Why are you all such jerks to women?

Women should be able to say what they like without jerkwads being mean to her

Attached: fuck off trolls-1.png (1064x652, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You know whats worse than blogging your dumb bullshit on twitter? SCREENCAPPING THE BULLSHIT AND WHINING ABOUT IT FUCK OFF BACK TO R*DDIT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Sock puppet d&c accounts

Attached: download (1).png (900x561, 88K)

I preferred circumcised women

Fuck off meme flag, this doesn't break the NAP

That's misogyny, are you an incel?

Just an southern Arab. Do you hate my culture? You are not a one of those right wing western supremests are you?

No, fuck Nazis & fuck misogynists. FGM is rooted in misogyny. Male circumcision is just cleaner and looks better.


>dishwashers have rights
sage nigger

She is crazy

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>attention where wants more attention

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Women are human garbage
Enjoy your government forced lower standards, affirmative action, special programs, and attacking white men within every aspect of life... because women are inferior parasitic pieces of shit that cannot earn what they ant through merit.

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is your ID your real name? kek


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This poor girl did this to herself? That's horrible! And now ppl are harassing her?! >:(

>crazy self identified jew has a crazy jewish opinion
who cares?

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Checked, kekked and saged

What a fuck is that? Fucking lel

Youre a newfag pretending to be an oldfag. Nobody talks like that.
Go back to redddit.

You incels are just mad you can't fuck her

Attached: incels triggered.png (1059x1192, 677K)

I prefer circumcised men too .......
.....In der gas chamber!

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Fetal alcohol syndrome much like that Greta Thunberg.

No thanks. Take off the make up.

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You're just mad over there in the UK with your worm dick cuz y'all don't circumcise there

Attached: 1280px-Global_Map_of_Male_Circumcision_Prevalence_.png (1280x657, 218K)

>prefer circumcised women
Agreed. Pretty sure we can have government pay for this

That’s a moment when incel becomes volcel

We regret to inform you that the card titled "Mommy's Debit" has been declinded your latest purchases due to suspicous activities. To unlock your card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases with your local bank. The listing follows
- 1x Monster Horse Dildo 12' Lubricated Thrusters

- 3x Backdoor Sluts 9

- 1x "Undetectable Aimbot" from AimJunkies

- 6x Magnum condoms

- 5x Bananas

- 1x Small Condom

- 2x Subscription to JakeChillz Minecraft stream

- 1x Deag's Rust Career

- 1x Gay Poster

Please respond back to us using your old email:

[email protected]

Thanks for your patience,

Wells All Mighty Lord Gabe.

Yeah great company you keep. African niggers, middle Eastern Muslims.

Keep your third world dick mate.

You are racist too? Why are there so many racists on this site?

is this loss?

She looks like she would cut your dick off in the middle of the night.

Stop being a bigot.

She would circumcise it

Fuck you, you racist nazi misogynist worm dick homophobic transphobic furryphobic zoophilliphobic pedophobe!!!

Kike detected. Are you so blinded by lies that you believe removing a part of human anatomy is somehow beneficial for that appendage?
FGM removes the clitoris, the sole purpose of which is pleasure. Bad, right?
MGM removes the foreskin, leading to loss of sensation in the glans and a lack of moisture in the penis. Your foreskin also acts as a dry lubricant and cushion for vaginal sex, reducing 'carpet burn' in a womans vagina.
Now tell me, boy, which is worse for the recipient?

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Oy vey goy, pleasure is for animals like you filthy goyim animals

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image the outrage if you said that you don't want women with beef curtains

>All these tries and she is still alive
Leave it to the women to fail even at killing themselves

A goomba

What about the part where the rabbi sucks the mutilated dicc ? What is the purpose

What I wouldn't give to bash your sloped head in with a big fucking rock, you smoothbrained urbanite. Pleasure is the only thing separating us from animals, but the only thing separating me from gouging out your eyes is the pacific ocean. But a simple transaction will bridge that gap, and thus a new age will dawn. The dawn will be met with bloodshed, men fighting tooth and nail for what's theirs. And you will fast find yourself swining from the nearest oak tree, suspended by your own innards as an example to all the other kikes, niggers, spics and insectoids who dared cross us. The cycle that breeds strong men has begun once again, and you shall perish like a feral dog under our boot, for our will is iron, and our determination unbreaking.

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It stops the bleeding goy, stop asking antisemitic questions

oy gevalt!

I don't get your argument.
You have to be a bleeding heart liberal dick not to be racist.
What's good about blacks or sand niggers.
You list them.
Don't assume being "inclusive" is the base setting.

I don't fuck garbage, I recycle it.

When told that her opinions on body shaming were going to be shared, she accused the person of threatening her. And clearly is just using her rape as a money-making scheme.

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Women are like niggers.
Childish with a lust for money and bling.

If you have to ask, you are a racist

This sweet girl would NEVER be making up being raped to get money!!! How dare you!!!


Guys why is it always pig faced (nordic looking) women?

>clinical psychologist. I don’t have daddy issues so I can’t be on MTV or occupy Wall St. catholic. Galway and southern raised. slytherin. jew. rape victim.

Yeah, she's baiting to get attention for her crowdfunding scam.
>MRAs are harassing a rape victim! Donate today!