Nigger Hebrew Isrealites made it to Germany

The thought in itself was scary, there are actually "people" out there that think we have been cavedwelling monster savages that stole the history of niggers. And some smart nigger created us in the image of the devil. There is a lot of infuriating shit, kikes that provoke "we WILL replace you" for example, nothing though is as scary as having actual retards believe in religious nonsense like that, this is witch burning tier shit, only proving what backwards idiots they are. Anyways, they made it to Germany, preaching in the streets of Bremen, Frankfurt, Berlin and so on. How is this allowed, people like that are the reason how i even came here, how i started the hatred for niggers, but i was always glad they only existed in the U.S. This world sucks so much, our government would rather invite hostile, delusianal, psychopaths instead of doing anything good and useful

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nice blogpost faggot your country won’t survive a decade without US protection. enjoy being enslaved by russian subhumans and gooks while being flooded with niggers due to being connected to africa by land lolol

The European races are in for a struggle. While more people realize what is happening and start making irrational decisions in a futile attempt to save themselves, our governments will use it as justification to further efforts of surveillance and authoritarian conduct to preserve their course of action and suppress all who resist. It's gong to get ugly, violent, and depressing. I don't see a way out and it worries me.

Soulless kike

They just yell on street corners and bother people. They're as dangerous as any other nigger. No more, no less.

The danger posed is the increased cost of living associated with these low IQ social misfits from the need to feed, house, and fix property damages they impose. The increased cost of living shouldered by the working citizens will make it more financially difficult to have families with more than two children. The end result will be increased importation of social misfits and an endless cycle of decline and misery.

What if any of them get into a position of power? As if they wouldn't use it to do horrible shit to us, and Germans would be too afraid of being racist to deny them

> I don't see a way out and it worries me.
It's reasonable to be worried. But there's people that have gone through what the west is moving towards and survived. Eventually, however long it may take, things will get better again. Just keep doing whatever you feel is good for you and people around you.

They wuz kangs, you racist

Doubt they've ever been elected to anything here except maybe a stray city council

and are you scared of speaking out clearly? are you putting meme stickers in the streets? at schools?

Few things make me happy. I trust nobody around me. I cannot discuss my fears with even people I am closest to because they do not understand the problem exists yet and are drunk on televised propaganda. Only I and the government who likely labels me an extremist for discussing these concerns knows what I perceive is going on. This is happening to all European peoples globally and there is nowhere to run. It's eventually going to be like South Africa.

I am grateful for your optimism

German or [[[german]]]?

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I am not, there is no one that wants to hear it though

so you are a lefty in the end, right? no one wants to hear it. hahaha. sure. totally unbased shill.

go out, do something. order some stickers, print memes on your fucking printer and put it up at schools. or just fucking enter die Grünen

Are you retarded? Literally no one wants to hear it, i try to tell everyone i know what is going on, i explain it, they can't even argue with it, they just go "whatever" and that's it you dipshit

You need to make them afraid, Hans. Fire works wonders.

rofl on one wants to hear it. what are you talking about. i red pilled my whole family (without my sister), the whole family of my wife and
a substantial amount of friends. what is the problem? really? is it so hard to meme the hypocrisis of the left? print it. put it up. it is effective.
otherwise you are a shill. you practically are a lefty. whats the matter? don`t you have a printer? fucking print 20 memes. take some fucking
glue and put it up at the schools. whats the problem? really?

Black magic was the backbone of Nazi Germany's technological revolutions during the war.

Space ghost niggers worked hand in hand with faithful german Nazis up until the allies began marching into deathcamps.

The Jews claiming reperations for what was done weren't even the real victims.

The real victims are the space ghosts who still decided to help the white Nazis defend Germany from the treacherous Jews, even after those same white germans had betrayed them in favor of the jewish rat people not just one time but many different times prior.

White germany betrayed black germany at the jews insistence.

Jews then betrayed white germany, but the spirit of black germany was there to help.

Black germany was really mad at white germany, ala the destruction of white germany, but jews still got it worse.

Now there's no real jews left thanks to the efforts of black and white germany, only pseudo-jewish soviet rape babies.

Blessings to all my space ghosts out there!

Good. Service Black men

Here in America, you'd get beaten in the middle of the street for publically promoting homosexuality amongst the black community.

It's all for shit's and giggles, Vladimir.

We know what scares you the most and it's Americans of all colors working together to stamp out communism from every corner of this gay earth.

You've been warned.

Thats actually the best reply ive gotten yet since ive been doing this. You people will lose obviously though.

How, you are numerically, mentally, and physically inferior. You are not as well armed as whites. Your idea of "tactics" is gang raping lone women in parks, and burning down your own neighborhoods for no reason.

Lol what. Your own women support socialism incel. You arent even allowed to talk about your ideology in public.

Glad to see you acting scared now, comrade.

Now that you know what's really at stake, the actions of one single women or man cannot matter beyond what they already mean to that individual person.

Say it with me, now, Russian:
proceedings for real American citizens.

As a foreign entity, I am not entitled to provide an accurate depiction of the circumstances prevelant to any particular American or Americans.

Say it with me, Russian:
I am a slave to the asian part of my dna. I do not have a culture of my own, so I will seek to destroy other cultures as a display of obedience and respect to my chinese masters.

Just desire for you to act out your repressed sexual desire for black men. I have no ill will towards you and pity you. It is obvious most on this board are closeted homosexuals with the constant BBC threads

>nice blogpost faggot your country won’t survive a decade without US protection.
Too bad male babies don't receive US protection, they only get US abuse...

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I ran out of toilet paper...

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Just wait till you have done your bidding, and you will find your right place in the hierarchy! And reasoning with your overlords is futile.

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>How is this allowed,

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Then for now, focus on those few things. When you figure out a way or get some kind of opportunity to change things for the better, or if you want to prepare for the worst, feel free to take action accordingly. But if the only thing you get out of anything politics-related is anxiety and hopelessness, then get away from politics. Don't forget what you've learned, but also don't sit around and stress yourself out for nothing.

Just move away from Europe in general it didn't affected the U.S. because there's already a million retarded "religions" here and all those ideas are generally only accepted in cities like Detroit and never find themselves outside of it. I don't know if it'll be the same for a country that has completely new "immigrants" that already are biased against you and where a majority of the population lives in cities.

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Don't forget to archive the wikis.

Is it these dudes?