Are white men being subverted or are they just leaving white women?
The Asian Menace
What's with the sudden re-emergence of Elly threads?
Elly Tran Ha
useless thread from texas
Those are NOT real.
I've never seen a real asian woman that didn't look like a twiglet.
I genuinely find Asian women more appealing. I would prefer to marry a white woman and make pure white babies, but white women are a fucking disgrace and don't deserve love and affection. So Asian women it is.
White women have turned into whores, and black women are unfuckable. Asians are the only quality women left.
Same, getting an infertile asian and convincing her to get a european surrogate is the dream
Asian women are only hot in 2D. White men aren't leaving white women for asian women. White men are leaving white women to get away from white women.
At this point it doesn't even matter.
Gooks are gross without makeup.
I have. Some gooks got big knockers
This. The white race is done, might as well enjoy my feminine jap gf.
It's the western diet, fattens them up.
This 100%
they're being subverted and shitting on white women is a low-hanging cope, easily caused by the amount of propaganda against whites here, on twitter, etc.
note the coping thought process here.
actions betray his beliefs. this poster wants to fit in and to not be attacked by his peers on Jow Forums, but getting his dick wet with easy pussy like a 60 IQ nigger is the most important thing for him. putting it this way sounds badly and invites criticism, so he covers for himself by instead acting like it's somehow impossible to find a good white woman.
boobs make all the difference
Do you realize that it would take generations to undo the damage and degeneracy women willfully accepted? I'm not going to save some whore and sacrifice my life for some zoomer faggot. I don't care anymore it all can burn. White women can fuck off.
stay the fuck away from my women, you're as bad as jamal
White women are just being outcompeted. Everything has a price/value curve in a free marriage market.
>Unpopular opinion
Asians = least attractive race
Why are you complaining? More prime AAA white pussy for you, Chad. Enjoy all those classy white girls.
For me it's the wide hips small waist combination. My gf has it and I love it.
Really? You think she nigs are more attractive???
Just make every white woman have a value that's abobe every Asian woman, and make every white woman have a marriage price lower than every Asian woman. Fixed
Until then understand the reality
Asian women are raised to appear and act submissive but it's really a trap. (but not the worst kind of trap) If anything.
"Topping from the bottom" is the perfect word to describe most Asian women. It simply means being in control while you're the submissive. Or in other words: Being the top while fulfilling the bottom role: topping from the bottom
Chinks are always lying to further their race.
Once they realized how worthless everybody really thought they were, chinks began resorting to underhanded tactics like the true betas among the animal kingdom.
Saddest part is that all anybody wants from any chink is their money... not even their presence or culture is valuable.
Just look how they were treated during construction of the American railways.
How I'd love to return to the days where every ditry chink was one bad word away from being grabbed by his scrawny yellow neck.
i had to wait like 10sec for my eyes to adjust to tell whether or not she was nude
You just said the same thing in 3 different ways without actually explaining what you're talking about or providing any kind of examples. Mind explaining what you mean?
no one is asking you to marry a whore or to single-handedly work for generations to right all the wrongs in our societies.
nevermind wanting to contribute to your race and your community in a more noble way, we're just telling you to stop acting like such a spineless incel faggot who ostensibly doesn't even want to fuck women or have a gf.
unironically not all women are like you describe. I'm almost certain the actually white anti-white posters are just terrified of getting rejected and playing the dating game after years of seeing demoralization propaganda on the internet and the things you people have become are utterly pitiful.
get your shit together, there is never no hope.
Good white women exist. A lot of them. But their price is sky high, and there's a fuckton of decent Asian women with far more reasonable prices.
Asian women are much better and more loyal and they love white cock. White women are bitchy and feminist.
I wasted nearly 9 years of my life on feminist white women. Whites are going extinct anyway, might as well enjoy what little time I have here with an asian gf that actually appreciates me. Besides I'm italian so I'm not even 'white' to you guys anyway.
>I'm almost certain the actually white anti-white posters are just terrified of getting rejected and playing the dating game after years of seeing demoralization propaganda on the internet
Literally nobody cares what you suspect. Not everybody who refuses to marry some coal-burning white skank is an """incel""". Some of us simply have little to no good experiences dating white women and have come to the conclusion that they make terrible wives, mothers, partners and even friends. I am thirty years old, I have wasted 10 years in the game trying to find a salvagable white woman to mother my children, I am not wasting another 10. If you can't cope with that idea without incelposting then chances are you're a white woman yourself.
