Read this book

Read this book.

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I can't read

just tell us what the problem is.

Political authority

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u da real mvp

yeah no

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kinda looks jewish..

oh look a libertarian states has all the things people need police to protect your property, courts to protect your property and a military to protect your property.

>responding to your own posts

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No, thanks, I already watch Sargon of Akkad.

Not another one of these fucking threads again.

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Based and Serbpilled.

someone should ask that doofus why should poor people be coerced by police courts and the military into protecting property?

he asks why people should submit to government authority?
is he advocating a free for all? no.
he thinks people with nothing still need to support police courts and a military.

a fucking shill for the rich

Basic gestalt my nigga?

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It only works without Jews and in high trust systems. Which means something powerful has to exist outside it to enable it to exist. Which kind of defeats the purpose.

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People have been writing about this subject for decades since Thomas Hobbes and before then..

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libertarians are weak and feeble

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bump. can confirm that this book is based as fuck.
also excellent is:
Against Democracy by Jason Brennan

There's an inherent irony in reading a book that tells you what to think with the message being "don't trust other people to tell you what to think".

In the world, people seek out a leader that represents their wishes. (Just like how you sought out this book to try to justify your position). It has nothing to do with coercion.

Or in other words,
Freedom vs Authority is a ridiculous false dichotomy. Freedom just means disorganization. The true multichotomy is your privileges vs the privileges of other competing groups. Without organation, you will lose.

>pseud detected

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No state no security