I bet she is the dominant mistress of the relation. Macron really liked milfs.
I bet she is the dominant mistress of the relation. Macron really liked milfs.
>Do you understand now why Macron is chasing Bolsonaro?
>Bolsonaro: Stop humiliating him, hahaha
based gilf-muff diver
How will this bitch look at 57?
Seriously macron is gay right? His wife looks like she could be his mom. There is no way he isn't a faggot posing as a straight man.
fake news
Sure, idiot
Based insulting world leaders
I love my president
dumb female detected
if Bolsonaro is still alive 20 years from now he can easily exchange her for another young girl. That's what rich men do.
The Chad family man vs. the Virgin childless grannyfucker
The madman can't be stopped
She was his school teacher and so morally repugnant.
I'm with Bosanero. Macron has made a foolish mistake condoning the predatory behaviour of teachers on their pupils. He's as good as a pedo enablers and should be impeached
I love how people get so butthurt about shit talking, yet worship Roosevelt for his actions and speeches.
When did she get a 5head?
Everything he can say, we already did it.
We mock her all the time, he's used to it.
Bolsonaro sold %25 of Petrobras to USA big oil.
So? What is the french weakling gonna do? NOTHING Coward nation filled with shitskins
Dear world, please learn it:
- Bolsonaro has an oppositional personality. if you try to talk bold against him, he'll answer in the same tune.
- Also, he'll also go for ad hominem.
He's an eristic machine: he may won a logical debate by arguments, but he will in the rhetorcs
He is from Sol Nascente (Rising Sun), the biggest Brazilian favela. This is what happen when you are from a bad hood.
Bolsonaro gave up Brazils off shore drilling rights to Big USA oil.
*He may not win
What are you talking about? And which language are you using?
Good, now we'll have some affordable gas.
Literally this :
Macron is probably the most hated president we have except for a few ultra rich.
Based and redpilled.
Normies and media seething all over the world.
I thought he was based to some extent, guess not.
Macron isn't into milfs, he's into cocks. She's just a cover wife
I had to look up what guenon means.
like a presidential ex-wife.
Bolsonaro will find a new, younger girl
That's what Bolsonaro already did, twice. Based Pocketman.
Have you not realized that noone cares?
what a retarded way to express laughter
based as fuck
There are many, MANY upstarts in Congress working in MP offices. There is also an AAA prostitution ring there
Have you ever learnt about that Budget Dwarves scandal in the 90's? It was ignited by the murder of an ex-wife of a Senate worker who betrayed her with one of those upstarts
the dude on the left is the one who fucked Macron's boipussi
Unarmed White Babies Lives Matter!
Imagine John, If niggers murder White babies all the time... Which they do and the kike Media "BLACKOUT" of nigger crime. Then what stops niggers from doing absolutely anything else criminal or uncouth?
I wound't mind even if he gave it for free, we must privatize 90% of all public business
I believe that congress fucks run prostitution rings,just beware of everything 247 says because they are PT shills and are run by the politicians