Just stop complaining it doesn't wo-

>just stop complaining it doesn't wo-

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking based.

the first victory in a long time.
actually based.

This is why Disney forced RottenTomatoes to change the way users can do reviews. Because these marxists know a majority of the population is against this bullshit and they have to silence the masses to push their agendas.

>refusal to cut homophobic content
>high sales will mean approval of homphobic content
>an opportunity has arisen to cause massive but hurt and all people haev to do is buy a video game they might enjoy.

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About time a game studio stood up to the cuckoldry

One of the artists for this made the doom hentai mod

I will buy a copy even if I had not interest in playing it.


anyone still watching Hollywood movies deserves their fate

What game is it?

Let me guess, you're californian

It has begun.

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>"ogay" written on a 2 polygon bottle is homophobic content

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if they edited it out, then it wouldn't be a successor of the duke nukem



The funny thing is that the bombers trying to prevent the cutting were probably bombing along side those who wanted it cut and neither side knew it.

Just bought this game specifically because of this. Fuck trannies, go be mentally ill in the speed running community.

I finished Ion Fury 2 days ago and I don't recall see any "homophobic" content. SJWs would never lie about this would they?

Buy this game lads.

It looks like cyberpunk Duke Nukem, seems like a nostalgia fest.
Wonder if my boomer dad would appreciate
especially when I tell him it offended fags

Even the lightest gay joke triggers leftists, so you probably missed it.

restera salt is only second to ol' plebbit.

checked and the führer's party membership at that

Attached: BBUQmkT.jpg (624x416, 35K)

*membership number

>homophobic content
>it's a soap with "OGAY" as a joke, referencing/satirizing "OLAY" brand soap

Jesus fucking christ these scum sucking journalists

How is this anti faggot?

Some of one of the dev's (Terminx) comments from discord:

Terminx: there is no feminist slant in this game though

Terminx: some of them are f****** nuts.

I’ve heard stories of them getting pissed at people on twitter and tumblr and “doxxing” them and trying to get them fired from their jobs and shit

What kind of crazy person decides to ruin your life because they disagreed with you on the internet?

Like what the fuck

Terminx: something I don’t really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the “slut walk” which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it
Might have to pick this game up. Looks pretty cool desu

In the end all that matters is the money


>On August 16, 2019, less than a week after the official release, Discord chat logs from members of Voidpoint were shared, displaying purportedly transphobic remarks. Following multiple requests for a comment on the situation by gaming news sites and retro gaming-focused YouTube personalities, Voidpoint and 3D Realms apologized and pledged to institute a zero-tolerance policy on disparaging language. They also pledged to remove a gay joke and hidden text including a homophobic slur, and donated $10,000 of Ion Fury's initial sales to the Trevor Project. The developer response yielded mixed reactions, including a considerable increase in negative reviews on the game's Steam page and accusations of censorship. On August 26, 2019, the developers stated that they would not be removing the gay joke but has removed the homophobic slur.[16] Polygon cited the increase in negative reviews which targeted the game for the declared content removal.[16]

Sound like cucks to me. Fuck em.

Money talks.

Is that seriously it?

Did they take back the virtue signalling money they gave to tranny indoctrination for children?

Oil of ogay?

Attached: All the Keks.gif (400x170, 479K)

Im buying Ion Fury. I will not even play it. Consider it a $60 donation to the “fuck your feelings” fund.

This. This is probably the only website not filled to the brim with bots, paid shills, and rigged trends. The only reason it seems bad is because we can call them out

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Should be the title of their next game.

imagine how spineless does those cucks have to be to bend the knee twice in less than a week

Look in the thread

they wanted to donate 10k$ to a transgender foundation

Retarded logic. They made the typical mistake of cucking to 'outrage' then decided against it once they saw that support is actually starting to swing the other way. Obviously better if they never fucked up in the first place, but this sets precedent.

When will these middle manager cucks just tell the media and SJW racketeers to fuck off?

For that matter when are we going to get a fucking RICO racketeering probe into the media over this shit? They are very clearly using their influence to extort protection money from companies if they don't kowtow the SJW party line

A transgender foundation that targets children.

But read , they're still being retarded cucks by apologizing for perfectly reasonable remarks made in private, donating bunches of money to trannies, and removing part of whatever the left found offensive. This sounds like a halfassed backpedal to try and appease both sides.

Because they thought they had to if they didn't want to get assraped by the bad PR from SJWs.
Now that they're seeing people standing their ground against the crazies they probably won't do it anymore.

