Do it, faggots. Prove him wrong

Do it, faggots. Prove him wrong

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I literally can't.


You can't expect to fill The Academy with virulently anti-White, anti-Christian, anit-Western lunatics and then expect it to retain prestige.

Name one catastrophic climate prediction from the last 50 years that came true

Agree 100%
The very notion we can change the climate on earth is absurd

Academia is dog shit. Peer review is a joke. OP is a faggot.

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>"for some reason the people who rely on public belief in anthropogenic climate change ALL insist that climate change is manmade, why can't you find any articles saying it's not caused by man written by people who would be out of work with a worthless degree and published in journals that wouldn't exist that are essentially career/business suicide?" btfo OP he totally got us

It's really that simple. There are two things keeping this myth afloat: the appeal to authority fallacy coupled with the fact that the "authority" would be unemployed if they didn't always take a particular stance on this issue is half of it. The other half is this "lmao the climate obviously changes why would you deny that it does" meme. Essentially it boils down to "pick one of these extremes on this issue, you'll be wrong either way but people will call you stupid if you pick the one that doesn't siphon billions of dollars from the first world to the third world" and it's a false paradigm. Yes, "the climate" changes. It always has. The spin is in "you either think the only countries with restrictions on emissions at all are to blame for this, or it doesn't happen at all" shit. If carbon emissions and shit DO somehow (citation needed but let's pretend) drive climate trends in a meaningful way, then China, India, nations that aren't the US, Canada, etc, are responsible. If (as the evidence suggests) humans DON'T meaningfully contribute to climate trends, and you acknowledge this, you're stupid and believe that weather isn't a thing and temperatures globally are totally static hurr durr. Hegelian dialectic and nothing more.

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you on geologic time or biblical time?

I am so glad he was fired

>scientific journals are the gatekeeper of analysis
I hate this meme. You can self publish on Amazon for hardly anything. You don’t need a journal article to have a well supported stance.

There are zero proofs climate change is man induced. Absolutely zero. Their only argument is


This is a whataboutism. If the right wing doesn't offer a better way they'll start losing elections.

>real scientists
how to spot one 101

They're the same.
Actual geological time is the same as actual bible time.

Can I become a scientist without education?

He sounds like a faggot. He's wrong.

Someone send him a link to Lysenkoism.

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Yes you can. Just publish scientifically sound papers in acceptable journals and you will be considered a scientist after a while.


Thank you, fren. Time to become a scientist then.

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>muh peer reviewed studies
>muh polar ice caps will be gone by 2014
>muh Manhattan will be under water by 2016
>muh global warming is now "climate change" because all the scary whites predicted didn't happen
>muh Rapture, I mean, climate apocalypse, will happen in the next ten years
>and when it doesn't, it'll happen ten years after that
Fuck, religious fanatics are all the same.

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I wish Manhattan was under water desu.


This. If Academia in the modern age wasn't such a joke, maybe people wouldn't treat it as such.

Explaining that it's a manufactured "problem" and doesn't have to be "solved" at all is whataboutism? Whataboutism is "well WHAT ABOUT (unrelated thing)" not "this is why the topic of discussion is a waste of time and money" you literal retard.

The right wing is. It's the following. The US stops protecting global trade with the US military. The global trade system collapses. Industry reshores to the first world where environmental regulations exist. Large parts of the third world die off because they're no longer getting food shipped to them. Africa and Central Asia see a 50% to 80% reduction in population as global trade collapses. Jobs return to first world and workers vote right wing. Protip: people don't give two shits about the environment if they can't pay their bills.

based Greg

Name one catastrophic climate prediction from the last 50 years that was peer reviewed. Use this moron's measures against him.

Yeah, the entire LA basin would be underwater as well. Oh well.

Tell him to look at how many climate change studies are peer reviewed, then ask him if he still wants to use that as his measure of legitimacy.

African deforestation from nigger ownership

i considered a serious challenge, but not for a 1postOP
no no nonono

and subsequent desertification*

>if you can't get anti-warmism published, then complain in public
>but stop complaining in public about pro-warmism

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no wait muh methane now cuz motherfuckers are wise to co2 not doing it

why isnt climate change being left to the scientists to solve if it actually existed
seems like every left wing politican wants to take away a few rights because of it

Why aren’t the coastal cities already underwater?? They said my place on the coast would be gone and that’s why I sold it for 80% market value.

>If there is bias and corruption in the peer review process, everyone needs to know about it.
*blocks his path*

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Global warming just flew over my house!