What finishing move would you use on which historical figure ?

What finishing move would you use on which historical figure ?
For me it would be Keynes and Stone cold's stunner

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Harley Race vertical suplex

i would land the delorean on constantine and crush his ass

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Id finish Lavrenty Beria off with a DDT

>The Canadian Destroyer is a professional wrestling move. The Canadian Destroyer is a flip piledriver-like maneuver

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So fuckin dangerous.

619 followed by the stink face to Karl Marx

Yeah but it destroys Canadians

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Constantine the Great would get a lion tamer from me.

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wtf did john maynard keynes do to you?

sweet chin music on merkel

I want tulsi gabbard to give me the stinkface

I'd love to hit einstein with a triple german suplex

Woodrow Wilson
The Stink Face

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I wouldn't want to get near the crotch for a power bomb either.

People's Elbow on HRC

Of course she would be lying there flat on her own accord.

i can literally smell it from here, and its not pleasant

>not a flying elbow drop
why not just give her a light slap to her bottom why you're at it

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Jackhammer on Karl Marx.

80s wrestling was horrible and you should feel bad

St Augustine of Hippo
Gorilla Press Drop

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The people's elbow lool
It's about ... hmm what's the term. There's a pride factor to it. You lose out of shame sort of thing.

still butthurt over all the anti-russian propaganda in the 80's, eh? stay mad, ivan.

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Big Boot to Churchill.
Tombstone to Jackie Kennedy, but just for the sniff. I'd be real gentle and land on my knees.

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I wanna rko Churchill


The camel Clutch
eat shit burgrrrrs

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with a boner?

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Stone cold stunner is the only option imo. That or the figure four leg lock. Maybe the DDP Diamond Cutter.

Figure four leg lock on Henry Kissinger.

Five Star Frog Splash on Cecil Rhodes, out of respect.

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