@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @G7 Family Photo 8/25/19
>Pres Trump/bff Japan PM Abe Announce Trade Deal 8/25/19
>Pres Trump G7 bilat w/Leaf PM Cuckdeau 8/25/19
>Pres Trump G7 bilat w/bff Japan PM Abe 8/25/19
>Pres Trump @G7 Working Session on Intl Econ&Sec 8/25/19
>Pres Trump arrives @G7 Summit Biarritz 8/25/19
>Pres Trump @G7 Working Breakfast w/bong PM Boris 8/25/19
>FLotUS Melania visits Espelette 8/25/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FtN 8/25/19
>NECDir Kudlow on (((Fake News))) 8/25/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 8/25/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin/NECDir Kudlow comments to reporters 8/25/19
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on SunMornFutures 8/25/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @G7 Opening Dinner 8/24/19
>Pres Trump G7 lunch w/Frankanistan Emir Macron 8/24/19
>Bannon on EpochTimes 8/24/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




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At this very moment US Congressmen and Senators are discussing the 2nd Amendment. It is up to "We," the American People to help them make the right choice in preserving our right to bear arms.
Contact your Congressmen. Write them letters, Email, and Phone.
Contact your Senators. Write them letters, Email, and Phone.
Contact President Trump. Write him letters, Email, and Phone.
>1 - 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 1 1 1 1
These organizations have many contacts in Washington and can also help your message be heard. Email, Write In, and Call
GOA, Gun Owners of America
NRA, National Rifle Association
Of particular importance in this Debate are the leaders of the Senate.
Mitch McConnell
Leader of the Senate
Chuck” Schumer Democratic leader in the Senate
Finally, the top House members.

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Sources tell me Donald Trump the commander and chief and virtual dictator was forced to send a secret message to the DC government. To surrender the trade war immediately as America can not last another 24 hrs.

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What a fucking cuck, king of israel, israel's bestfriend.

What is it with Asians no understanding Math.
>US Purchases Chinese Goods
>China Sells US Goods
There isn't anything else that needs to be expanded upon there. We can shit to complete domestic and alternative third world producing (we should be anyway). China has no other market for its worthless shit.

>Brit Brong calling someone else a cuck.
Holy shit that's fucking rich.


What did he mean by this?

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you're really working the dated animu, aren't you?

looks like everybody has a good time when trump's around

You're deflecting nigger. melania is getting rattled by trudeau as we speak.

what's the basic gestalt on G7?

Meanwhile Boris begs for even more muzzies to come into the country. You ain't white anymore, achmed, your country ain't white anymore

the power of Melania....turns a gay man straight.

Stop barking dog before i put the muzzle on.

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You know that taking one picture out of context is not very persuading?

Not very much is being communicated. There will be a new trade deal with japan.

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No, I'm pointing out your bed is a literal pile of manure and you have the gall to criticized our President is looking out for Domestic interests. When the fuck was the last time your government even elected a politician that had Britain's interests at heart? Thirty fucking years!? I mean Boris and Nigel are a step in the right direction, but neither of those men would even fill in one of Trump's shoes. Let alone hope to achieve an entire cultural shift for the better like you country desperately needs.

God I can't wait for the day the last boomer dies

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She just wants a fuck without the old man smell

>melania is getting rattled by trudeau as we speak.
>Le freeze frame glance DURRRR
So, you're just a retarded faggot, then. Trump was turning his had as was his wife. While they were walking around glad handing with everyone.

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Sorry, vampire boy but he's into shall we say. OLDER women...

Attached: He's into OLDER women.jpg (634x672, 69K)

lol, no

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Do you think melania is sucking his flacid 70 year old deformed penis? do you think she is attracted to his flabby belly and wrinkled skin?

nah she just wants that trudick

Sure, nigger. Anywhere anytime.

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Why are you thinking about my president getting a bj? You have the hots for him or something? geez

why is Egypt there?

They can't help themselves. It's either this or homosexual imagery. Really makes me think.

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Kind of like how your Prince loves Drilling for Oil, eh? How's it feel to have a nigger as a crown prince!? I wonder if he'll be the first nigger in history to send out a scam email and be honest about being a Nigerian... Oh, I'm sorry British prince. Not a lot of difference between those royal families nowadays!

Donald is not getting any action, and instead Melania lusts after young canadian cock
if once a year Donnie pops a viagra and mounts her it's more like consensual rape

I love it when you lose your shit, cuck in chief

"Smaller" countries are also being invited as guests for other talks.

