One year later, press s to spit on his grave

One year later, press s to spit on his grave

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The only republican with balls, the vast VAST majority of the rest are completely spineless.

>oy vey


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Is his funeral still going on? How many weeks has it been, now? I've heard that it is the longest funeral ever performed.

I wonder if Patriots left the needle in.

A literal, god damned traitor.

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Too bad he didn't fall into line for you.

Johnny wet start was such a bad pilot

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fuck, time flies.

Thnx for preventing the repeal of obamacare you fucking asshole. S.

>third accident

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Hopefully Cheney & Rumsfeld are next


Fuck that crook. I'm pissed.
I was told his condition would lead to months and months of excruciating pain and I feel cheated.

He didn't suffer near enough.

Dossier-disseminating, ISIS-aligned, Obama Care shill John McCain
(S)age, not even worth a thread

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Too bad he was involved in countless trafficking cases.

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I salute this man who lived and died to serve our country.

>apparent engine faliure
retard bumped the throttle lever

S for McStain

F for brave tumor


Press F for his tumor, sacrificed for America



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Wtf? I used to draw this when I was younger. I don’t even know why I did. What is this from?

What was his deal anyway? He died a politician, is that the destiny of all these days? Dying for futureless USA while smiling and shaking hands with globalists who seen you as a nice asset.

It was a long time coming.