>stop acting like such a spineless incel faggot who ostensibly doesn't even want to fuck women or have a gf
All of the people in this thread want to fuck women, they just don't buy into that retarded idea that you should fuck only whiteoid roasties. Fuck off tradcuck.
Did she look like pic?
She does like to wear dresses but they're usually to her ankles.
>get your shit together, there is never no hope
Promoting infinite improvement inflation isn't the answer. At a certain point, the decent Asian woman who demands 2.5 days a week at the gym is better than the good white woman who demands 6.5 days a week at the gym. You either need to lower the price of good white women or raise the price of decent Asian women.
I see this posted everywhere, what is this from??
Anna something from Buzzfeed
>from Buzzfeed
Delicious, hope she got the hapa baby she craved.
She has a nice figure. I would engage in acts of procreation of various styles with her.
I don’t class niggers as a race because I don’t class niggers as human
anna akana
Really? Doesn't look like her.
Azn women are such a meme.
Here's how it went for me:
> Traditional young man
> Want traditoinal woman
> White women acting like degenerate trash
> Repulsive, vapid whores
> Oh hello traditional Japanese QT
> Can cook, clean, care for their man
> Finally swallow the red pill
> Get over yellow fever
> Date some white American women
> All cheating lying lefty whores with nothing to offer but warm holes
> Get job in Eastern Europe
> Meet based, traditional euro cutie
> Get married
> Kids will have dual citizenship
> Properties in US and EU
> Fuck ya
Happy for you user. She your slavic qt?
how to get job in EU?
I'd give her a hapa baby
how to buy gf?
>Are white men being subverted or are they just leaving white women?
No shit we're leaving white women. White women are fat discussing pigs. Asians all the way bruh.
You and me both user. She's unironically pretty cute.
Studied abroad, set up internship, got job
admit it chump you're an ugly, socially awkward incel that no decent white women would ever want. That's why you resort to a white worshiping noodlewhore.
one of the reasons why noodlewhores end up with white men in the first place is to have half mixed white children. they know their gook genes are inferior and they want an upgrade
>White women acting like degenerate trash
Yep that's the step where I am now and enjoying every minute of it
Happy for you man, hope you have many babies together.
You're in Poland lol, your country is fine. You're talking like you're in burgerland or some other doomed western country. Take a break from pol.
A Chinese bitch gave me chlamydia once
It actually pisses me off that Asian women prefer white men. They are just like white women. Race mixing, society burning, whores.
It hurts knowing I will never have an asian wife frens
If you're a half way decent looking white guy you can easily get a good looking asian wife.
>t. average looking white guy with an asian gf.
dude some of them can be really cute if they're mixed with the right thing
Yeah, you’re right. Lust has been the stubborn sin that I keep giving into. I should do better.
Don’t breed with Asian women if you’re white. I tutored a Hapa kid and all the memes about it are true. I felt bad for him
This. I have seen some beautiful and I do mean beautiful hapa women.
So what? Don’t race mix.
I know that mate, but I dont live near a hotspot where they gather like california
Ahh well I'm in Seattle if you look hard enough you can typically find them.
If you only knew how bad things really are.
Fuck who you want, just don't make disgusting mutt babies with them, your country is like 98% white ffs
So would I user
What the fuck Poland you have higher suicides than FINLAND???
I look into those chink eyes and all I see is that chink cooking that dog alive and this chick falling under an escalator
side effect of flooding our countries with foreigners desu
when you count man only, yes. when you count both sexes, no.
subverted ? no
More like woken up to the fact white women are cunts more so then Asian girls.
>tfw dark room
>They are just like white women
If they were just like white wamyn they'd be collectively using institutional power to harm Asian men. Obviously they don't do this, only white wamyn do this shit to their men.
look past the surface of propaganda my fren
Higher male to female suicide ratio. Polish women are cheap whores that fetishize foreigners and hate their own native men. They have all the negative traits of traditional women and modern women combined.
I don't fucking care anymore
This, but unironically.
A girl last weekend who's hapa told me "being half asian is like nature's photoshop"
Why does she look so much like the bb I was banging 2 years ago..
She wanted kids & everything..
Haha yeah the one I know doesn't make a huge deal out of it but she once joked she got "White tits and asian cuteness"
>white women start dating niggers
>"yeah bbc is better, white guys are gross :)"
>white men decide to date asian women
femcels and bbc whores sure are funny
white women are all super bitchy princesses
never go full chink
Typical, you've got the best demographic situation compared to any western country other than (maybe) Iceland and you'll just throw it away because some Polish whore hurt your feelings one time lol