You're not poor!

>Listen goyim, you are not poor. America's poorest are richer than almost the entire world!

I fucking hate this argument so much. Idc how the rest of the world lives, I care how my fellow countrymen and I live.

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>Idc how the rest of the world lives, I care how my fellow countrymen and I live.

the point is that you are already living better

do you not realize that 90% of the earth is full of people who live in ramshackle huts next to rivers of sewage? meanwhile you're whining because you have to drive 3 minutes in your working automobile to a mcdonald's to get chicken nuggets.

>mention Israel
>Ben Shapiron goes off on a mad tirade about antisemitism
he's a slimy fucking kike no doubt, groomed by Kissinger himself after all, people don't want to be wageslaves and indebted servitors, and the truth is under a better system they wouldn't have to be.

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just because some paraplegic is eating shit in Uganda doesn't mean people have to accept feudalism till we do reach that level.

>richer than almost the entire world!

But only if they take their income out into the rest of the world and away from a place where costs are higher than anywhere in the world.

Over 60% of the population was considered middle class 70 years ago and as of 2015 less than 50% of the population is middle class. 70 years ago the middle class took home 63% of all income earned in the country and as of 2015 the middle class took home just 42%. But youre right we should be grateful because we have it better than Nigeria

>U.S. households receiving Food Stamps spend about 50% more on sweetened drinks, desserts and candy than on fruits & vegetables
What is wrong with you people?

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but yeah you're right, this argument is stupid, they used it against the gilets jaunes. Motherfuckers somehow expect people to smile while knowing deep down that their kids will have it worse than they had.

post her pre-op pics, benny boy

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People aren’t poor, they just think luxuries are necessities and spend their $$ foolishly.

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>I care how my fellow countrymen and I live.
Most of your fellow countrymen live better than almost the entire world.

He does have a point. Youcre not doing objectively bad, you're just bitter about the rich neighbours.

go post your pics on /x/ faggot, I don't want to have nightmares tonight

She looks happy. No way I'd take pictures of myself with that schnoz.

But if you are a liberal globalist that believes the “rich” should pay their fair share, the “rich” quickly becomes the American middle class that needs their wealth taxed to pay for pet projects throughout the world.

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abigibbon shapiro

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you can move ahead with minimum wage and a lot of hours, maybe save 1K a month if you live in trailer park and eat lentils. the problem is that the mental discipline required to learn how to code on the weekends is just beyond what we intellectual animals are able to handle. people just want to watch youtube videos. it destroys lives and instead of being super rich, these people progress ever so slowly, not even saving that 1K per month per earner because they wont live so humbly and according to what they can afford. and what do they have to show for it all. do they even have 'fun'? it would be better to live like a 'robot' and work hard 24 7

Orthodox Jews are notorioualy greedy and only believe in socialism for other Jews. The idea of being taxed and having that money spent on the welfare of gentiles is abhorrent to them, because they feel any charity they engage in should go towards other Jews. They ravenously compete to aquire wealth in other countries and redistribute it to Jews within their community or back to Israel where needed.

That is why Ben Shapiro opposes universal healthcare in America, whilst supporting it for Israel. We know damn well, little Benji wouldn't advocate for "free market healthcare" in Israel like we have in the US. And so it goes for much of the hypocritical stances Ben takes.

The problem is that you can't blame the poor for being materialistic and hedonistic while the rich promote both of those as indicators of success.
People want to be rich to have more and do less because it's the only merits rich people found in what legitimize their power.

>welfare niggers free rent
>welfare niggers free hot/cold running water
>welfare niggers free gas/electricity
>welfare niggers free cellphone and data plan
>welfare niggers with refrigerators, stoves, microwave ovens
>welfare niggers with televisions, stereos, DVD players, computers, PlayStation
>welfare niggers own automobiles
>welfare niggers weigh 300 pounds

Fuck welfare niggers

Killed it

Hes pretty good for normies. I started with Mark Levin and then listened to Shapiro and then discovered /pol and down the rabbit hole i went.

Ben crying identity politics and then whining ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL MUH 6 GORILLION really started to piss me off. I hope someone calls him on this shit one day. Also his foreign policy is horrid

Its pretty damn clear to me that he truly loves Israel more than America. I have no doubt if both countries were going to be destroyed and he could only save one he wouldn't even think about America

>where costs are higher than anywhere in the world.
Lol delusional

Rich people dont have power, powerful people tend to be rich which is another thing

>Rich people dont have power
nice one

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Its a good argument for why we should close our borders and prevent globalism

Exactly. I believe that capitalism will always lead to globalism without strong regulations. Idk what system would be better but having a system that requires infinite growth on a finite world is nlt logical. Not only that but capitalism is loyal to nation and only making more money

>But youre right we should be grateful because we have it better than Nigeria

Exactly. You know how big the middle class is in Nigeria?

The point is that this country is becoming two classes, the rich and the poor. This is an unstable society and has not worked anywhere. Countries need a large middle class to remain stable. And blind worshippers of capitalism like you wonder why socialism appeals to the future generations

This is the end product of thousands of years of successful slave breeding in all it's glory on full display in one post.
Eugenics in action.


That's not a person it's an elephant seal


t.Guy who gets paid 6 figures by NGOs to sit in a chair and support Israel on YouTube and Fox News.

>I fucking hate this argument so much. Idc how the rest of the world lives, I care how my fellow countrymen and I live.

And you aren't poor. In the US, the "poor" don't starve, have things like food, clean water and luxuries like electricity. The "poor" in the US live better than the "middle class" in 90 percent of the world. I hate kike shapiro, but he does have a point. You have to have a mental illness or a drug problem to be homeless in the US.

>hurrr who cares if the quality of life is tanking from the high point it had once been at, a point reached thru functional economics and healthy statecraft
>durr at least it's better than Zimbabwe's quality of life, be grateful
>hurr dur if you goyim in America could only appreciate the qualiyy of life they now have, none of you would care that it has objectively tanked from a past higher point due to deliberate sabotage
>just don't even pay attention goy

Selfish? It's pretty damned self-destructive to give handouts -- to your own detriment -- to anyone breathing that demands them.

I think you too are missing the point. Pointing at Guinea and saying "Look! Youre so rich compared to them. Stop whining!" Is absolute bullshit. The middle class is shrinking in America and the wealthy are only getting wealthier. We are becoming a country of rich and poor. Idc about (insert country here) that Americans are better off than. Trump is a warning to Washington. If things dont get better for the majority we will absolutely get socialism

>Idc how the rest of the world lives, I care how my fellow countrymen and I live.
Pretty good attitude for 250BC, troublesome elading to the need for alliances and trade in the middle ages, actually caused Imperialism and expansion of Empires, directly responsible for global waste of wars. Democracy is opposed to you and your lack of values.

Just because the corporate oligarchs have brainwashed you into thinking you'll make a million dollars one day doesn't mean you can glass the earth when it doesn't happen.

I dont want to glass the Earth. Im pretty anti-war in many cases. America is a tremendous country with tons of potential and it is bullshit to have to compete with shithole countries that will work for pennies. It is equally bullshit that our elites are happy to send those jobs to those shithole countries. America doesnt need the rest of the world. It needs us. America is very large and has tons of resources. America could literally achieve autarcky.

the word "poor" is a relative definition.
You dont get to compare people whos ancestors busted their ass to build civilization, to people who have never word a day in history.
A white person will find land and farm it.
A nigger will sit there and tell their kids to eat mud.
A white person will move the fucking rivers
a nigger will make their women and kids walk 11 miles a day for a jug of water

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No one going to touch this?