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No. No money, no work.


Hey when you guys beat China and take over the world again can you throw us a bone or 2?

Yep, we'll be removing all of your niggers free of charge. You have to keep the Emus, though.

Now we all agree Trump is finished, in a pathetic manner where America got humiliated by pretty much every country.
Looks like Yang will be the only salvation but you mutts are too stupid to understand his reasoning process.
Or vote Bernie, I can’t think of anyone else.
America was a mistake.

Not that we're scared of Emus, or anything like that.


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it's the cassowary you should be scared of.

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Quiet, don't tell them our weakness

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>No shit.

>At 11:02 pool was brought into the working session on climate, biodiversity and oceans. Potus was not present and pool was ushered
out a minute later. The rest of the G7 leaders were there - Boris Johnson, Shinzo Abe, Macron, Trudeau, Merkel. POTUS’s seat, between Sisi and Pinera, was empty.

don't tell them about the fuckin dinos Jesus

>*Teleports in the thread*
heh, nuthin personal Joe

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Love you prez, Trump. Let's do trade talk lunch sometime. Or maybe we will just send Boris to share the tab.

More wall, more tweets, more illegal welfare immigrant deporting, more jobs, more more more, please Prez Trump.

> Keep America Great

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> third person mixed with first person point of view
but what if i want it to be true?

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Reminder that Chinese shills are the ones pushing the TRUMP IS A KIKE SHILL posts, they also backed the Yang Gang because they’re collectivist cucks.
There was a thriving post anti-China thread on the front page when all of a sudden a bunch of anti-Trump threads slid it, and the shilling got really heavy. Coincidence?

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Trump got cucked by Macron lol

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no idea what you're talking about user

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you sound like a real go-getter

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i mean. they are the evil cunts. don't underestimate them

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You'll note how the Great Lakes are ours and not Canada's! Meaning we own 95% of the fresh water on the planet Earth!

Imagine being so desperate you cling on to half a second of still image while two people are moving their heads, greeting others to imply infidelity.

fake news

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>donald drumpf isn't a cuck!!111

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Andrew Yang will never be President.

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LUL, nice postage note faggot.
>But muh muh photo is legit!....
SEETHING nigger.


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DJT will lose 2020


WTF? I'm now a Kang for Yang!

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>I i iiiii I'm riden with BIDERN!!!
LUL, fucking kangaroo humping faggot. The only thing that's going to happen is Trump is going to win in another Electoral landslide, and probably make gains in the popular count, too. Seeing how Judicial Watch has done nothing but ass fuck the Democrat's fake voter rolls for the past two years.

new white house flickr photos up

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>alienated all his allies
>Trails in 17 states
>So unpopular it's not funny
Winning big league!!!1111 444D Chess!1111

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First Lady Melania Trump poses for a photo with Mrs. Malgorzata Tusk, wife of European Council President Donald Tusk, Mrs. Brigitte Macron, wife of President Emmanuel Macron of France, and Mrs. Akie Abe, wife of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, during the G7 Summit Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019, at the Rocher de la Vierge in Biarritz, France.

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A statue of the Virgin Mary is seen during First Lady Melania Trump’s walk with spouses of G7 leaders Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019, at the Rocher de la Vierge in Biarritz, France.

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First Lady Melania Trump’s shoes are seen during a walk with spouses of G7 leaders Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019, at the Rocher de la Vierge in Biarritz, France.

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>Reeee fuck dromlbunf
As if you have any better alternatives, Yangcucks. Take your cringey accelerationist bullshit and shove it back up your ass where it belongs.

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Views of the rock formations are seen during First Lady Melania Trump’s walk with spouses of G7 leaders Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019, at the Rocher de la Vierge in Biarritz, France.

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Uh oh! It looks like Melania is going to be fucking that Elderly Chink woman. Well, at least according to the niggers on here.

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What is 2016! Oh, wait he won that one... Oh dear...

Oh shit, now she's eyeballing coastal reef. Does her degeneracy know no bounds!?

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what age was Macron 15 and she was 40 amazing

President Donald J. Trump joins the G7 Leadership and Extended G7 members as they pose for the “family photo” at the G7 Extended Partners Program Sunday evening, Aug. 25, 2019, at the Hotel du Palais Biarritz, site of the G7 Summit in Biarritz, France.

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Only economically, dont worry. Just beware the h*ndh*lders, jannies keep giving those sickos a pass

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>Dude eating diarrhea is better than eating shit, don't you know!!!1111

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