Stupid fucking gook. Go kill some dogs and eat some cats you slant eyed retard


Missed that. Fair enough.

>Video game publisher listens to the people who actually buy its products instead of an army of transexual provocateurs who don't even play videogames.
Legitimately surprising at this point.

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im buying the game just to support them. i dont even game anymore. maybe ill gift it to someone. anita or someone like that

And they removed it, but then walked it back but only after donating to a tranny fund and apologizing? And you nu-Jow Forums faggots think they are ‘based’? Oh my how the mighty have fallen.... any spineless faggot company that flip-flops on their decisions like this is NOT worth your money. They are NOT based. They are playing both sides for shekels and you kids are too young to even realize it. A fool and his money are easily parted, though, and they clearly understood that concept

/nupol/ can't into reading comprehension especially amerimutts DONT BUY THE FUCKING GAME THEY ARE KEKS AND SOIBOIS FFS

What game?

>buying games
>from faggots who apologize

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Proofs they donated to trannies?

I’m just following this thread, video games are for children

Not all of us are bowing.
t. Dev (not of this game)

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the goal was coverage. nobody buys a game because of politics. most wont refuse to buy one over politics. cry about it celebrate it none of that matters

Agreed. Screw em.



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>Hate speech
Please tell me this is parody

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Should ask them how whatever was racist.

I found the proofs since the worthless leaf wouldn't.
They're giving 10k to a suicide hotline, not that it will make a difference to the 42%.

>he wasn’t around when we wuz KANGIN
u ned 2 go bak tootpaste

U 2

Fatass computer gamers don't represent even 5% of the population let alone the majority lmao

>Breaking the tiny bit of faith I still had in Gaben..


They're still mandating "sensitivity training", still donating to some tranny charity, and they still removed the hidden "fagbag" dev comment in one of the maps.

Virtue signalling at it's finest.

That’s it?
South parks guitar hero did more

Fucking this, their game deserves to fail as punishment for their cucking. Cucks must fail until they learn

Is the first mainstream pushback to leftist PC culture in videogames? It begins.

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Do you really not know the we wuz kangz meme?

>why is homophobia protected by free speech?
lmao absolute salt, nuke the fags, orientation war now

why not they buy chicken sandwiches because of politics why would video games be any different

resetera is on suicide watch

It is basically Duke Nukem 4. It is built off the Build Engine and stars a character originally meant to be Duke's sidekick in the original version of Duke Nukem Forever from 99. It is as legit as it gets.

Nice digits.
I also never understood the compulsion to append ‘phobia to everything. I’m not afraid of faggots, I hate them for what they do to children. I’m not afraid of Islam, I hate the fact that they are so insecure and weak that they need to decapitate all non-believers. Also why did they chose ‘anti-semite’ over ‘Jewphobia’

The point is making them admit that they know it.

I'm aware of what it is, nigger.

Bought the game about hour ago, can already tell is easily best boomer shooter in modern revival yet

Will buy a copy. Do the same

ahhaha look at this shit ..

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>The pendulum has finally started to swing back.
Good times ahead next decade, hopefully

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That's actually the most important thing.

>jokes on you i was just pretending

LMAOing at this company. They're getting flung around everywhere by outrage mobs and the didn't have the balls to ignore them in the first place. That's literally all it takes. Ignore them.

>i'm afraid it doesn't work like that
"You're not part of the hive now"
lol, fucking fags, man

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That tranny Shad has the smuggest avatar I've ever seen. This fag knows what's up with the transphobes.



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>don't even complain.
they actually think this, when you look at every excuse they provide it always boils down to "give me a sense of prestige and appreciate me". they want you to support their self image at the expense of having an honest look at the world. they want to control your opinion of them, and they can't be honest with themselves about what they are after, so the resulting course of action is they fuck around with your hobby.

This isn't some "both sides" compromise. Now that they've backtracked, they seem to have chilled the goodwill of the progressive room - casting doubt on the "sensitivity training" promise and basically undoing the virtue of the donation.

Voidpoint's twitter now contains historical record or hypocrisy, however you want to look at it.

I'm curious to see how this'll play out, though. The Resetera original thing was quiet. I didn't hear about this shitshow until I saw the comments on the trailer a few days after launch - and it looks like the right-leaning outrage brigade spewed the original apology out.

I'm really curious if the mob literally cucked themselves - getting what they wanted but scaring off the centrists or rightists that saw the reviews or the first wave of outrage - and the leftist goodwill is gone so that's more negative word of mouth.

people who dont like leftist propaganda are definitely in the majority.