Who was right? Who did better?

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Why do you mossad shills make these threads every fucking day?

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Seriously, it's like you can't get over the fact everyone on Jow Forums who isn't JIDF knows these were both Mossad operations.

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breivik did better both were right
you being so paranoid is why white nationalist movements always fail. stfu with your projections

keep posting these threads OP its hilarious to watch paranoid schizos freak out

>white nationalist movements

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kill yourself schizo

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Both mentally deranged cowards that just couldn't make it in today's world, a shame that they didn't become heroin addicts and die in obscurity like most useless white men

Breivik wiped out the future leadership of Norway’s pro-multiculturalism party and gave that country’s left a blow from which they have still not recovered. Tarrant killed 52 easily replaceable Muslim immigrants resulting in a crackdown on gun owners in New Zealand and more global censorship against the online dissident right. So in terms of who achieved their goal with more success, definitely Breivik. In terms of style however, I would go with Tarrant.

You sound like you are bigoted against white people

Kill yourself, kike.

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Breivik's closing court statement (audio)

Court statements and letters, text

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You sound like a glownigger

both legends and two living Saints

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Hahahahah you try so hard to divide populations based on skin color that you haven't been paying attention to Trump dividing the diaspora from Zionists like you.

Are you ready for the One State Solution?

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Only kike here is you, Moishe.

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Tarrant. Breivik was a zionist who did what he did because of mussies and not because of race which is obviously the key component of multiculturalism. If you asked this spiritual boomer what he thinks about black Christians residing in Europe, he probably wouldn't mind.
The reason the media decided to not talk too much about Tarrant is that his views will resonate with people and he actually put white identity politics on the table.

both right
is this a fucking contest? no
stop reading women's magazines

White people are fine, but many are useless and only have themselves to blame. Nobody misses the endless hundreds of dead meth heads and heroin addicts, they were never going to contribute anything worthwhile anyway. I'm pretty sad that they found all of that fentanyl in Mexico today, could have thinned out some more dead weight

cry baby manlets.
useless pieces of shit
probably jews

>said the russian retard who sent a letter to (((tarrant))) so MSM can write articles about this place again
Totally not a FF operation, it's almost like they're trying to push this shit again so they can censor more and apprehend your guns
Naaaaah, it's definitely only sandniggers shilling against (((tarrant))), right fellow Jow Forumsacks?

you're worst then filthy jews you two little maggots, because of your stupidity and mental illness. fucking puppets.

The most unfortunate thing about Breivik's minecraft let's play is that he didn't stream/record it. Otherwise, a pro gamer move.

Don't you have letters to send?

Breivik actually scared the Norwegian ruling class shitless because he hit them where it hurt. He made it personal. Tarrant shot a bunch of commoners and triggered a massive backlash.

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You wouldn't get upset if you mossad faggots just stopped shilling these false flag patsies EVERY FUCKNG DAY. Do you think people will just sit back and let you kikes shill this bullshit?

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macaco tell me one reason why I should spend my time on one seething insecure shitskin

ITT bunch of kikes claiming others are kikes

you are glowing too much

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Mah dude, it ain't me that's advocating for false flag shootings nor me who wastes his time writing letters to a MOSSAD faggot whose only objective was to undermine this place
You faggots are glowing more each day that passes

get fucked

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The dude who says the MOSSAD faggot is a glownigger, is the actual glowing one?
Can't wait till that czech retard joins the party too

also he wanted to kill the cuck 1st PM but he wasn't in the place where the bomb was activated.
at least he got his target and gave norway 20-30 more years
breivik did nothing wrong

There was a military drill in Christchurch on that day, just like every other FF attack including 9/11 which the kikes also were behind.

Early reports also talked alot about multiple shooters, reports of two shooters at the second mosque where only 7 ppl died. Tarrant did not shoot up the second mosque, and in a normal non-mossad operation, the media and government would be all over those other members of a very dangerous nazi terrorcell.
But this time they just stopped reporting on it, hmmm...
But ofc the NPC normies always forget within a week so these FF attacks always end up the way the media reports on them in the "mind" of the NPCs.

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>muh le suds imma shoot up a bunch of randoms surely that will get sympathy for my cause!
yikes and sandnigger tier pilled

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neither of them attacked our real enemies
theyre both idiots

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I say why not both!

You are that idiot who spammed infinity with that hilariously retarded red text, aren't you, schizonigger.

Missed me, chimplet?

>There was a military drill in Christchurch
>shill so dumb he can't even get his own shilling right.
It was special police unit drill, retardo. And that is quite normal, they are usually training every single day if not on actual raid. If you live in any bigger western city, police is there training right now.
>Early reports also talked alot about multiple shooters
Reports is the keyword here. Quite usual in chaos of the happening.
>Tarrant did not shoot up the second mosque
Yes, he didn't get inside. He shot sandnigs outside and sent few to the windows as far as I know. He probably run out of ammo.
>dangerous nazi terrorcell.
He was alone, dummy.

>Invaders are not enemies
>future ZOG elites are not our enemies


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agent wanker, you are trying too hard. slow down, take a break, have a doughnut

this t b h

also requesting some super autist skill to see if in among the many news media coverage worldwide there's been one media outlet somewhere that published the unblurred version of pic related

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>>Invaders are not enemies
>>future ZOG elites are not our enemies

killing braindead tools does not prevent other braindead tools from being created and manipulated you shortsighted double digit iq dumbass

>t. Rita Katz

That's the czech shill that posts in every single one of these kinds of threads. He shills so much memes have been made of him.

