1 day away from New York

She’ll be wined and dined in the best restaurants and housed in the most fancy hotels of New York tomorrow.

They are going to negotiate for the film rights of her life too. Apparently, they need a male bf counterpart played by a Hollywood star, but for that she needs an affair in real life... which will be arranged now.

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I live in Jew York and I'd fuck this potato.


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ICE should arrest her as soon as she steps foot on US soil lel

it's like a sick joke. The planet is dying and climate activists are suddenly the toast of society, so massive amounts of carbon are produced to promote them.

For ultra cuckoldry, make the bf black

She's swedish after all

They're touring her around for offers. She'll sell for good money. Her holes will be put to good use.


Hollywood doesn't need to stick to the facts, as all the recent blackwashed movies have told you.

wowowowow! can you imagine crossing the ocean?! the void and emptiness! the stars and waves! what a goddess, fuck evil schools that purposely corrupt children and get them shot! home school all kids now with real knowledge and also farm and protect farms from jews! shun jews (hook noses).

Imagine being the first guy to cum deep inside her doggy style. Her downy moaning.

I want her to give me a hummer.

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She’s an mkultra puppet. If she was prettier she would be passed around like a rag doll

Jeffrey Epstein is really missing out

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Jew York? That kid ain't right. Nobody lives in Jew York. The air stinks and niggers, chinks, spics, the whole nine yards are there and it's hell on earth.

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She's going to have a white numale boyfriend, have an abortion to save the planet, and then they will adopt a 17 years old migrant child from Africa.

Shouldn't she be heading to Beijing or New Delhi instead? That's where all the real pollution is coming from.

She's docking right next to the World Trade Center. The upcoming 9/11th anniversary is the 18th (6 6 6).

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No, America is the climate culprit number 1.

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(((World Resources Institute)))

what you just said is total retarded nonsense. are you evil or just super dumb?

Just burn her.
Relaxation and fun for the whole family

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Just stop. Stop now. Stop eating your darn meat. Stop driving your gas guzzling car. Stop burning your plastic trash. Stop killing our planet! I want you to feel fear like Greta says! I want you to be miserable, to have no joy in life! I think this is the only way we can live, without joy, just constant misery, being vegan, depriving ourselves of all joy, not being able to go anywhere, living in constant darkness, hungry, starving, without proper clothes or heating.

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She really is a top whiner.

Perhaps we can get a proper opinion on all the pain these fucks have caused. Rather than New York’s and California’s festering libtard opinions

Am I missing something? Because China clearly is.

Based Sweden sending their retards to USA