Transabled is the next fad

>Jow Forums still hasn't discovered the subculture of gays who willingly cut their arms and legs off to become "nuggets" so they can live in a box, tended for by their dom daddy

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Yeah cut 'em off me

I could do this with stumps

Hands off me

I know I can do without

Hands on the block
Hands on the ground
Hands in the bag
'Cause you know I've found

What I can do with the stumps

The USA runs on

Why hold back?
I'll wear 'em around my neck
There ain't no holding out
There ain't no looking back

I seen the plan
I seen the map
Got no time for dead weight
Don't need no handicap

The only problem i see in this is that they cannot shoot themselves but they can find a different way to suicide anyway

We need a purge.

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I remember Alex Jones talking about this years ago I thought it was a joke.

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what's to say most of these people aren't just LARPing faggots, like the ones who post in bugchasing forums?

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Wait wait wait, people are intentionally disabling themselves for attention and disability gibs, as part of a fetish or identity issue? Damn, I thought the fat cunt that blinded herself with drain cleaner was an isolated incident. She identified as a blind person.

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I hope Drumpf cuts social services entirely.

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This is truly sad and frightening. That poor man. He's going to kill himself within a couple of years.

Every time I warm up to the idea of ending the private healthcare jew, I'm reminded that there are people out there who deserve to go bankrupt over their life choices

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>we're normal people just like you!
Reminder these "people" want to molest your children, turn them into mentally ill faggots, chop their dick off then have them mutilate themselves like this.

Killing them is self-defense.

Fuck off jew bot.

No he wont he has his bf and social provrams to pay his way thru life. The guy is mentally ill. As long as someone feeds him he will continue to be a parasite

You're right. We haven't. Now, we have. How far will we fall until it's all over?

Bleeding heart liberals are the origin of all this.

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Are we reaching Weimar levels of degeneracy yet?

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This is why we need a social credit system

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This is so disturbing. I really, really hope this is fake. The people in the audience laughing at this are deranged.

I always want peaceful politics, I never wanted to hurt anyone, and I'm libertarian about people's personal lives.

But sometimes...
Sometimes I am disgusted at a level I can barely believe
Sometimes the urge to remove this filth...

we are currently getting one
these broken people will not reproduce

They don't need to reproduce, they recruit your children through propaganda distributed via mass media, the public education system, and the universities.

we are far beyond!

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White people have surpassed Weimar already, because your people helped spread (((degeneracy))) all across the globe.

We need another flood at this point

That's a good thing

What else would you do, other than laugh?

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We execute all people with tatoos, excessive peircings, and dyed hair and those who self mutilate with especial prejudice towards trans. Not that hard.

Pls keep good music off Jow Forums pls.
Don't need neckbeard incels shitting up their fan base.

Every day we stray further from God's light.

Pozzers are still peak degeneracy but people deny their existance.

I just wait return of Jesus Christ, he will purge this earth from sin, misery and degeneracy. It will be glorious moment. Read Revelations 19:11

Fags dont wanna EAT the tendies, Fags want to BE the tendies!

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This has actually been a fetish since the dawn of time. mainly gay men who fantasies about having their arms and legs chopped off by other guys. even looking at war amputees for arousal.

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>Read Revelations 19:11

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Jesus predicted this

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start talking about the thousands who hang themselves then, worked for you last time

>totally an accident guys the pain from my arthritis was too intense for me so i took a nap with dry ice in my hands
>don't mind i'm also a paw fetishist
i want Tucker Carlson reporting on this. Now


>>don't mind i'm also a paw fetishist

Attached: paws obsession.png (581x2000, 1.75M)

Debatable. Weimar had open child prostitution where you could order lolis by phone, whereas clownworld opts for a more gradual normalisation of pedo faggotry through shit like globohomo (((sex education))) and "drag kids". Trannyism is way worse now though. The one constant is that jews are behind it all.

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time for a fucking crusade

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>Jesus predicted this

He looks like a Rothschild to be honest. Be a fool to trust him really.

>it is not enough I am mentally ill/disabled I also need to be physically disabled only then I can truly feel special

>when you are competing in multiple events in Paralympics

It’s not fake, it’s not even new there were actually always more of these people than trannies. This is all just becoming exposed because of tolerance. Trannies were the smaller number but they were encouraged now people will encourage this great job America

Just remove them from any health insurance/coverage and let them go to town.

Is that for real? Madness

The degeneracy of the LGBTQ is mindbogglingly sick and demented. Most on Jow Forums and especially the goddamn redddit/twitter/faceberg niggers who flood Jow Forums these days do not have a clue how fucked up shit gets

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You mean when he said people would shoot themselves in the arm or leg when they came? Or did he actually talk about this.

Can't they put those idiots on some kind of medication to stop their urges?
Why would anyone want to be disabled or ill?
Just amputate their heads, problem solved.

>Homosexuality is not a mental disor...


I got to help spam this LGBTN thing now. I might be able to get them to use a Raspberry Pi to keep their bodies alive and have them behead themselves.

