The real political truth about everything

Nothing else matters. All countries are working side by side for the single purpose of our ultimate destruction. The human leaders, who are just pieces like the rest of us, are being led (not physically possesive but persuasively coerced) by the ungodly angels who are ruling over us from outer space or the second heaven. These along with Satan cannot go up to the third heaven (paradise) any longer and will soon be struck down and kicked out of the second heaven unto the earth and the first heaven (sky). Each angel has a specific dominion to rule over, they all report to Satan their god. The Lord Jesus Christ mentioned that a house divided cannot stand. Do you think the house of Satan is divided? All sides are controlled opposition. All of Satan's angels report to him. The holy angels of God, the most high God and of the Lord Jesus Christ are in the thrid heaven awaiting the command of God to go to tue second heaven (outer space) and kick the ungodly angels and Satan out. The holy angels of God today do not help us, because the truth is that real believers today have the glorified resurrected power of The Lord Jesus Christ living in them and they can increase and magnify that power and actually do a lot of damage to the house of Satan ie renounce the hidden things of dishonesty and shine light on the darkness and cause exposure.

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Take your schizo meds user and go to sleep.

Also this platform was denying me to say that you should listen to a real pastor in the faith, his name is Martin Richling and he runs a school named the scriptures alone bible school @

Ask yourself: do you have the righteousness of God?

he's actually 200% correct

Are you justified in the sight of God?

You are a sinner. You have broken the laws of God. You cannot pay for those sins because God demands perfection.

Even if you stopped sinning today, you would have to still account for those past sins. And you wouldnt know how to stop sinning anyway.

God commands everyone everywhere to repent, that is, to change your mind (to have a change of heart). God commands that you repent. You have broken his laws in his creation of which you are a part of, and the punishment for that is the second death. That's the lake of fire.

God commands everyone everywhere to repent, that is, to change your mind (to have a change of heart). God commands that you repent. You have broken his laws in his creation of which you are a part of, and the punishment for that is the second death. That's the lake of fire.

The lake of fire you wil burn forever in torment, and thats the price of sin.

One would be naturally inclined to seek forgiveness. One may think of trying to correct the terrible destruction that awaits. What could you do? Honestly, what can you do? Ask forgiveness?

Seek God? Seek some help? You would naturally ask for forgiveness, as the law does say. However, today that is not the case.

That's changing. The good guys are winning.

Today God not only commands you to repent, he specifically orders "that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world become guilty before God"

You see, to him your sinned cursed mouth and throat are like an open sepulchre, full of stench and death. As a lost sinner, God doesnt love you. In actuality his wrath is literally revealed from heaven against all your ungodliness and unrighteousness.

No. Wrong there is a deception. What seems to be good guys are actually ebil people appearing as angels of light. All the same team.

God says you are unrighteous. He is righteous. He is righteous but you are not.

There is good news. Jesus Christ is the only man, the Son of God, that could be perfect all his life. He never sinned and lived a perfect life. He died innocently and since he did nothing wrong and did everythig right, he was resurrected by the power of God. This man is perfect. The perfect man.

This man God himself provided for us sinners as a way to be saved. God made this possible through the death of his Son, through faith in his blood.

You see, blood is very sacred to God. It is where the life thereof is. God has faith that his Son's blood is the payment for your sins, God believes in his Son Jesus Christ as the proper Saviour for you. A fellow believer named Abraham believed on God fully persuaded. Thats an example on how we are to believe. Fully persuaded.

So why dont you, in the privacy of your own heart, with a repented heart and a stopped mouth not asking for anything, have faith in the blood of Jesus Christ as the full payment of your sins, and believe in Jesus your Saviour, fully persuaded in God that he will justify you freely.


Also, notice how you don't ask God for forgiveness? You see how you don't "accept" Jesus into your heart? If you were attending the scriptures alone bible school, you would learn a lot

You will learn that the gospel today is found in Romans, not Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc

You will learn at the scriptures alone bible school that your apostle is Paul and he is the one you are commanded by God to follow, whether jew or gentile

You will learn to have confidence in the book you are commanded to read everyday day, which is the Pure Cambridge edition of the king james bible. You will learn from the scriptures alone that the book is all authority. Verse by verse.

Willfully calling oneself a Christian is a stupid thing to do. We are not christians.

you will learn the stablishment commandment, which is the commandment for the obedience of your faith. Thats how you become a full stablished believer, abounding therein in thanksgiving.

At the scriptures alone bible school, your head will explode with all the knowledge you will receive. You will see everything almost instantly for what it is, you will see people differently, because you will have an understanding of the true peril that lies before them.

You will grow in the measure of Christ, you will be gathered unto real believers, real preaching, real fellowship. Most importantly, you will know the real God.

If you want to be in a real church with real believers, learn the bible for real and understand everything concerning God and the scriptures, go to get in contact with pastor martin richling and he will tell you what to do. He is a real pastor. He does t play around. This man is the real approved deal

The gospel that will save your soul today is found in romans.

The first four chapters

Nowhere else

Go to
The scriptures alone bible school, where the holy scriptures are taught aright!

There is no other way

If you dont care about your soul, you will die forever

Take heed now that you arenjn yhe land of the living or else, DIE!

Christians go to hell, mislims go to hell, jews go to hell, Americans go to hell, afrocans gp to hell, Portuguese gp to hell, chinese go to hell. All who are not believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are have not faith in his blood for the redemption of their soul, filly persuaded are going to hell when they die.

Do you really want that?

Dude im trying to recruit more souls for my super secret super cool demonic army.. shuduuupp!!!

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The more this shit goes on the more I'm convinced the only solution is spiritual. Politics is a neverending black vortex of hopelessness and the people calling for violence in realizing the futility of politics are feds. And spiraling into increasingly fringe political and philosophical esoterica is a faster way to become a rootless nobody than consumerism and hedonism. We need to participate in living Christian communities and stop being weird e-dipshit LARPers self-deluding ourselves into believing we're aristocrats of the mind or white racial warriors. It doesn't mean accept the anti-white horseshit or become a Zionist or any of that shit. But we need real community and LARPtown is not real. We need real virtue not delusions of grandeur. We need real spiritual direction. Esoterica is just rootless and ephemeral navel gazing.

TLDR; go to Church, faggots

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