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Leave Boomer

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you fucking glow lmao
Go back to playing fortnite faggot, adults are speaking

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rundown on why the czech republic wants to shill psyops?

It's just an Israeli with a proxy probably or a kike in CZ.

Nice try, shill. But nobody is buying.

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if they attacked anyone pulling the strings that allowed these invaders and promotion of globohomo the title of "hero" would be arguable.

but no, they attacked manipulated morons instead. they are not heros, they are total fucking retards

It seems they are deliberately blocking the release of this one. I believe some articles noted he smirked when doing that gesture too.

>let's fight the sickness and die before we can get a cure because doctor declined to give antibiotics, since it would be useless because there is too much bacteria anyway.
Nigger, go read what Utoya camp produced. WHO leader, NATO leader, people who pushed Obama into office and pretty much most of the elites who are directly at fault for zogging up Scandinavia. Those are not your useless pawns.

Tarrant is different topic, he picked his targets for maximum publicity, exposure and acceleration and also as a political message against the invaders. He succeeded in that,

>hurrr u glow
Retarded boomer faggot, why do you always overuse stuff you just learned somewhere.

Those long ones are usually mine. Shorter ones are from other Czechbros, dumb smelly schizos.

Yes, we have a secret underground base in the Prague severs. We get there via secret mossad submarine.

>but no, they attacked manipulated morons instead. they are not heros, they are total fucking retards
These people facilitate the furthering of the Zionist agenda because these events are Zionist false flags. Then they get shills to push this "hero" bullshit to set the narrative that places like Jow Forums supports these kikes. They're probably gonna try and target Jow Forums next for censorship.

>muh censorship boogeyman
8ch will be back up sometime after 5th, dummy. It doesn't work like that.

Pic very much related.

Attached: utoya.png (1898x484, 25K)

>let's fight the sickness and die
bad analogy

brevick and tarrent only strengthened the opposition because their targets were shortsighted. you vehemently defending them in this way in this thread makes me think youre a jew

>brevick and tarrent only strengthened the opposition because their targets were shortsighted. you vehemently defending them in this way in this thread makes me think youre a jew
No. They strengthened the ZIONISTS because these are MOSSAD FALSE FLAGS

>lets kill our children because the jews have harnessed them

fuck you, now i know you are a kike


>Let's talk about guys I can't even spell their names right.
How dumb you are. It's Breivik and Tarrant, you cretin.
>only strengthened the opposition
No, they really didn't. On the other hand, they both hurt interests of the international Jewry in their own ways.

How exactly, do tell.

This meme again. Pic related. Why the fuck are you talking about stuff you have absolutely no idea about?

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ask me how i know its edited? look for hebrew words

It's not edited. Go look at the fucking archive. You just hate to face reality.

>Why the fuck are you talking about stuff you have absolutely no idea about?
>said the faggot that thinks the amazon is being torched by Bolsonaro

Attached: oy_vey.jpg (370x250, 14K)

read your own pic kike, those are mostly children with undeveloped minds, manipulated by your masters

they dont deserve death, but you do

Show me where I ever claimed that.

>average age 22+ years
>muh children
US military are children too?

you did not state it explicitly, but you were shilling for eco-fascism in a fake news thread about the fires, and trying to derail from real info there by asking for dumb HUEs to post about trees that grow fast
peak JIDF
really tell us something that the same faggot falls for the same kosher tricks twice

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read the ages listed, it is mostly 18 year olds and some as young as 15

these are children, they are not our enemy, they need to be saved

>in terms of style

The memes and meme music?

>ask about which trees grow fast and say that people who celebrate the fire are subhumans
>in retard's mind it means "bolsonaro started the fire"

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> in a fake news thread about the fires
correction, shitposting libtard-bait thread
glowies are not that thick-skinned

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nah, it just means that when some non-retarded fucks like me and a few others posted real info about how the fires were bellow average, you cucks started to try to slid the info with bait and AGITPROP
it's like you're following the JIDF handbook
all just a coincidence right?

Attached: AGITPROP.jpg (532x955, 542K)

Yes I read some articles too.
They unblurred the rest of the pictures, what difference does it make if they unblur them all at this point?
I wish I knew how to hack the photo archives of the media that took the pictures in court.

from a purely technical standpoint, i agree with this


Okay, so let me get this straight - your own US military has average age of casualties LOWER than average age of victims on Utoya. But only they are muh undeveloped children by some miracle.
Nigger they are our enemies. Those are people who would in year or less start their careers in top echelons of ZOG power. These people run and ruin things. Those are not simple brainwashed kids who just need to sit down and explain world to them and they will understand, they are fanatics and true believers. Just like you - I hope - truly believe your cause and nothing would convince you otherwise, they do the same. I already gave you examples of what "people" it produces. You can screech how hard you want but the facts are clear here. There is a reason why every single successful statesman, conqueror or politician always started with own traitors.

No, you lying idiotic chimplet. See nothing less and nothing more.

traitors get the bullet first

top kek

Tarrant is pure kino, there is no other

I'm a kike also, faggot

Who loves Israel and the chosen the most POL?

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let me tag ya the thread so lurkers don't have to rely on our posts to make their minds

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