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Well, this thread has connection to pol as the example of western society degeneration

Obviously this is fuckedd up, but this is all self-inflicted. Why are you so upset about what other people do to themselves?

They breathing perfectly good oxygen that would be suitable for non insane people. Mass murder is the only solution to stop that.

Have you heard of pozparties?

They inseminate eachother with HIV+ semen in an orgiastic fashion.

> then one day, for no reason at all

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I remember this lmao, but these people almost always want to cut off their legs, not hands? Cutting off your calves and using a wheelchair just seems a lot more manageable than cutting off both hands.

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Please, no.

If that is true, then maybe Sandyhook was faked.

Just because I larp to get morons to get pozzed, doesn't mean I would larp to get somebody to use dry ice to freeze their appendages and amputate them.

It's actually possible for the brain's map of the body to not match its actual configuration, which is one of the factors behind amputees feeling pain in phantom limbs they don't have. Some furfags claim they really have invisible tails, and then you have otherkin that take that derangement to the next level, it's possible that some of them have the same problem (but more likely they're all attention-seeking schizo faggots.)

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Because, eventually, they will promote it to children.

Why is this allowed??

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>the new
There was an entire movie made about it in the 90s

Mkultra victims given the job of pushing the envelope whether they like it or not


massive red pill

goddamn NUGGETS

shut the fuck up woman check his twitter feed
he's not only harming himself he's helping normalizing this shit and young minds might be tempted - for whatever reason - to try that new fad

the replies he should have

kys too

no fck you i'm a furry defender and will fck you up pierre muhammad

>Work for years as a podiatrist trying to help diabetics save their feet from amputation; being as careful and meticulus as I could be when treating ulcers and operating on infections to try and preserve the limbs of these poor suffering people who had made the terrible mistake of simply eating the wrong food when having the wrong genetics....
>Read this....

The people who encourage this sort of behavior are mentally ill at best; and simply evil at worst.

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yiff in hell

I'm not sure how the guy in ops pic is going to be touching any kids from now on.

We all did.

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Did your samethread get slid. Bummer NatSoc.


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>The people who encourage this sort of behavior are mentally ill at best; and simply evil at worst.
It's their body their choice. Also it's my lulz.

His tongue and lips.

>Can't they put those idiots on some kind of medication to stop their urges?
According to websites like WebMD, medications can be used for underlying conditions like schizophrenia and body dysmorphic disorder, especially when psychotherapy alone isn't effective enough.
On illicit substances, you can consider ayahuasca as a useful substance. That'll change the microstructures of the brain in an improving way.
>Why would anyone want to be disabled or ill?
Underlying mental health issues, having not enough attention or it might be a fetish...
I would name a new mental disorder that'll be logical: UFD, aka Unhealthy Fetish Disorder
>Just amputate their heads, problem solved.
That results in death

>B.I.I.D Body Integrity Identity Disorder

>In short, BIID is "a disorder in which the person desires the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or desires paralysis".

>A lot of people seem to be really interested (and/or misinformed) about it, so I'm here to answer any questions you might have!

>Edit: Please try to be respectful.


>And no, I don't think I'd be able to get a doctor to do that; most people with BIID who do do something about it go about it themselves usually by damaging the limb to the point where it has to be amputated.

>I'm a teenager and I want to be paraplegic for an odd reason.

>Basically this started a year ago i really wanted to have an electric wheelchair and not have any function in my legs whatsoever. I have always price chairs up and have thought that i will buy a compact folding one when i move out of my parents house so i can cope with the disorder. It has been very hard recently since all i can think about is my body and how i want to be in a wheelchair. I will never use it in public nor will i tell anybody about it because they will either get mad at me or worse laugh at me.

>I think you may have B.I.I.D

>Hi Don t quiet i m as you I live always with my mother. But 28years. She discovered 2 times my abdl diapers and don t like at all. I have same biid as you (use power wheelchair, not in public> permobil (not important serie (joystick pilot+ 7 keys should be a daydream) but enough new (2011 is ever old).. I have a little diplegia (by birth) so i can t imagine her reaction if i told her. And as I say : few humans runs 7mph in 1h. Power wheelchair can. Power wheelchair for me = throne Car = pile of scrap

It sounds funny from a non-medical point of view, but it's serious.

The man who desires to harm himself by cutting his legs off obviously is a threat to himself

Thread about gay furries? Have obligatory image!

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many of them actually go to Mexico to have it done. Their doctors don't care about the Hippocratic oath.

There are actually white nationalists on this board who would gladly accept these lunatics into the ethnostate simply because their skin is white.

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Thanks user,
He was talking about this in 2015

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>rico tiger (patient zero)
thread theme

Porn is turning people in to sex crazed addicts who constantly need for degenerate things to get a dopamine buzz.
We live in a fucking dystopian nightmare.
These aren't people they are dopamine bots. They have literally no other defining traits or interests. They have forfeit their humanity for a kink.
What a joke.

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That’s right. They always say what’s the big deal. But it affects everyone. Especially the children.