance and die resisting then?
1 I'm barely just 20 and 2 lots of 19-20 years are still cute
Needs a fashy looking under cut and would become a 10/10
If hypothetically the 10% of the white population decided to work together to wipe out all the non-whites in the world. Guess what? The non-whites would be extinct.
Basically i don't find it bad if you find those in your own age range cute. If I'm 30 and haven't moved on then I'll have a problem
Globally, whites are already a significant minority
Any hope of us just adopting Jewish tactics if we become a minority tribe?
how old is he?
The future is what is happening in South Africa
I fucking hate this is happening. I just want a normal goddamn future to happen
If we become a minority in every country were fucked. Hopefully we keep waking up as early as possible
There is a possibility of this happening. Essentially that is what Jow Forums is doing. Subverting the subversive. The heebs have been totally kvetching about "fake jew" accounts on twitter. With this and old fashioned collectivism we might actually stand a chance in hell.
old enough to impregnate your women, paco
Yes. Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts. Once the jews win we will be the minority for a while, and persecuted. Eventually Jewish power will stagnate and whites will again rise to the top. We are the only race capable of doing it.
Whites are a minority in the US right now.
Its not an easy thing to deal with user. When you look at the history of the Jews you realize what kind "people" whites are dealing with. Just don't give up hope.
We are quite simply the future. I used to be very blackpilled. You need to do the real research on your own, to understand the long march of history. Nature does not make mistakes. All the wise people, all down through the ges have tried to teach you natural law. Nature will not be mocked, she is relentless, without fear or remorse. Look upon the fate of her lesser creations and weep. There is no going back, not ever. Read "Dollo's Law". It is the law of irreversability in genetic mutation and evolution. Not once, not ever, not in all of recorded history, has nature ever "devolved" a species. Sometimes the newer species appears to early adn is wiped out, but is always rises again, and way faster on successive regenerations .... ie once nature finds a genetic path to a better evolution, she can refind it even faster.
Stop worrying bro. We aren't going anywhere. Even if every white person perished tomorow, we will rise again, like a burning phoenix shooting up through an ocean of lesser creations.
A million years from now, when nature has evolved something even better then whites, we will all be acting like the niggers of today, angry and resentful, that the new man walks among the stars while whites we be left behind. Until then, we will reign supreme.
And look upon niggers with some respect, they are the best of the best of natures development of the human species from stone age times. There was once a time when they were the cutting edge of evolution! What remains today, incredibibly, is the best of the niggers.
humans will continue to evolve, there is no going back.
Not through Democracy though, that little experiment failed. Democracy is inherently the worst system of government and by its nature is ungovernable at such large populations; take the monarchy pill.
>rulers with a vested interest in the prosperity of their people, rather than caretaker officials
>each elected official has a limited time-span in which he can rob his citizens before another robber baron does the same and hastily makes near-sighted decisions; a king's lifetime is dedicated to increasing the value of his country and the quickest way to this is a prosperous community of subjects.
>but muh lord-protector of an infant king
Yeah we already have those, and elections are held for them every 4 years
That makes me wonder, could new "White people" develop through genetic adaptations to environments, as human populations originally developed their physical characteristics early on?
Based leaf. Never Give Up! Never Surrender! Take Pride in your Nation, your Faith, You Family, and your Race!
Our Pride Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!
Mmmmmmm I wanna BLOW HIM.
No, because natural selection no longer happens due to modern technology. Everyone can survive, even if they aren't adapted to their environment.
This, Canada passing Laws to let Gov kick down your door so they can kidnap your child can cut it's dick off.
Wrong. People in cities have below replacement fertility. That will strongly select for the few that do have larger families in cities.
“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”
continue pursuing peace.
Yeah, obviously people who reproduce more will make more kids, but that's not gonna turn them white.
What the fuck is with this pic? You better explain yourself. You some kind of ChiMo you fucking faggot nigger? You can end up in a real bad fucking spot for pedoposting.
Fortunately there are parts of the world where almost everyone is white.
i know a guy whos half white, married a white girl. do you you think his kids will be brown or white? do you think his daughter will marry a jamal or a chad? the mud is almost bred out of his bloodline.
Nope whites will be a minority. Still have more purchasing power. Plus whites will be way more conservative. Any hope of a flip will be generation away, if some quiverfull like movement happens.
majority/minority simply does not matter
there once was a time when no flowers existed on the planet, not one! Then one day, on a little shrub on a hillseide in modern day New Zealand, a shrub evolved to have a single, little tiny, white flower. It spread around for a while, and lived for a few thousand years ... but alas, along came some disease or fire, and all the shrubs were killed. It had taken nature four billion years to get to that first flower. It onyl took her a million years to re-evolve it, and again it was wiped out. So she tried again, this time in less then 100k years, and again it was destroyed. So she tried again, this time in less then 5k years -- she was gaining speed. You see, once the path exists in the evolutionary ladder, nature can "re-find" her old creation really quickly.
this time the flowers stayed for good, they had some help, bees, birds etc --- pollinators. and a new method was formed in propogation of plants. Soon all the plants were using a variation, it spread like wildfire. before long we had all kinds of different colors. Some colors evolved to attract pollinators, other colors to camoflage against predators, etc etc.
Now where would the world be without flowers?
Humans really aren't that different. And superior European genetics are impregnated into over a billion humans, though just 200k years ago there wasnt a single Euro gene.
the bottom line ... we are an evolving species, stop thinking in a "stage" philosphy, where our species is stagnate. And stop thinking in a linear manner, where the numbers of humans of "x" type matter, they dont, at all.
abd lastly, if your white, look up to the heavens and thank almighty god, or nature, that you are born into a life of being the best design she could come up with yet.
Be thankful, rejoice and be glad. Eat Drink and be merry, enjoy the time that has been given to you. Go forth and multiply!
>the mud is almost bred out of his bloodline.
That doesn't really happen. DNA stays forever in a bloodline. If you want an example of a nation that tried to BLEACH it's non-white population, look at Brazil. Breeding them out was a national policy, and it didn't turn out well.
Based white pill user.
It turned out better than the alternative of neo-Afrika
we already are a minority in california
all human beings share the same genome, its simply a matter of "turning off" the less desirable genes. we all could look like aboriginals is we REALLY tried.
We have an exceptionally big amount of blacks here, and we haven't received nowhere near the "needed amount of whites" for that process to happen, also most of them concentrated on the south, and only married whites.
It is possible for someone to have black ancestry and look (be) white, inb4 I'm not talking about latino standards of white or "mutt white", but it is needed 2 or 3 generations with luck on the "gene lottery" (minimum).