/BALKAN/ - Balkan thread (balkan)

Discuss how to Balkanize further

Balkanoid Übermensch:
>Bosnia and Herzegovina

Honorary Balkan:
>Roman Empire

Thread every day at 3AM Balkan time

Attached: o4h3hgf8fgh31.jpg (1000x501, 44K)

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you mean 3 PM
also good thread

Attached: 1505922204905.jpg (1200x996, 272K)

Jebo vam sve, jebale vas 90ste, to je bilo zbog politike I ratnih profitera, batali te to, ajde da preostali normalni ljudi naprave neku zajednicu....

Attached: 130532.jpg (478x677, 135K)

>Jebo vam sve, jebale vas 90ste, to je bilo zbog politike I ratnih profitera, batali te to, ajde da preostali normalni ljudi naprave neku zajednicu....

Attached: yugo boomer.jpg (1200x675, 278K)

Split Crnagora into Crna and Gora

Split Macedonia into Norther Macedonia and Northern Northern Macedonia

I've got a better idea

Attached: Macedonia_map_blank.png (2000x2000, 186K)


Shiet i dont know what to say

beyond based thread

actually scratch that, beyond beyond based

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