/BALKAN/ - Balkan thread (balkan)

Discuss how to Balkanize further

Balkanoid Übermensch:
>Bosnia and Herzegovina

Honorary Balkan:
>Roman Empire

Thread every day at 3AM Balkan time

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you mean 3 PM
also good thread

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Jebo vam sve, jebale vas 90ste, to je bilo zbog politike I ratnih profitera, batali te to, ajde da preostali normalni ljudi naprave neku zajednicu....

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>Jebo vam sve, jebale vas 90ste, to je bilo zbog politike I ratnih profitera, batali te to, ajde da preostali normalni ljudi naprave neku zajednicu....

Attached: yugo boomer.jpg (1200x675, 278K)

Split Crnagora into Crna and Gora

Split Macedonia into Norther Macedonia and Northern Northern Macedonia

I've got a better idea

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Shiet i dont know what to say

beyond based thread

actually scratch that, beyond beyond based

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>>Jebo vam sve, jebale vas 90ste, to je bilo zbog politike I ratnih profitera, batali te to, ajde da preostali normalni ljudi naprave neku zajednicu....
Jebala vas jugoslavija, ako je napravimo na kraju ce se unistimo za Atomske.....

Rose Oil merchant checking in.

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Gde se selite?


Hey leave us out of your slavshit alliance

>secede from SFR Yugoslavia
>be responsible for the collapse of what little political instability was left, a decade of gruesome wars, the death of more than a hundred thousand and the displacement of millions
>get out without a scratch

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And how many ex yugos and siptars live in Slovenia today

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Fair enough

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why aren't you on

Бaзeд aнд poзeпилeд.

Balkan master race

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>tfw surrounded by subhuman poorfag peasants

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